
Notice of the Secretariat of the Leading Group for Medical Reform of the State Council on the Establishment and Improvement of Pilot Hospitals for the Management System of Modern Hospitals

Notice of the Secretariat of the Leading Group for Medical Reform of the State Council on the Establishment and Improvement of Pilot Hospitals for the Management System of Modern Hospitals

Notice of the Secretariat of the Leading Group for Medical Reform of the State Council on the Establishment and Improvement of Pilot Hospitals for the Management System of Modern Hospitals

National Medical Reform Secret Letter [2021] No. 66

Leading coordinating agencies for medical reform in all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:

In order to implement the requirements of relevant documents such as the Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on the Establishment of a Modern Hospital Management System (Guo Ban Fa [2017] No. 67), the Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting the High-quality Development of Public Hospitals (Guo Ban Fa [2021] No. 18) and the Pilot Work Plan for the Construction of Regional Medical Centers (Development and Reform Society [2019] No. 1670), and accelerate the establishment and improvement of the modern hospital management system, It was decided to add 14 hospitals, including Beijing Tiantan Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University (see annex for the list), as pilot hospitals for the establishment and improvement of a modern hospital management system.

All pilot hospitals should enhance their sense of mission and responsibility, take the initiative to shoulder the responsibility of the pilot, establish and improve the organizational leadership and work promotion mechanism of the pilot work, refine the reform tasks, clarify the division of responsibilities, and grasp the implementation of the work. The location of each pilot hospital should increase its support for the pilot hospital, do a good job in the overall planning and implementation of the policy, coordinate to promote the reform of medical treatment, medical insurance, and medicine linkage, and continuously innovate and make breakthroughs in key areas and key links, so as to create a good reform environment for the pilot work. All provinces should strengthen the follow-up guidance for the pilot work of establishing and improving the modern hospital management system, improve the mechanism of supervision and inspection, evaluation and effectiveness, timely discover and solve new situations and new problems in the pilot work, timely summarize and refine the pilot experience, and continuously consolidate and expand the effectiveness of reform.

Annex: Added a list of pilot hospitals that have established and improved the modern hospital management system

Secretariat of the Leading Group for Medical Reform of the State Council

December 7, 2021

Newly established and improved modern hospital management system

List of pilot hospitals


Notice of the Secretariat of the Leading Group for Medical Reform of the State Council on the Establishment and Improvement of Pilot Hospitals for the Management System of Modern Hospitals

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