
The Consumer Protection Commission of Jiangsu Province interviewed Lily Jiayuan, my lord Liangyuan, and Zhen'ai Network: involving infringement of consumer rights and interests

On December 10, the WeChat public account of the Consumer Protection Commission of Jiangsu Province released the "Follow-up of the Survey on the Service Status of the Marriage and Dating Platform". In recent years, the problem of marriage and dating platforms infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers has aroused widespread concern in society, and consumers' calls for regulating the service behavior of marriage dating platforms and ensuring their legitimate and reasonable demands have become more and more intense. To this end, the Consumer Protection Commission of Jiangsu Province carried out a special investigation, and on September 26, 2021, it issued the "Investigation Report on the Service Status of the Dating Platform", which found that the five platforms involved, such as Century Jiayuan, Lily Network (the two have been merged into "Lily Jiayuan"), Zhen'ai Network, and Our Lord Liangyuan, have including but not limited to unclear refund rules, non-fulfillment of publicity commitments, and ineffective review of member information, which seriously infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers such as the right to know, the right to fair trade and the right to information security.

In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and ensure the safety of marriage and dating of marriageable people, the Consumer Protection Commission of Jiangsu Province conducted an online "cloud interview" on the morning of December 10, 2021, and Lily Jiayuan, my lord Liangyuan and Zhen'ai Network all sent relevant business personnel to actively participate, and at the interview meeting, the problems found in the report were detailed about the rectification situation and the next step of rectification measures.

Zhen'ai Network said: for the review of member information, collect user information in strict accordance with laws and regulations, and carry out real-name authentication for users including face authentication within the scope permitted by law; for sending "commercial information", the agreement clarifies the content of the information and the form of sending and obtains the consent of the user in advance, encrypts the user's mobile phone information by technical means, and strictly ensures that the member information is not leaked to a third party without the user's consent; for online member refunds, the user has a reason to apply for a refund. It will be refunded after verifying relevant materials and information as appropriate; for the safety protection of members, compulsory user real-name authentication, whole-process safety education and risk reminders, and multi-means identification and crackdown on black and gray production, marriage trust, dishonest members, etc., will be adopted to ensure the safety and integrity of the marriage and dating environment.

My main liangyuan said: For online products, user information uses step-by-step authentication, mandatory real name, chat dialog box to the top way to safely prompt the user's real name situation; online users put forward refund applications, give priority to listening to the reasons for refund, do a good job of explanation, if you insist on refund, then arrange a refund according to the situation. For offline services, users need to provide data authentication materials, by the company's legal department formal review, for abnormal materials, users need to cooperate with inspection, support, otherwise can not open the service; offline users to apply for refunds, in the case of the company's no fault, the member unilaterally terminate the contract needs to deduct the resulting service costs, except for a few more complex refund claims, and the user on the termination of the contract from reaching an agreement to refund the entire process shortened to 7 working days.

Lily Jiayuan said: For member information confirmation, the use of online face recognition, offline identity authentication and other ways to strengthen information review, strengthen staff audit business ability training, explore the introduction of third-party information query platform to review member information; for refund refunds, set up a complaint adjudication department, adhere to the complaint to do, contact users within 24 hours, form a processing plan within 48 hours, optimize the complaint handling process and efficiency; for franchise stores, use regular inspections, hotline feedback and other ways to strengthen management control, If the franchise store has concealed the situation, it will be dealt with seriously.

At the interview meeting, our main Liangyuan, Zhenai Network, and Lily Jiayuan all said that they would not share member information with third parties; they would remind users to change their current emotional state, and the user would destroy the personal data and information on the user's platform when they cancelled their accounts; if they were not logged off, they would use technical means to isolate the information to ensure that the relevant personal information could not be retrieved.

The Consumer Protection Commission of Jiangsu Province said that the marriage and dating platforms have problems such as data review, consumers who have not enjoyed the service but have been deducted, passive and loopholes in the review of member information, and inconsistent refund services between offline direct stores and franchise stores. For the problems that still exist, each platform needs to actively communicate and pay close attention to rectification, and will carry out a "look back" experience survey on each platform as appropriate.

The Consumer Protection Commission of Jiangsu Province interviewed Lily Jiayuan, my lord Liangyuan, and Zhen'ai Network: involving infringement of consumer rights and interests

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