
Shi Pingmei: Blooming in the wind and snow

author:Confucius Old Books Network

Author | Acacia Book

Source | Confucius old book network dynamics

Ten years ago, I was invited to participate in the compilation of a series of books, and I divided the work to compile a volume in honor of Shi Pingmei. At the end of the work, it was also a summer day, I went to Taoran Pavilion, sat quietly in front of the tombs of Shi Pingmei and Gao Junyu, listened to the cicadas on the willow trees, and thought about the life of the township elders. On the tombstone of the high tomb, it is engraved with the words "I wish to live like lightning, and I wish to die as quickly as a comet." Gao only lived for 29 years before he died of illness; Shi died of illness three years later due to excessive grief, and only lived for 27 years. Gao Shi fell in love, like-minded, and unfortunately died before they were married, and her friends buried her and Gao together, which is really the modern Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai: "Before you die, you can't be husband and wife, and you have to share the grave after death." ”

The "Soul Returning to Taoran Pavilion - Shi Pingmei" that I edited was an article written by her colleagues, friends, and students. From this batch of emotional and sincere commemorative articles, we can see the short and glorious life of an excellent teacher and budding young female writer in the 1920s. By reading this commemorative book, readers will have a more comprehensive understanding of the literary life and emotional experience of this female writer who has walked out of the niangziguan. Shi Pingmei's pursuit of a bright short life course, her sense of responsibility for education, her love for literary career, and her yearning for ideal love will leave a real and touching mark on readers. The meaning and value of life is not in the length of life. The light and heat emitted from Shi Pingmei's 27 years must admit the correctness of this sentence.

In 1920, Shi Pingmei left Pingding County, where her mother was closed, and went to school at the Beijing Female High School. Because there was no enrollment in the liberal arts this year, she entered the physical education department and became a physical education teacher after graduation. The educator Lin Liru found that she loved literature and had a foundation in Chinese, so he let her concurrently serve as a Chinese language teacher and give full play to her strengths. She was originally a young woman of Lin Daiyu's style- sentimental, read Amicis's "The Education of Love", was moved by the story in the book, and cried for several days. She is determined to carry out emotional education and impress students with love, as instructed in the book. Her students, Li Jianwu, Yan Yiyan, and Jian Xian'ai, who later became writers, recalled her kind character and educational methods, which proved the success of her education. After her death, more than 200 students attended the funeral and cried loudly. She touched the students with love; the students sent their beloved Mr. Shi with love.

Shi Pingmei is the author of "Language Silk". In addition to teaching and creating, she also worked with her friend Lu Jingqing to compile the "Beijing Daily Supplement • Women's Weekly", inspired by the spirit of the May Fourth New Culture Movement, standing at the forefront of public opinion, publicizing women's independence and liberation, and lashing out at the decadent feudal system. After the "March 18" massacre, she wrote two essays in memory of Liu hezhen, an indictment of warlord despotism written in blood and tears. In Mr. Lu Xun's "Book of Two Places" and letters, Shi Pingmei's literary activities are recorded. Lu Xun's inclusion of "Widowism" in "Grave" is Shi Pingmei's manuscript. Lu Xun's educational thought is embodied in this paper. Shi Pingmei, Lu Yin, and Lu Jingqing were a small group of female writers in the 1920s. Their common feature is to show the "truth" of literature in the form of strong feelings, personal experience, and non-fiction, to destroy feudal etiquette with the weapon of literature, and to awaken the sisters who are still sleeping. Shi Pingmei is sensitive and sincere, and the wind, rain and snow of nature can easily give her inspiration, but it is not the traditional yinfeng and moon. The rich emotions in her heart seem to be released only with the help of natural changes. Published in "Snow Night" in "Yusi", the scene is nothing more than the usual snowy days in Beijing, full of snow, like a huge white paper, which is the carrier for her to pour out her thoughts and emotions. "Walk forward, go forward, Tintin Dangdang tram passed, I just looked at the spark under its wheels and smiled!" I am proud, I am brave the snowflakes to go forward, I have not achieved my purpose with the help of anything, I just go forward, go forward. "The snowy night of the ancient capital, the thick snow is a test of her will, but also the confrontation of human strength against resistance. At the end of this essay, snow becomes a symbol of social power: "I myself am not immune to all the blindness of the world, I love snow, and snow can really wash my soul as cold as snow; I also hope that all things in the world and the human beings who preside over the world can also give snow the opportunity to wash, then I believe that it is more effective than using blood to extinguish the flames of rebellion!" "The old world is dirty and there's going to be a snow to wash it. Literature is weak.

Engaged in literary creation, editing newspapers and periodicals, she has a circle of friends. However, just writing with a pen, only expressing her feelings with the words of the riot style, she felt the limits of literature. Since knowing the communist Gao Junyu, she has found the answer to her life from the political ideals that Gao Junyu embraces. She wrote in her diary: "I still hope to be more effective, not only as a writer and artist, but also as a social revolutionary." If it were not for his early death due to illness, Shi Pingmei would probably have followed Gao Junyu to the revolutionary road. Gao Junyu wrote to her: "I have two worlds: one world where everything belongs to you, and I am a captive whose soul is forbidden forever; in another world, I do not belong to you, let alone myself, I am just a pawn of my historical mission." Gao Junyu explained love and career very clearly. Shi Pingmei loves this fellow countryman, and even more loves the lofty ideals in the hearts of her fellow villagers, and she does not want the person she loves to be a silkworm.

A good guy will always attract another good guy. The mutual closeness and admiration of young men and women probably have a "homogeneous and heterogeneous" relationship, right? Gao Junyu decided to combine with Shi Pingmei and bought a pair of ivory rings, one for Shi and one for himself, as a white and flawless love object. In order to divorce his ex-wife arranged by his parents, Gao Junyu also wrote a letter to his father-in-law stating the reasons for the divorce. At the Fourth Plenary Session of the Communist Party of China in January 1925, Gao Junyu met Zhou Enlai and became friends with each other, and in Deng Yingchao's words, the two friends reported their respective love information. When Zhou Enlai asked Gao Junyu to bring a letter to Deng Yingchao, Deng said that Gao was her and Zhou's red bride. Two months later, Gao Junyu unfortunately died of illness! Before his death, he and Shi Pingmei had traveled to Taoran Pavilion, and in the letter, they had hoped that "it would be completed here in the future".

After Gao Junyu's death, Shi Pingmei washed her face with tears and was devastated. On another snowy day, she came to Taoran Pavilion alone and wrote three words with her fingers on the snow-covered tombstone table:

"Here I come."

Shi Pingmei: Blooming in the wind and snow
Shi Pingmei: Blooming in the wind and snow
Shi Pingmei: Blooming in the wind and snow
Shi Pingmei: Blooming in the wind and snow
Shi Pingmei: Blooming in the wind and snow
Shi Pingmei: Blooming in the wind and snow
Shi Pingmei: Blooming in the wind and snow
Shi Pingmei: Blooming in the wind and snow
Shi Pingmei: Blooming in the wind and snow