
Singer Yuan Yawei: Now I am the most free

Wen Dongzhao

Gentleness was the most indestructible energy she wanted to transmit at the moment.

Yuan Yawei said she was the moon. Because she likes to create at night and sleeps late.

The inspiration obtained the most at night and the creativity is stronger, which seems to be a common trait of musicians, and the same is true of Yuan Yawei's mentor Liu Huan. The two masters and apprentices listened to the same frequency of songs, and it was common to share music along the network line under a moonlight. The two are tacitly aware, and can always resonate with some "inexplicable songs".

Singer Yuan Yawei: Now I am the most free

Yuan Yawei said she was the moon. Because she likes to create at night and sleeps late. /Courtesy of the interviewee

In recent months, work on new albums and concept concerts has involved Yuan Yawei's time and energy, and her late sleep situation has been even worse. In the early hours of the day of the interview with New Weekly, she was busy with the team on the arrangement, lyrics and copywriting, and stayed up until more than 5 a.m.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Yuan Yawei crawled out of the bed and cried out "collapse" because she slept too little. Despite this, she took the trouble to concoct the day's look herself.

Because she didn't need to be too grand, she matched a casual dress and pants, tied a neat high ponytail, and then picked the crescent-shaped bangs to her forehead. Even if every time people misunderstand "this lock of hair is not to be messed up", she still enjoys it.

Singer Yuan Yawei: Now I am the most free

Although she worked until the early morning of the previous day, when interviewed, Yuan Yawei would still prepare seriously. /Picture Nie Yifan

Yuan Yawei's "complaints" are actually jokes, and she will never ignore her work. I don't know when "must do" has become her belief.

Vast universe, small and dusty

Yuan Yawei is a typical Xiang girl, and the Huaihua of "mountains and water, food everywhere" nourished her childhood. However, in the face of music, her initial posture did not see the boldness and cheerfulness of Xiang Meizi.

When she was in elementary school, Yuan Yawei, who loved singing, did not dare to perform in front of people, and the time and space of being alone was the only outlet for the singing voice. It wasn't until she won the second grade with "Let's Swing the Oars" in the school singing competition that she had the courage and confidence to sing in front of people.

Singer Yuan Yawei: Now I am the most free

On November 19, 2021, Yuan Yawei shared a photo of the moon on Weibo. /Weibo@TIA Yuan Yawei

However, when she excitedly went home to present the award, her mother blamed her for "why didn't she take the first place" The childish mind collapsed. Since then, this girl, whose personality is as strong as a chili pepper, has never sung in front of her mother again.

Chili peppers injected courage and tenacity into Yuan Yawei's adolescence. At the age of 15, she went to Beijing alone. Walking out of the West Railway Station, a north square has made her feel that Beijing is so big and she is so small.

When you see the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City, the city's fresh energy comes to mind. Yuan Yawei decided to stay in Beijing and explore well.

Singer Yuan Yawei: Now I am the most free

When she was fifteen years old, Yuan Yawei came to Beijing alone, and the moment she walked out of the station, a strong "sense of smallness" came to her face. /Figure unsplash

Yuan Yawei's first years in Beijing coincided with the peak of the development of Hong Kong and Taiwan music and Japanese and Korean waves in the mainland, but she liked Maria Kelly and Whitney Houston. And the music of these two European and American pop songs still makes her feel that "it is not enough, and she wants to listen to something else."

She had the privilege of meeting choi kin band musicians at the "hippest of the time" live houses she frequented. Their recommended jazz, blues, rhythm and blues, soul music and other genres and related singers opened up a direction for her exploration of music.

At that time, the "niche music" prejudice imposed on these genres did not inhibit Yuan Yawei's desire for knowledge. The more she listened, the more she liked it, and the more she studied, the more curious she became, as if she had entered "a new musical universe". She is like a small speck of dust, opening her mind in this place of infinite possibilities.

Singer Yuan Yawei: Now I am the most free

On November 25, 2021, Yuan Yawei participated in the Apple Music Christmas Carol Cover Album Project as the only invited singer in Greater China. /Weibo @ Warner Music Beijing

Yuan Yawei never considered the problem of being in line with each other, she always focused and insisted on herself. Over time, her love for these genres has not diminished, but has become more intense with her own music production.

Many people describe Yuan Yawei as "self-taught", but she feels that she only knows a little bit about the skin. The musical universe is vast and profound, and she is nothing more than "to do what she loves within a limited range of abilities." This is not only the state and attitude of her learning, but also her values, musical outlook and understanding of life.

"In the process of pursuing and exploring music, my body is hard, but my soul and my spiritual world have become fuller." Music constantly gives Yuan Yawei new knowledge and feelings, making her "more and more motivated". The fact that they loved each other also deepened that sense of belief.

Singer Yuan Yawei: Now I am the most free

In the process of pursuing and exploring music, Yuan Yawei constantly breaks through herself. /Weibo@TIA Yuan Yawei

In 2012, Yuan Yawei gained national attention through The Voice of China. After 16 years, she also sang again in front of her mother. I have to say that her enthusiastic appearance in music is easy to misunderstand her personality.

Yuan Yawei is lonely, and she enjoys this state of loneliness and not loneliness. She rarely goes out if she doesn't need to work; with music and like-minded friends, she doesn't seem to need extra socializing.

"At every stage, I appreciate myself, but I also question myself." The process of alternating between the two states casts a lonely and courageous color over her loneliness. By spending time with herself, she completed every evolution of herself.

Give value to the sense of mission

In the past, Yuan Yawei would question herself because she felt that she was not suitable for her job. Later, she found that what others saw about her was actually different from what she saw herself, "Others think that I may be able to play a good role in this field, or I can give some energy and embodiment to the brand or event." 」 ”

Singer Yuan Yawei: Now I am the most free

Sometimes, Yuan Yawei also questions herself. /Weibo@TIA Yuan Yawei

It is difficult for others to recognize their own views, as we see in the mirror, not the whole picture reflected in the mirror. Yuan Yawei feels that being able to understand herself more fully through others is "also a process of self-exploration."

So, she became more open and inclusive. The mentality of treating cover songs or external cooperation has also changed to "within my ability, I will do my best to do it well".

In the top ten hot songs on Yuan Yawei's QQ Music personal homepage, film and television theme songs, cover songs and cooperative songs occupy as many as six seats. Although the list is not the same as her personal top ten, this does not affect the quality of the work itself. In part, it is precisely because of the public recognition of her music that has led to so many, influential collaborations.

Singer Yuan Yawei: Now I am the most free

In the process of continuous exploration and growth, Yuan Yawei has become more and more open and inclusive. /Weibo@TIA Yuan Yawei

For things that involve subjective judgment and personal preferences, Yuan Yawei's attitude is casual and free. She likes to condense her views with words such as "fate" and "fate", which sounds a bit self-explanatory. Combined with the competition shows she has participated in and the public opinion environment of different opinions, this approach seems wise and appropriate.

Yuan Yawei said: "Just like I make music, then I will feel that I have put in a lot of time and energy, as well as mental strength, sometimes some people listen to it, he does not feel, you can not blame him, can only say that there is no fate." ”

She does not expect everyone to be related, but anyone who can get moved from her music is enough to be surprised and satisfied, "I mainly focus on this to this to this day." 」 The scenery and harvest on the road of discovery supported her, making her firmly believe that "there is more and more hope in doing this."

Singer Yuan Yawei: Now I am the most free

For things that involve subjective judgment and personal preferences, Yuan Yawei's attitude is casual and free. /Weibo@TIA Yuan Yawei

Rhythm and blues master Steve Wonder once said that in the world of music, there is a "common language of people". The listeners brought by the music, those "connected souls", are the source of Yuan Yawei's energy and her greatest luck. "If I can always keep doing my favorite type of music and then make a little contribution, I feel like I have a sense of mission."

How do people with a strong sense of mission and conviction cope with unsatisfactory results? Yuan Yawei's approach is to take that lonely path, to think alone, to reflect on what she has done and experienced.

"I feel like the process is right and should be. People must learn to face themselves and communicate with themselves, so that you can understand yourself better, and you can have more correct, or relatively clear output. "These outputs can also help people understand her current situation, and then understand that her persistence is due to belief."

Yuan Yawei believes that the energy of faith must be transmitted to some people. If they can gain the confidence to live and pursue their dreams, then her sense of mission has value and meaning.

When the 8th episode of the music competition program "Singer Dang playing year" was eliminated, Yuan Yawei said that she did not have a state of winning or losing in her heart. In fact, she does not care about the result, but she prefers to care about "whether I am happy with this process, whether this process is brought to everyone to enjoy."

Singer Yuan Yawei: Now I am the most free

When the 8th episode of the music competition program "Singer Dang playing year" was eliminated, Yuan Yawei said that she did not have a state of winning or losing in her heart.

If she can use the ears of more listeners to output her music, so that their souls can be released and liberated, or the perception of life, then she will feel that "this use is of high quality, valuable and positive."

For the label of "international fan", Yuan Yawei believes that in today's Datong world, the sense of national boundaries of music has long disappeared. Future people will see more, create more, and information will be approached endlessly.

"But there are good and bad, and when you get more information, your cognition may collapse, and your system doesn't know if it can carry that much information." So this thing is to look at fate. ”

Singer Yuan Yawei: Now I am the most free

Yuan Yawei believes that the energy of faith must be transmitted to some people. /Weibo@TIA Yuan Yawei

Yuan Yawei's music does not have a preset audience, and her standard for measuring her own achievements is whether she has "always learned, always improved, and always explored". She hopes that she can maintain this state, "this is youth, this is youth."

Gentleness is the most powerful

Yuan Yawei said that after 35 years old is "a perfect age", the best age for a woman, she is still young. It turns out that being young is not only her mindset, but also her music.

When performing in the United States, the post-95s and post-00s students at the Berkeley Conservatory of Music evaluated her music with "very high quality and very textured", and even took these songs to the exam. Listening to the children's chorus, Yuan Yawei felt honored and happy, "My spring is coming. ”

Singer Yuan Yawei: Now I am the most free

Yuan Yawei in life, cute and free. /Weibo@TIA Yuan Yawei

Experience has broadened Yuan Yawei's thinking and vision, and she has a different view of the world and life. In the recently released new song, she expresses her current values and status in a "more relaxed and fashionable way".

"If it's sexy, I want it to be extremely sexy; if it's free, I want it to be very positive." 」 In her eyes, this is the complete inner appearance of women.

The new song "Prophecy of God" revolves around self-definition. Like many people, Yuan Yawei is also in such a process, she often thinks about "what kind of person I am, what kind of singer, what kind of thing I want to do" She wanted to convey the firm energy in her body through the song.

Singer Yuan Yawei: Now I am the most free

Yuan Yawei wanted to convey the firm energy in her body through the song. /Weibo@TIA Yuan Yawei

So fans found that Yuan Yawei had changed. "I now think that gentleness is actually the most powerful, soft is the most resilient, the most indestructible." In the music, she transforms from a powerful female warrior into a woman who is as soft as the moon and water.

The change in externalization performance stems both from her innate tenderness and from her advanced awareness of power.

Yuan Yawei is not a very secure person, it is music that gives her the strength to resist the chaos and noise around her. Only in music can she communicate with her soul and see the real things she knows.

Singer Yuan Yawei: Now I am the most free

Yuan Yawei is not a very secure person, it is music that gives her the strength to resist the chaos and noise around her. /Weibo@TIA Yuan Yawei

Music also helps her retain her inner tenderness and rambling. She likes sparkling gadgets, loves to watch romantic movies such as "The Little Mermaid" and "Love Notebook", and has a childlike attachment to spicy tastes; she will proudly tell everyone that the lemon trees she planted bear fruit, and she will also take a few selfies of the first snow that can't see snow.

She draws musical inspiration from all the details of her life and accepts the impact of these details.

"I think now, at this moment, should be my best state in more than thirty years, and there is no better state than now." The fatigue of work will not shake her point of view, because she knows what these efforts are for, "These things I am doing now make me feel comfortable in my heart, and I feel that comfort is the most important thing." ”

Singer Yuan Yawei: Now I am the most free

Yuan Yawei believes that now is her best state in more than thirty years. /Weibo@TIA Yuan Yawei

Even if she has not yet realized the dream of an idyllic life like "Achu Girl", Yuan Yawei still feels that it is now an ideal state, which can be said to be very satisfied, but it can also be said that it is not satisfied at all.

"It depends on what you think." I think people have to leave some space for themselves, so that they can have more hope and more motivation. Yuan Yawei said with a smile.

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