
In 55 years he was not awarded a title, and 3 years later the state wanted to award him the rank of general, but he said: General is enough

In 55 years he was not awarded a title, and 3 years later the state wanted to award him the rank of general, but he said: General is enough

The river is gushing, the Yangtze River is rolling, looking at the ancient and modern, countless heroes, endless legends and stories. Especially in modern China, where war rages on, countless revolutionary ancestors have ushered in a splendid and brilliant new China with their blood and lives. If the 1955 military merit award ceremony gave each hero an honorary title, then it must owe Li Jukui a satisfactory reward.

Why? Because General Li Jukui has spent his life fighting horses and establishing countless military achievements, if it were not for the great cause of the motherland's oil industry and the dismissal of the army, the ten generals would definitely have his place. Later, he returned to the military arena, but achieved another legendary story, he was not awarded a title in 55 years, and 3 years later the country wanted to award him the rank of general, but he said: General is enough.

In 55 years he was not awarded a title, and 3 years later the state wanted to award him the rank of general, but he said: General is enough

In December 1904, Li Jukui was born into a peasant family in Anhua County, Hunan Province. Although his family was poor from an early age, his parents remembered that he was smart and studious, so they arranged for him to study for several years. He was also the most learned of all the generals.

At the age of twenty-four, Li Jukui joined the local National Revolutionary Army and became a member of the warlord Tang Shengzhi. With a good hand of calligraphy, Li Jukui soon stood out in the army, was recognized and appreciated by his superiors, and was promoted to the squad leader of the sapper battalion.

In 55 years he was not awarded a title, and 3 years later the state wanted to award him the rank of general, but he said: General is enough

Soon Chiang Kai-shek launched the White Terror and wantonly arrested communists throughout the country, which once plunged the Chinese revolution into a low ebb and made the people panic. After some deliberation, Li Jukui, who saw through the hypocritical face of the Kuomintang, decided to give up his great future, resolutely joined the Communist Party of China, and began the difficult years of the War of Resistance with Peng Dehuai, who was then the commander of the Fifth Division in Hunan.

At that time, the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army encountered many encirclements and suppressions, and its morale was low. Marshal Peng Dehuai looked in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. So a meeting was held in Baisha to encourage the morale of the army, but unexpectedly, halfway through the conversation, a person suddenly flashed out from the front, grabbed the guard's pistol, and shot at Marshal Peng. At the same time, the captain of the brigade, Huang Yunqiao, immediately pulled out a pistol to end the rebellion. Many years later, Marshal Peng thought about this and couldn't help but sigh, if there was no Li Jukui's heroic pounce at that time, I would not have stood here.

In 55 years he was not awarded a title, and 3 years later the state wanted to award him the rank of general, but he said: General is enough

In 1929, Li Jukui was promoted to the commander of the Red Army division because of his bravery and rich experience, and in the Pingjiang Uprising, Li Jukui led his soldiers to eliminate more than 9,000 enemy troops, and also captured the enemy general Zhang Huizhan alive, winning the praise of the army. Shortly after taking office, it coincided with the Fifth Anti-Encirclement and Suppression War of the Kuomintang.

At the behest of his superiors, Li Jukui led all the officers and men of the First Regiment to brave the pouring rain to rush overnight to Sanjia ridge in northwest Fujian to block the approaching Nationalist ace army, which was led by Chen Cheng, a first-class general of the Kuomintang, with excellent equipment and a luxurious lineup, and had no defeat since the beginning of the war.

In 55 years he was not awarded a title, and 3 years later the state wanted to award him the rank of general, but he said: General is enough

It is said that as soon as General Chen Cheng took the field, he commanded the aircraft artillery to carry out several rounds of powerful attacks on Li Jukui's position, but unexpectedly, our army firmly occupied the commanding heights like a nail, which made General Chen Cheng shout angrily and almost shoot his division commander. This battle made Li Jukui famous in the first battle, and also won Marshal Nie Rongzhen to write an article calling on all soldiers in the army to learn from the Red Regiment.

Later, the fifth anti-encirclement and suppression campaign, which had been stalemated for a year, finally failed, and the Central Red Army was forced to carry out a strategic shift and start the road of the Long March. It has eliminated dangers for the main force of the Central Red Army, escorted the Red Army to the north, and repeatedly accomplished miraculous feats. To say that the most wonderful battle is not to cross the Dadu River.

In 55 years he was not awarded a title, and 3 years later the state wanted to award him the rank of general, but he said: General is enough

At that time, the Red Army was blocked by the Dadu River, and Chiang Kai-shek mobilized a million strong soldiers and laid down a net of heaven and earth, which was bound to exhaust the main force of the Red Army and unify China. Li Jukui stepped forward. The warriors who led the Red Regiment broke through the enemy's defense line by boat and forcibly crossed the Dadu River, turning the Red Army's Guo team around the danger and breaking the Kuomintang's dream of unifying China.

After the founding of New China, the first ceremony of the award was particularly solemn. It is reasonable to say that Li Jukui's profound qualifications and numerous military achievements are enough for him to win a place in the evaluation of the Ten Great Generals, but why is there no li Jukui on the list? In fact, it was not the state that was negligent, but that Li Jukui had already left the army at that time.

In 55 years he was not awarded a title, and 3 years later the state wanted to award him the rank of general, but he said: General is enough

In 1955, the great power was first built, and everything was in ruins to be rebuilt. As the lifeblood of the national economy, industry has received in-depth attention from the Party Central Committee. In particular, the chemical industry such as petroleum has become an important material guarantee for a country's prosperity and strength. After many considerations, the Party Central Committee decided to let Li Jukui shoulder this heavy responsibility, and in the face of the state's solicitation, Li Jukui resolutely gave up his high position in the army and transferred to the Ministry of Petroleum Industry as a minister to direct oil development and other matters.

Soon after, the first ceremony for conferring titles in New China was about to be held, and Li Jukui was no longer able to accept the title in the military, missing the good opportunity to evaluate military merit this time, but he did not complain in the slightest, and besides, now is the critical juncture of the founding of the country, if for the sake of his own merits, abandon the country, it is not a gentleman.

In 55 years he was not awarded a title, and 3 years later the state wanted to award him the rank of general, but he said: General is enough

So Li Jukui put this matter behind, actively devoted himself to the petroleum industry, learning all kinds of petroleum knowledge and exploration technology, although he never set foot in the oil industry, but for the prosperity and strength of the motherland, Li Jukui insisted on this great northwest depth, went out early and returned late, worked hard, and used his talent and wisdom to lead the entire oil exploration and production project to take a big step forward.

In just a few years, China's oil exploration and production have become more and more advanced, and oil production has become higher and higher, which has successfully solved the problem of serious backwardness of China's petroleum industry. Three years later, Due to the backwardness of the army's infrastructure construction, Li Jukui was transferred back to the army and served as the dean of the military academy, adding more light to the future development of army building.

In 55 years he was not awarded a title, and 3 years later the state wanted to award him the rank of general, but he said: General is enough

Perhaps it was the fate arrangement, Li Jukui, who missed the first ceremony of the canonization, ushered in the second title selection of New China. When Li Jukui's return came suddenly, there was a controversy over the original confirmation of the number of ten generals, and the selectors had no choice but to visit Li Jukui for advice.

Who expected Li Jukui to listen, laughed, and said to the selector: "Admiral is on the line!" ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was greatly moved, and they were impressed by his indifferent mind of fame and fortune, and finally, Li Jukui was awarded the rank of general.

In 55 years he was not awarded a title, and 3 years later the state wanted to award him the rank of general, but he said: General is enough

Long history, how many merits and names have been buried. General Li Jukui has fought for the country all his life! Fight for the people! Countless times of gunfire and bullets, countless times of life and death, did not make the Chinese general retreat in the slightest, but on the contrary, it was better to fight and be brave. When the achievements are accomplished, but they take root in the northwest and develop the petroleum industry for the country, they are the talents of our country's culture and martial arts, and the pillars of the country, which is worth remembering and learning from each of us.

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