
Roosevelt's wife recalled that when her husband's life was increasingly exhausted, he insisted on going to see Stalin and Churchill

In the early morning of December 7, 1941, when Japan launched a surprise attack on the American base of Pearl Harbor in the Pacific. In the anger of the entire American people, the US government abandoned neutrality and declared all-out war on Japan, and the United States was officially involved in World War II.

Roosevelt's wife recalled that when her husband's life was increasingly exhausted, he insisted on going to see Stalin and Churchill

As the wartime president of the United States, Roosevelt, in order to make the United States competent for the needs of high-intensity war, he against the pressure of being misunderstood as a "dictatorship" successively set up the Committee on the Priority Distribution of Supplies, the Wartime Production Committee, the Economic Stability Committee, the Wartime Mobilization Committee, and the Press Censorship Bureau and the Wartime Information Bureau.

Gain full control over all the means of production in the United States, so that it can serve the United States to win the war one hundred percent. At the level of public opinion that affects morale and popularity, the United States has also tried to censor news to prevent all public opinion that hinders the United States from winning the war.

At the same time, American newspapers, radios, and other media carriers, under the unified proposal of the Wartime Information Bureau, launched a public opinion war against Japan, Germany, and Italy, either by false information or by letters of persuasion, and by making the citizens of hostile countries understand that their government's war behavior is evil and should not win the support of the people, inciting them to take up arms in their hands against the "rulers" who have led their citizens into the abyss of war.

Roosevelt's wife recalled that when her husband's life was increasingly exhausted, he insisted on going to see Stalin and Churchill

After mastering the means of production and public opinion, Roosevelt also carried out a large-scale expansion of the US military and improved the efficiency of military decision-making. Incomplete statistics show that by the end of the war, the United States had an armed force of more than 15.14 million people, about 70,000 warplanes on weapons, and about 4,500 warships. As for how to improve the efficiency of military decision-making, Roosevelt led the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which was structured by the chief of staff of the army, the commander of the army air force, the chief of naval operations, and other services, as the highest decision-making body of the US military in wartime.

It was under Roosevelt's meticulous creation that the United States had an unprecedentedly large army and became the core force of the anti-fascist alliance throughout World War II. But roosevelt was not only concerned with how to win the war, for him, how to construct a peaceful post-war world order is more important, and he does not want to repeat the lessons of the first world war.

When the Anglo-American-led Normandy landings were victorious in July 1944, France was gradually recaptured, and Soviet troops approached the German border. The death knell of the fascist clique led by Japan, Germany and Italy was completely sounded, and it was only a matter of time before it was defeated. So Roosevelt, after consulting with his ally Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union, and Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister, decided to convene a conference on how to deal with the post-war world.

Roosevelt's wife recalled that when her husband's life was increasingly exhausted, he insisted on going to see Stalin and Churchill

The congress was set up in the Yalta Palace on the Crimean Peninsula in the northern Black Sea, and focused on the imminent problems of post-war reconfiguration of Europe, the establishment of the United Nations, and the punishment of fascist war criminals. After the meeting, the Soviet Union, the United States, and the United Kingdom initially reached a consensus on handling the above issues, and this consensus is the cornerstone of the world order today.

With the end of the meeting, Roosevelt personally breathed a sigh of relief, for him, in his lifetime, it was a very happy thing to see the world return to peace and the people living and working in peace. At the same time, from the recollections of Roosevelt's wife, it can be seen that Roosevelt's emphasis on the Yalta Conference may even be "higher than life"

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt recalled that "after taking office (Roosevelt's fourth sworn in as President of the United States on January 20, 1945), it was clear that Franklin (Franklin Roosevelt) was becoming increasingly exhausted." Even so, he was determined to go to Yalta. When he was determined to do something, he would rarely give up."

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