
Who is the only person in history to become emperor as a champion, and how did he become emperor?

author:Flying Fish says history

Wen | Flying Fish says history

Who is the only person in history to become emperor as a champion, and how did he become emperor?

Champion? emperor?

These two words in ancient societies represented two distinct classes.

To take it now, for example, the champion represents a migrant worker, and a migrant worker with personal strength, while the emperor represents the boss and is a powerful boss.

This analogy is also inappropriate, because the roles of the boss and the migrant worker in the current society can be transformed into each other, just as the so-called: thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, the recent migrant workers can also become tomorrow's bosses, and tomorrow's bosses may also become the day after tomorrow's migrant workers.

But between the ancient Emperor and the Emperor, if this identity wants to be converted, the probability is very small, but it is not zero probability, because there is a Emperor of the Emperor in history, this person is Li Zunyan of the Xia ShenZong, in this regard, the Xia Shen Sect is a cattle man.

Who is the only person in history to become emperor as a champion, and how did he become emperor?

After all, there are so many leaders in history, and he is the only one who can become an emperor.

Throughout the history of China, there are more than 500 emperors, and the person who has won the emperor's throne as a champion may be the only one, but if you compare this unique with the only one of Wu Zetian, it is obvious that Xia Shenzong is not qualified enough, but if you talk about talent, Wu Zetian is slightly insufficient, because Li Zunyan is a very talented champion.

Since Xia Shenzong was originally such a cattle man, how did he become emperor, this matter must start from Xia Shenzong's life history.

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the Western Xia of the Xia Shen Sect. </h3>

Western Xia, is a political power established by the Dang Xiang people in northwest China in history, the early period and the Liao and Northern Song Dynasties coexisted, and later with the Jin Dynasty, a total of ten emperors, enjoyed less than two hundred years, in the long river of history, on the influence and sense of existence, Western Xia can be said to not even count as a shooting star, at most a candle.

Many people's understanding of The Western Xia is also derived from Jin Yong's novels, especially the Princess of the Western Xia in the "Eight Parts of the Heavenly Dragon", which is a haunting existence, but the real Western Xia is by no means Jin Yong's Western Xia, in ancient times, the Western Xia was synonymous with remoteness, and the Central Plains did not know them deeply.

Who is the only person in history to become emperor as a champion, and how did he become emperor?

And the Xia Shen Sect we are talking about today is the eighth emperor of Western Xia, that is, the third monarch from the bottom of Western Xia, so from here we can also see that Xia Shenzong is not the lord of the Western Xia Dynasty, otherwise how can it not leave a strong family foundation for future generations.

In fact, this can not all be blamed on Xia Shenzong, after all, he was originally only responsible for displaying his talents, as a yuan, he did not seem to do a very good job as an emperor, but this did not affect his uniqueness in history.

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Li Zunyan's identity. </h3>

Li Zunyan has been very intelligent since he was a child, and the history books record that he is: Duan Zhong Ming, less mechanics, Long Bo Tong Qun Shu, Gong Li Seal, to put it bluntly, it is talented, outstanding literary talent, if he has been responsible for displaying talent, maybe he will do a good job.

In order to get everyone's further approval, Li Zunyan, who is more than 30 years old, decided to participate in the court examination, and the result was that he won the first place, becoming a veritable champion, which made many people give him a thumbs up, but many people were very dissatisfied with Li Zunyan's approach, which referred to the intellectuals of Western Xia at that time.

Who is the only person in history to become emperor as a champion, and how did he become emperor?

Because of Li Zunyan's practice, they were dim, and besides, Li Zunyan was not a poor intellectual, his background was very deep, and he was the son of Li Yanzong, the king of the Qi Dynasty of the Western Xia Sect, which also said that Li Zunyan was not short of money, and his life was worry-free, and he took the exam just to prove his talent, but he ended up occupying the position of poor intellectual.

However, at that time, Xixia was these nobles who had the final say, even if these noble princes wanted to play, the people at the lower levels could only accompany him with a bitter smile, and Li Zunyan, who became the leader, was very proud, but what he could not imagine was that his father had prepared a big gift, which was about to be buckled on his head.

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Li Zunyan's status as emperor. </h3>

Li Yanzong was Li Zunzong's father, he was the king of the Western Xia Sect, placed in the Central Plains is the same surname of the prince, the status is naturally not low, and at this time the emperor of The Western Xia is Xia Xiangzong Li Security, although the name is safe, but the environment he is in is not safe at all.

Because outside the Western Xia, Genghis Khan's Mongol state rose strongly, in the face of the Mongols' step by step, Li Security finally took the initiative to defect to Mongolia, and launched a war against the Jin State under the leadership of the Mongols, which further intensified the internal contradictions in the Western Xia, and the people's voices against Li Security became louder and louder.

Who is the only person in history to become emperor as a champion, and how did he become emperor?

When Li Yanzong saw this situation, he naturally felt that he could not waste this heavenly good opportunity, so he raised an army in Liangzhou, and finally Li Security could not resist Li Yanzong's attack and announced his abdication, which was good, the throne was vacant, Li Yanzong was not polite, and supported his son Li Zunyan to become the eighth emperor of Western Xia, Xia Shenzong.

Therefore, from here we can also see that Li Zunyan was able to become emperor because he had a good father, otherwise how could he be honored with a great treasure just by relying on his own bookish business.

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Li's abilities. </h3>

As the only emperor in history, Li Zunyan is supposed to have talent, so what about his ability to govern the country, in fact, it is not very good, because after he became the emperor of Western Xia, he still followed the governance strategy of Li Security,Why he and his father could overthrow Li Security's rule, he did not seem to learn a lesson from it.

During Li Zunyan's reign as emperor, he fully explained what responsibilities and obligations vassal states had, and after Li Zunyan became emperor, he still always submitted to Mongolia, and the Mongols said that whoever they fought, The Western Xia would be responsible for sending troops, and the result of daring to resist was to be beaten.

In this way, in Western Xia under the rule of Emperor Xia Shenzong, the people's life was still miserable, and it was impossible for Western Xia to survive in the cracks between the Jin Dynasty and Mongolia, after all, the strength was not enough, the two powerful regimes always had to rely on one and offend one, and the Jin State that Western Xia offended was not easy to fight, and Li Zunyan was also defeated in successive wars against the Jin Dynasty.

Who is the only person in history to become emperor as a champion, and how did he become emperor?

Later, the people's call for Li Zunyan's abdication rose again, and under the combination of internal and external difficulties, Li Zunyan finally chose to abdicate, passing the throne to his second son Li Dewang, calling himself Emperor Taishang, and Li Zunyan also became the only Emperor Taishang in the history of Western Xia.

It can be seen from this that being able to become an emperor is not necessarily a good ruler, and although Li Zunyan's life is legendary and has created many uniques in the history of Western Xia, his ability to govern is really not flattering.

In May 1226, the Mongol army launched an attack on the Western Xia, and just when the Mongol army attacked the Western Xia Hexi, Li Zunyan fell ill and died at the age of 64, and in the second year after Li Zunyan's death, the Mongols destroyed the Western Xia, and Li Zunyan may not have thought before his death that the Mongols he had been in for a lifetime would eventually want the life of the Western Xia.

What do you think about that?

References: "Yuan History", "General History of China", "Western Xia Shushi", etc.

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