
During the heavy snow season, the snow in the north and south of the jiangnan river is long, and a song "Ruan Lang Gui" feels the feelings of the lyricist's home and country

As the saying goes: "Small snow seals mountains, and heavy snow seals rivers." "After the light snowfall, there is heavy snow, and it is also the third solar term after the beginning of winter, marking the official arrival of the mid-winter season. This season, called heavy snow, may not snow a lot, but the probability of snowfall is greater than that of the snow season.

During the heavy snow season, the snow in the north and south of the jiangnan river is long, and a song "Ruan Lang Gui" feels the feelings of the lyricist's home and country

During the snow season, if you see the mountains covered with snow, what will be the beauty and mood? I like a song written by the Song Dynasty scholar Xiang Zizhen, "Ruan Lang Gui Shaoxing Yi Di Heavy Snow Walk poyang Road", which describes the cold scenery in winter, and more importantly, expresses the infinite concern of the lyricist about his home country.

The snow in the north and south of the Jiangnan River is long, and it is easy to know the cold water. Looking at the three passes in the depths of the same clouds, the broken intestines are mountains and mountains.

The sky can be old, the sea can be turned over, and this hatred is eliminated. Frequently hearing the messengers ask for peace, when will the luan rut return?

In the fifth year of Shaoxing, that is, in the winter of 1135 AD, Xiang Zichen braved the wind and snow to Poyang, and on the way there was heavy snow, and he could not help but think of the tragic fate of the Northern Song Dynasty, at this time, Song Huizong and Song Qinzong had become prisoners, and the Song Soldiers' Northern Expedition had failed repeatedly, and his heart could not help but feel a pang of sadness, so he wrote this word.

During the heavy snow season, the snow in the north and south of the jiangnan river is long, and a song "Ruan Lang Gui" feels the feelings of the lyricist's home and country

At this time, jiangnan and north, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow drifting, really to the number of nine cold days, the writer walked at the edge of the easy water, at this time the easy water has frozen, can't help but think of the scene when Jing Ke stabbed the King of Qin, the scene of this magnificent trip, quite wind Xiao Xiao yi water cold, the hero once gone to the tragic and strong.

At this time, the clouds were dense, and the writer looked at the three passes in the north, which were the necessary places for the Northern Expedition, but looking around, the lofty mountains and mountains, the road was long, and the former emperors were captured in the north, which could not help but make people sad.

The sky will grow old, the sea will roll over, but the pain of the subjugation of the country in the heart of the writer is difficult to eliminate no matter what, so it can be seen that the writer is still very concerned about the fate of the country.

During the heavy snow season, the snow in the north and south of the jiangnan river is long, and a song "Ruan Lang Gui" feels the feelings of the lyricist's home and country

I heard that the imperial court sent emissaries to the Jin Kingdom to greet the imprisoned Song Qinzong and Song Huizong, but what is the significance of this? Do you really hope that one day, their car can be driven back?

We may not be familiar with Xiang Zizhen, but this poem is very well written, with a grand idea and touching.

Xiang Zizhen, born in the Northern Song Dynasty, witnessed the glory and prosperity of the Northern Song Dynasty, and also experienced the decadence and demise of the Northern Song Dynasty, which made the poet have very complex emotions in his heart. Xiang Zizhen was concerned about the fate of the country, and from the unique perspective of the literati, he wrote many of the first heroic poems to drive out the Golden Soldiers and recover the Central Plains, and the subsequent generation of poets xin abandoned the disease and was also deeply influenced by it.

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