
Dai Kasa and Hu Zongnan conspired in the bathroom, and no one was allowed to be present, and Chiang Kai-shek was furious when he saw the contents

Among the many major events in China's modern history, there have always been many opinions about the death of Dai Kasa, and from some secret materials, we can more or less reveal some of the hidden feelings behind Dai Kasa's bizarre death.

Dai Kasa and Hu Zongnan conspired in the bathroom, and no one was allowed to be present, and Chiang Kai-shek was furious when he saw the contents

As early as 1944, Hu Zongnan mysteriously ran to the Dai Mansion in Chongqing and conspired with Dai Kasa in the bathroom for more than 2 hours, during which Dai Kasa separated everyone, which showed the confidentiality of the conversation.

What did Hu Zongnan and Dai Kasa talk about? The two agreed that after the death of chiang kai-shek, they would seize the power of the Kuomintang, one focusing on the military and the other on the political and economic lifeline.

The details of this conversation are recorded in the "Memoirs of Shen Drunk", Shen Drunk may have exaggerated his own elements, but from the data point of view, the relationship between Dai Kasa and Hu Zongnan is indeed extraordinary, then there is a question, the two are so arrogant and undisguised conspiracy, do they trust each other? You must know that if someone makes a small report, the consequences are unimaginable.

Speaking of which, the friendship between Hu Zongnan and Dai Kasa is actually very complicated, the two are not only Zhejiang compatriots, but also from the Whampoa Military Academy, with these two layers of relationship, Hu Zongnan has taken a lot of care of Dai Kasa, he has always recommended Dai Kasa to Chiang Kai-shek, pushing Dai Kasa to the high position of the head of the secret service, invisibly forming a relationship of interest exchange.

With human investment, it is natural to receive a return; Dai Kasa is in charge of the intelligence network, and often provides chiang kai-shek with information on the activities of high-ranking officials at all levels through secret channels; Dai Kasa once gave instructions within the military command that as long as there is information about Hu Zongnan, he must personally look at it; good information is reported unchanged; good information is reported unchanged; after the poor information is filtered, the big things are turned into small things, so that Chiang Kai-shek's evaluation of Hu Zongnan is getting better and better.

After Hu Zongnan and Dai Kasa each became a major member of the party, because of their early origins, the relationship between the two was one step closer, Dai Kasa wanted to engage in private armed forces, Hu Zongnan transferred a lot of northwestern officers to assist him, and because of their good female color, Hu Zongnan also selected more than 60 female students from the Seventh Branch of the Central Army University and gave them to Dai Kasa in the name of joining the secret service training class.

It is no exaggeration to say that the relationship between the two has been good enough to not distinguish between you and me, for example, Dai Kasa's life is very exquisite, the things he has used, it is never allowed to be touched by others, this can be said to be the occupational disease of the secret agent, but Hu Zongnan arrived at the Dai Mansion, just like entering his own home, eating and wearing as he pleases, without the slightest taboo, Dai Kasa did not show the slightest dissatisfaction after learning about this, just said that the big brother was happy.

Dai Kasa and Hu Zongnan conspired in the bathroom, and no one was allowed to be present, and Chiang Kai-shek was furious when he saw the contents

Perhaps it is precisely because of such an intimate relationship that Dai Kasa will choose to chat with Hu Zongnan in his own bathroom, but the paper cannot contain the fire after all, and the conspiracy of the two is still heard by people with hearts.

At that time, Shen Drunk had the right to free access in the Dai Mansion, and he was responsible for Dai Kasa's security work every day, because he was Dai Kasa's confidant and a real power figure in the military command, so Dai Kasa did not have much defense against him, and Shen Drunk wrote them in his memoirs after hearing these secrets.

He could hear it, indicating that others could too, and at that time, Tang Zhong was arranged by the old Chiang Kai-shek to be in the military command to carry out limited surveillance of Dai Kasa, and as some fragments of the conspiracy were exposed, Chiang Kai-shek could not help but be furious after learning about it, and the two of his most reassuring confidants actually wanted to divide the world equally, which was really anti-heaven.

However, when the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression entered a critical period, Chiang Kai-shek was not in a position to make a big fuss and could only pretend not to know.

This conspiracy has not attracted the attention of anyone, and no one has linked it to Dai Kasa's death, but the author believes that there is a great connection between the two events.

Dai Kasa is very conceited, but he constantly does the act of bending his own knots, he is snuggling chen cheng of the civil engineering department and the two brothers of the Chen family of the central government, and even Kong Xiangxi and Song Ziwen, cheekily interacting with the big men within the Kuomintang, but he is sticking a cold ass on a hot face, and people do not bird him at all.

Chen Cheng despised the military command very much, believing that the party-state did not need to shoot black guns behind its back and say bad things about the secret service organization; since the establishment of the Zhongyi National Salvation Army, Dai Kasa's meddling in the military circles directly touched Chen Cheng's anti-scales, and as minister of military affairs, he demanded that the miscellaneous armies of the whole country be reorganized in order to dispel Dai Kasa's unrealistic thoughts.

To this end, Chen Cheng also stepped up measures and took the initiative to attack, saying that he would strengthen the role of the intelligence organs in the theater and further replace military command, which frightened Dai Kasa into publicly showing goodwill, asking people to unblock relations, and sending heavy gifts to pat him on the back, etc. Chen Cheng was not cold to Dai Kasa and was still lukewarm to him.

For Song Ziwen, Dai Kasa did everything he could to do good deeds, he knew that Song Ziwen despised the usual fascist secret agent means, but he was quite patient, once, Song Ziwen was assassinated by Wang Yaqiao in Shanghai, seriously injured, Dai Kasa not only sent people to protect, but also worked very hard to arrest the murderer, which made Song Ziwen's attitude towards him change.

Dai Kasa and Hu Zongnan conspired in the bathroom, and no one was allowed to be present, and Chiang Kai-shek was furious when he saw the contents

In 1933, a huge contradiction broke out between Soong Ziwen and Chiang Kai-shek, and the old Chiang, in a fit of anger, slapped Song Ziwen, who could bear this anger, immediately resigned and went abroad.

For a person who has lost power, the Kuomintang people's approach is to stay away, but Dai Kasa does not think so; he not only often keeps in touch with Soong Ziwen who is far away in the United States, but also reports to him from time to time on domestic trends, such as who Chiang Kai-shek has used in the diplomatic system, the activities of warlords in various places, and so on, and even the trend of the domestic economy.

Later, after Song Ziwen returned to China as foreign minister, he achieved certain diplomatic achievements, and Dai Kasa's Military Command Bureau also received strong support from the Americans.

Dai Kasa's carefully befriended important members of the Kuomintang covered all systems of military, political, and diplomatic circles; he was engaged in intelligence work, and he mixed with military and political leaders every day, obviously crossing borders. Obviously, Dai Kasa was paving the way for the future, and he wanted to expand the military command into an independent faction, standing on the same footing as Chen Cheng, the CC Party, and others.

In fact, in his interactions with Hu Zongnan, Dai Kasa was also intimately mixed with vigilance, the officers trained by Hu Zongnan were mainly from the Seventh Branch of the Central Military Academy, while Dai Kasa trained the elite of military unification, but he had to go through a set of intensive training in his own system, and he cleared the connection with any army boss, and Hu Zongnan was no exception.

Since the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Dai Kasa has planned to form troops three times, and even wants to serve as the commander of the navy after the founding of the people's republic, and his ambitions can be said to be obvious.

Don't look at Chiang Kai-shek's military command ability in general, but within the Kuomintang, his power skills are almost beyond anyone, and Dai Kasa's growing ambitions are seen by the old Chiang Kai-shek, so in 1943, the old Chiang Kai-shek beat Dai Kasa to make him wholeheartedly do a good job in military unification and not to involve too much in other business.

Chiang Kai-shek knew about the bathroom conspiracy and did not say anything at the time, but later Dai Kasa's behavior repeatedly crossed the line, which not only aroused the dissatisfaction of the old Chiang Kai-shek, but also made the president of Chiang Kai-shek move to kill, which is understandable.

Dai Kasa and Hu Zongnan conspired in the bathroom, and no one was allowed to be present, and Chiang Kai-shek was furious when he saw the contents

For example, in March 1946, Dai Kasa's various confusing behaviors before his death really revealed strangeness, he flew to Beiping at that time to deal with the corruption incident of Ma Hansan, but in Beiping, he was meticulously streamlining the military command forces, preparing to break up the military command, break it into pieces, and integrate it into major units such as the police station, transportation, and the Ministry of National Defense.

The reason for choosing to break it into pieces is because the military command is so large that even Chiang Kai-shek feels threatened, and Dai Kasa's means of self-funding are to win back Chiang Kai-shek's trust, but this kind of fake trick can only deceive people who do not know it; although the military unification forces are scattered, the core is still there, and these scattered personnel are like seeds that take root and sprout in major systems, making old Chiang Kai-shek even more hated.

Chiang Kai-shek once sent several telegrams urging Dai Kasa to return to Chongqing by discussing the establishment of the General Police Bureau, and Dai Kasa knew that the old Chiang Kai-shek was going to cut the military command, so he rarely called back in a dissatisfied tone, and the general content of this telegram was: Principal Ming jian, I originally wanted to return to Chongqing, but many of the corruption answers in Beiping and Tianjin have not been investigated, I will not be able to return in the middle of this month, I will learn from Mingyue with loyalty, but now I have ended up with Cao Zhi.

Dai Kasa had always been extremely humble in front of Old Jiang, and this time he spoke with an unusually high profile, obviously very dissatisfied with Old Jiang's behavior of unloading and killing donkeys.

The journey back to Chongqing from Beiping was not very far, but Dai Kasa chose to go to Qingdao, and also privately met with Admiral Kirk, the commander of the U.S. Navy's Seventh Fleet.

Old Chiang Kai-shek's side has been urging Dai Kasa to return to Chongqing, but Dai Kasa has his own small calculations, he knows that a civil war is about to be fought, and with the character of Old Chiang Kai-shek, he must fight to the end, and he wants to win the United States to intervene in the war and jointly attack the Chinese Communist army.

Later, Ke Ke went to Shanghai, and Dai Kasa met with him again, this time just to gain some political capital, but Chiang Kai-shek was very annoyed about this, whether the military command is abolished or retained, we must obey his will, how can you as a subordinate have the right to cut the institutions yourself? Moreover, whether or not the Civil War requires the assistance of the Americans or not is for Chairman Chiang Kai-shek to make up his own mind, and you, an intelligence chief, are still concerned about diplomacy.

This is not clear, forcing old Jiang to lay down his dead hand.

Dai Kasa and Hu Zongnan conspired in the bathroom, and no one was allowed to be present, and Chiang Kai-shek was furious when he saw the contents

In March 1946, Dai Kasa's plane crashed in Daishan, and with a loud noise, the king of a generation of secret agents ended.

Regarding the plane crash, the author would like to throw out several questions, first of all, why did the US plane temporarily replace the pilot, the original pilot was the extremely skilled Zhao Xin and Feng Junzhong, and finally the main pilot was replaced by another person.

Although this person is highly skilled, he lacks the ability to fly the U.S.-made aircraft through the clouds, which is a key reason why the plane hit Daishan later.

Pondering carefully, can the pilot of the Dai Kasa special plane be replaced at will? It must have been instructed by someone at a higher level, who it was, because there is no evidence, the author does not dare to argue.

There is also the fact that this plane carries too much fuel, it seems too abrupt, after the plane crash hit the mountain, the fuel in the chassis was detonated, resulting in a huge fire, burning for a full 2 hours, which can not only put Dai Kasa to death, but also destroy some of the data on the plane that cannot see the light.

The final point added is that after Mao Renfeng reported the news of Dai Kasa's death to Lao Jiang for the first time, Lao Jiang's expression was very calm, and he was silent for half a day and only said one word, life to see people, death to see corpses.

All kinds of doubts, it is not difficult to see that the death of Dai Kasa must have hidden some big secrets, but now there is still not enough historical data to draw conclusions, and we cannot argue in vain.

After the plane crash of Dai Kasa, what was the end of Hu Zongnan? Since 1950, after Hu Zongnan's hundreds of thousands of troops were killed or wounded, he flew to Taiwan, appearing to be extremely depressed.

Although Lao Jiang still maintained trust in Hu Zongnan on the surface, he secretly began to restrict him in many ways.

At first, Hu Zongnan was still the king of the northwest, and as he suffered successive defeats in northern Shaanxi, old Jiang became more and more dissatisfied with him, and later the military and political power in the northwest was divided into two, and the northwest erma and Hu Zongnan formed a mutual restraint, making him bitter.

Dai Kasa and Hu Zongnan conspired in the bathroom, and no one was allowed to be present, and Chiang Kai-shek was furious when he saw the contents

Looking at the battlefields throughout the country, other theaters have set up general headquarters for suppression, but Hu Zongnan is in a daze, which has a lot to do with his problem of braggarting.

Hu Zongnan often praised himself as the first protégé of Tianzi and the first person in the Nationalist army to fight, and even Xiong Xianghui felt that he was ambitious and talented, and overconfident, especially when he was in a smooth stride and the power in his hands was rapidly expanding, he was even more arrogant and arrogant, and acted arbitrarily, which aroused the disgust of many important members of the Kuomintang.

Later, Hu Zongnan was defeated again and again in the Northwest Liberation War, and after he fled to Taiwan, all circles in Taiwan responded with contempt for this general of the defeated army, and all kinds of impeachments were sent to the Control Yuan, and Chiang Kai-shek was angry and dismissed Hu Zongnan from his post as a strategic adviser to the Presidential Office.

In 1951, Hu Zongnan went to Dachen Island to serve as the commander-in-chief of the Anti-Communist Salvation Army, and it turned out that his men were not regular troops, but bandits and bullies who had escaped from the mainland, compared with the treatment of Chen Cheng and Yan Xishan and others, it was too tragic.

In 1955, Chiang Kai-shek remembered his old feelings, appointed Hu Zongnan as the commander of the defense of the Penghu Archipelago, and in 1959 he resumed his position as a strategic adviser, after which Hu Zongnan retired to the second line and began a pension life, but Hu Zongnan always felt depressed and finally died of illness in 1962.

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