
Fengshen Ten Thousand Years Chapter 19: Tong Tian's Sense of Life The beginning of the loss of reason

author:Xiao Liu Kan sealed the gods
Fengshen Ten Thousand Years Chapter 19: Tong Tian's Sense of Life The beginning of the loss of reason

At that time, when Tong Tian felt that Yuan Shi Tianzun appeared under the Fengshen Platform, he directly dodged it.

But in fact, he was not far away from Qishan, he wanted to watch Jiang Ziya complete the sealing of the gods.

Three days are fleeting.

On this day, Tong Tian was in the process of settling down, when suddenly, he felt a familiar breath coming to Qishan.

Tong Tian rode the clouds into the air, and at this moment, he only saw Bai Jian holding a lark fan to introduce Yunxiao's soul into the Fengshen Platform.

Through Tongtian's memory, Tong Tian knew that Yunxiao was captured by Lao Tzu and pressed under the Qilin Cliff in the Nine-Curve Yellow River Array.

As a cloud that is about to be sanctified, she will not die if she is crushed under the cliff of the unicorn, unless she commits suicide or is killed.

If Yunxiao committed suicide, she would not wait until now, she would commit suicide after her brother and sister were killed. But she is only dead now, so there can only be one case, to be killed.

"The Great War of the Fengshen Gods is over, and my Sect of Interception has also been destroyed, so why did Yuan Shi still want to kill Yunxiao?"

Seeing yunxiao's soul entering the fengshen platform, Tong Tian did not stop it, Yunxiao was already dead, blocking her from entering the fengshen platform, but it was harming her.

It was just that he secretly thought in his heart: "Yuan Shi Tianzun still wanted to kill my interception disciples after the end of the Great War of the Gods, and he was forcing me to intercept the teachings to death!" ”

Yunxiao disobediently descended the mountain and died in the process of Xiqi and the Shang-Zhou War, the Tongtian Sect Master did not feel angry, so Tong Tian did not feel angry, but Yunxiao had no strength to fight back, or after the end of the war, he was still killed.

"Yuanshi, Yuanshi, you are too cruel, and I hate you." Tong Tian glared angrily.

This anger came from Tong Tian himself, and had nothing to do with Tong Tian's memory, because Tong Tian thought that Yun Xiao had died long ago, and now Tong Tian had not seen an angry scene.

This is the anger that belongs only to childlike nature.

At this time, the feeling of anger was particularly clear, which made Tong Tian feel his life alone.

"Buddha-figures don't see it, they don't get angry, it's the feeling of anger that belongs to me alone, it's my life. At the beginning, you made me feel angry, so you wait to bear my anger. Tong Tian thought to himself.

After Bai Jian introduced Yunxiao's soul into the Fengshen Platform, he smiled, and he was even more convinced that Yuan Shi Tianzun would grant his reasonable request.

Jiang Ziya felt that the Fengshen Platform had a new soul entering, and he also smiled, because he was beating the god whip, and he had one more god who could control it, so why not enjoy it?

Moreover, Yunxiao's death also made Jiang Ziya more convinced that the list of conferred gods could be changed, and his conditions, Yuan Shi Tianzun must have agreed to it.

Three days later.

Jiang Ziya borrowed the soil to come to the Jade Void Palace.

The White Crane Boy greeted him and called him Uncle Shi.

After the ceremony, the White Crane Boy wanted to leave, and he was going to ask Yuan Shi Tianzun whether to let Jiang Ziya enter.

Although Jiang Ziya had no access to the Immortal Dao, the White Crane Boy was still polite in the face of him, and did not look down on him because he was a mortal body.

In the Jade Void Palace, only the White Crane Boy and Shen Gongbao treated Jiang Ziya differently.

Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao almost worshiped under the door of Yuan Shi Tianzun at the same time.

Jiang Ziya has an introverted personality, Shen Gongbao is passionate, or they are complementary in their personalities, or they are considered to be brothers of the same class, so Jiang Ziya's relationship with Shen Gongbao is even better than his relationship with the Twelve Golden Immortals.

And Shen Gongbao is also a belt art thrower, he cultivated to be much taller than Jiang Ziya, but he never looked down on Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya seemed to recall the scene of him practicing in the mountains with Shen Gongbao, when although he was doing the miscellaneous work of carrying water and pouring pine to burn the stove and fan fire, he was carefree and full of hope.

Jiang Ziya hated to go down the mountain, including his current self, for the obsession in Cheng Xian's heart, he was now becoming more and more gloomy, more and more calculating, and everything was based on profit. He had already lost his original intention of cultivating the Immortal Dao to benefit Cangsheng.

Yuan Shi Tianzun hated the alien cultivators, and Shen Gongbao was also a master of art, which he did not like.

But such a polite, handsome white crane boy with a bit of elegance and calmness, Yuan Shi Tianzun really couldn't hate it.

Seeing that the White Crane Boy wanted to leave, Jiang Ziya stopped him and said, "Master and nephew of the White Crane, I have two letters for you to forward to the teacher on your behalf." ”

The White Crane Boy took the silk cloth handed by Jiang Ziya and did not say anything more, but entered the Jade Void Palace to see Yuan Shi Tianzun.

And Jiang Ziya, just quietly knelt there, waiting for the summons of Yuan Shi Tianzun.

Inside the Jade Void Palace, Yuan Shi Tianzun took two pieces of silk cloth handed over by the White Crane Boy.

I looked at the letter that Bai Jian had given him, and then looked at Jiang Ziya's letter.

After reading it, Yuan Shi Tianzun was finally convinced that Bai Jian and Jiang Ziya had both escaped from his control.

Yuan Shi Tianzun liked the feeling of being in control of everything, and if he couldn't control it, he personally intervened to reverse the situation that he couldn't control.

Therefore, Jiang Ziya was controlled by him, and he also watched chi sperm kill his disciple Yin Hong, and Guang Chengzi kill his disciple Yin Jiao.

Including the two of them who saved Yin Hong, who was also under the arrangement of Yuan Shi Tianzun.

Nezha's reincarnation, as well as the time of reincarnation, and the life and death of Tuxingsun, are all under the control of Yuan Shi Tianzun.

But now, there were variables that he couldn't control. Moreover, this variable also comes from two characters that are crucial to the sealing of the gods.

Yuan Shi Tianzun was angry, and he tore two pieces of silk cloth with his hands to tear it apart.

But in the blink of an eye, he calmed down again.

Yuan Shi Tianzun knows that anger can make a person lose his mind, and no matter what the situation, he must maintain a clear brain.

Otherwise, he may go down the old road to heaven.

After calming down, Yuan Shi Tianzun took two pieces of silk cloth and looked at them carefully, silently thinking in his heart.

The White Crane Boy said, "Let Jiang Ziya come in." ”

The latest and most complete chapter of "Ten Thousand Years of Fengshen Gods", please pay attention to the public name of the same name as Xiao Liu Kan.

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