
The United States rated the world's five marshals, peng Dehuai was successfully selected, ranking first in the list to overwhelm the crowd

After World War II, the list of the world's five marshals selected by the United States was released, and the top of the list was actually a Chinese general, but the most ironic thing is that this Chinese general is still famous for defeating the United States. Which country did the other four marshals come from?

The emergence of this list also begins on July 10, 1953, after the end of the Korean War, China and the DPRK side and the US military after many negotiations, and finally signed an armistice agreement on July 27, 1953, after many wars in the world can finally rest and recuperate.

At the same time, the United States, which had not made any cheap gains, began to come out to do things again, perhaps because there was no war and panic, they began to review the various major wars that had occurred in modern times, and finally came up with a ranking of the five marshals of the modern world.

Fifth place, Erwin Rommel

The United States rated the world's five marshals, peng Dehuai was successfully selected, ranking first in the list to overwhelm the crowd

Born on November 15, 1891, Rommel was a famous military, tactician and theorist during World War II, along with Manstein and Guderian, known as the three great generals of Nazi Germany.

During World War II, he was known for his excellent command and clever tactics, often able to win more with less and stronger with weakness, and even his enemies were very recognized for his talent, known as "Desert Fox" and "Imperial Eagle".

He became a soldier in July 1910 and then fought with the army in France during World War I, and after the war, he was awarded a Blue Max Medal by the Kaiser for his outstanding performance, and then served as battalion commander and instructor at the Army Academy.

His promotion was very rapid, and soon he became the commander of the Führer's base camp, and later served as the commander of the German Seventh Panzer Division, under whose leadership he also won the title of "Devil's Division", and then his performance in major wars was even more eye-catching, effortlessly beating the enemy to the ground, and soon ascended to the top of the position of German Marshal.

But his scenery did not last long, and during World War II, Rommel was forced by Hitler to commit suicide by poisoning because he was involved in the plan to overthrow Hitler, at the age of 53.

The United States rated the world's five marshals, peng Dehuai was successfully selected, ranking first in the list to overwhelm the crowd

After his death, people praised him mixedly, and those who liked him thought that he was the Nazi "god of war", because militarily, he was indeed an excellent military scientist and commander, and his excellent tactical application and command ability on the battlefield made some famous military experts admire him very much.

But opponents of him believe that although he has nothing to say tactically, there have been strategic mistakes, and they jokingly call him a "tactical giant and a strategic dwarf."

Moreover, he helped Hitler invade everywhere during World War II, willingly became a tool used by the Nazi regime to achieve bad goals, and committed unforgivable crimes against many countries in the world, so he was also known as "World War II arsonist".

Fourth place, Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov

The United States rated the world's five marshals, peng Dehuai was successfully selected, ranking first in the list to overwhelm the crowd

Zhukov, born on December 1, 1896, is recognized as a famous Soviet general in the world, almost all the major battles of the Soviet Union are his handwriting, he almost became a symbol of victory in the Soviet Union on the battlefield at that time, and made great contributions to the Soviet Union and the world anti-fascist alliance.

During World War II, the Japanese vainly wanted to go north and then take siberia in the Soviet Union, but unfortunately they met Zhukov, in this battle, Zhukov made full use of the advantages of the Soviet army, beat the Japanese army to the ground, scattered and fled, the entire army disintegrated, since then, the bullying and fearful Japan has been very jealous of the Soviet Union.

Later, in the war between Germany and France, France had no ability to fight back, and was suppressed by Germany, this battle made the people of the world lose their jaws, but Zhukov thought of a brilliant plan for the Tactics of the German Army, successfully reversed the situation on the Soviet-German battlefield, won the victory in the Defense of Moscow, which was also the first large-scale victory of the Soviet Army since the Soviet-German War, and then under Zhukov's command, the Soviet Army launched a series of Soviet counter-offensive campaigns.

The United States rated the world's five marshals, peng Dehuai was successfully selected, ranking first in the list to overwhelm the crowd

Throughout World War II, Zhukov made a great contribution, so the people of the Soviet Union considered him to be the "god of war" who saved the Soviet Union.

During Zhukov's lifetime of military service, he received a total of many medals, and his military command ability also greatly promoted the development of Soviet military scholarship, and he was recognized as one of the best commanders in World War II in the world, and he was also one of only two people who won the honorary title of "Hero of the Soviet Union" four times, and he was a legendary national hero.

Zhukov died of illness in 1974 at the age of 78.

Third place, MacArthur

The United States rated the world's five marshals, peng Dehuai was successfully selected, ranking first in the list to overwhelm the crowd

MacArthur, born January 26, 1880, was also a polarizing figure, not only was he the five-star general with the most medals in the United States, the youngest headmaster in the history of the West Point Military Academy, he was once just one step away from the president, and he was the only person in the United States who fought in World War I, World War II and the Korean War.

In the First World War, he relied on his outstanding talents to lead his army "Rainbow Division" all the way to the invincible, and returned to the United States in glory after the war.

In 1941, after the outbreak of World War II, MacArthur accepted the appointment of commander-in-chief of the U.S. Far Eastern Army and began to command the Pacific War, but such a brightly remitted general was beaten to no avail in the battle with the Japanese army, and even left his soldiers to flee alone.

After this incident, MacArthur's proud and conceited character flaws were exposed, and later, with Roosevelt's support, MacArthur returned to the Philippines again, successfully washed away his former shame, defeated the Japanese army, and his reputation reached its peak.

The United States rated the world's five marshals, peng Dehuai was successfully selected, ranking first in the list to overwhelm the crowd

Later, in the Korean War, MacArthur was appointed commander-in-chief, but under the fierce attack of our volunteer army, MacArthur's United Nations army was completely destroyed, and Truman, who could not continue to see it, found an excuse to remove him from his post and let Ridgway replace him as commander-in-chief, and MacArthur left the battlefield of his lifelong conquest.

In 1964, MacArthur died of gallstones, MacArthur was arrogant, but passionate, able to become a five-star general in the United States, his excellence is not questionable, but his self-sufficiency also led to his failure.

Pearl Harbor and the Korean War were both because of his conceit, which led to his defeat without exerting any advantage, so people praised him differently and the comments were very divided.

Second place, George Smith Jr. Button Jr

The United States rated the world's five marshals, peng Dehuai was successfully selected, ranking first in the list to overwhelm the crowd

Patton is the most famous military general in the United States during World War II, his combat style emphasizes a "fast" and "brave", so people mention his first impression is always rude and barbaric, for which he was also called "the bandit of the American army" by Marshal Pershing, but it is precisely because of his spirit that he never procrastinates on the battlefield and has a super sense of attack. He won many wars and was also revered by his men as the "Bloody Veteran", and his life was full of legends and many medals.

In addition, he was no less than the construction of the armored troops, leading the armored troops to achieve one large-scale victory after another at a very small cost, and such a legendary figure finally died of a car accident.

But there are also rumors that his death was a conspiracy, because Patton hated the Soviet Union the most in his life, and the United States and the Soviet Union were in a tense moment of relations, so someone created a car accident to assassinate him in order to prevent him, a militant, from provoking war.

First place, Peng Dehuai

The United States rated the world's five marshals, peng Dehuai was successfully selected, ranking first in the list to overwhelm the crowd

Peng Dehuai, born on October 24, 1898, joined our party in 1928, and soon after led the Pingjiang Uprising, he successively served as the commander of the Fifth Red Army, the commander of the Red Third Army, and the commander of the Anti-Japanese Vanguard Army.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Peng Dehuai and others led troops to cross the Yellow River in the east, and repeatedly launched an all-out guerrilla war of resistance, and the Hundred Regiments War launched in July 1940 dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese puppet army stationed in North China, when a total of 105 regiments participated in this battle, and 1824 battles were fought in the first two months.

After the Hundred Regiments War, Peng Dehuai still insisted on the front line of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, blocking the invasion of the Japanese army with his flesh and blood, and finally ushered in the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

During the Liberation War, Peng Dehuai made indispensable contributions to the Yan'an Defense War, the Liberation of the Great Northwest, and other large and small battles, and made great contributions to the liberation cause of the whole of China.

The United States rated the world's five marshals, peng Dehuai was successfully selected, ranking first in the list to overwhelm the crowd

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea that broke out in 1950, Peng Dehuai led the volunteer army to victory repeatedly with his excellent command ability, and finally successfully defeated the United Nations army led by the United States.

The victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea not only aided the Korean people, but also curbed the momentum of US aggression and expansion in the Far East, and at the same time raised the international prestige of New China as never before.

The military ability of these famous generals is beyond doubt, but just as the so-called one general has achieved a thousand bones, the emergence of these talents has been exchanged for countless lives in war, so we should cherish the current peaceful life, do you think this ranking of the United States is fair?

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