
The most arrogant man in the world – Gaddafi

author:Double knife fire hime

The man who was also going to die by the unanimous approval of the five permanent members – Gaddafi.

The most arrogant man in the world – Gaddafi

You must know that over the years, India has been thinking of becoming the world's sixth largest permanent member of the Security Council, but the "five permanents" have taken turns to exercise a veto, which is to tell India: You are not qualified enough. And what happened to the man who was able to get the "five permanents" to pass unanimously, let's take a look at the "king of Africa" who has never been seen before.

The most arrogant man in the world – Gaddafi

Gaddafi is the former president of Libya, and during his reign, he can be said to have turned his country upside down, how arrogant is he?

In 1988, a Pan Am Boeing 747 exploded and crashed over the small town of Lockerbie, killing 270 people, 189 of them Americans.

The most arrogant man in the world – Gaddafi

The air disaster was seen as a retaliatory terrorist attack by Libya against the United States, and at first Gaddafi did not admit that it was Libya's doing, and the direct alliance with the United Kingdom, which gave the Americans popularity, announced the results of the investigation. In the face of the investigation results, Qaddafi admitted that it was committed by the Libyans, but still did not admit that it was directed by himself, and the United States and Britain had no ironclad evidence, so they had to hand over the incident to the United Nations, which began the long road of Libya's economic sanctions.

The most arrogant man in the world – Gaddafi

Shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union after the air disaster, Qaddafi lost this backing and began to surrender to the United States, at a time when Russia was being overwhelmed by the war in Chechnya, he repeatedly expressed solidarity with Chechnya to please the United States, which was even a link between Russia.

The most arrogant man in the world – Gaddafi

Chechen elements

On the other hand, Gaddafi is also actively involved in the Taiwan Strait issue, just like a pug, the United States has not let itself rush out first, but in fact, no matter how to please, the United States has not forgotten the back account of being "blown up by the plane". So far, the four major powers of China, Russia, the United States, and Britain have been offended over and over again.

So how did he offend the French? Libya has always wanted to establish the African Union and expand its influence in Africa, which directly affects the interests of the French. France's ability to achieve its current international status is inseparable from its influence in Africa.

The most arrogant man in the world – Gaddafi

In the 2008 world economic crisis, oil prices plummeted, Qaddafi faced with unfavorable international and domestic situations, and began to wink at Russia, but it did not help. And Gaddafi's "two-sided and three-knife" behavior also made the five permanents not pay attention to him at all. And he did not know whether to give a speech at the United Nations in 2009, which originally stipulated that each person should only occupy 15 minutes, but he spoke for 90 minutes, and when he spoke of the rise, he tore the UN Charter with his hands, and boldly said in his speech: The Security Council should be renamed the Council of Terror and require the Security Council to carry out comprehensive reform.

The most arrogant man in the world – Gaddafi

The incident became the trigger, the five permanent members unanimously agreed to a "war" against Libya, in 2011 Gaddafi was killed in the war, and his body was still humiliated after his death, the end is really regrettable.

The most arrogant man in the world – Gaddafi

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