
He was Li Zongren's relative, and he held a high position of power in his lifetime, and Ye Shuai personally invited him back to the mainland

A few days ago, the history inn introduced Liu Jiashu, commander of the 17th Corps of the Nationalist Army, who was captured by our army in February 1950 and later died in the Fushun War Criminals Management Center.

When Liu Jiashu was captured, he also had a subordinate named Du Ding, who was then the commander of the 100th Army, and under the strong offensive of our army, he actually escaped and lived until 2003.

He was Li Zongren's relative, and he held a high position of power in his lifetime, and Ye Shuai personally invited him back to the mainland

Speaking of this Du Ding, it is also very capable in the national army, and the famous 74th Army knows it, right? Wang Yaowu, Zhang Lingfu, Qiu Weida and other famous generals have all served as military commanders, while Du Ding has served as deputy commanders for a long time, which shows his ability.

Moreover, Du Ding not only has strong ability, but also has a very deep background, graduated from the sixth phase of the Whampoa Military Academy, is a proud disciple of old Jiang, and he also has an identity, that is, Li Zongren's relatives. With these layers of relationships, it was difficult for Du Ding not to climb up.

Du Ding was born in 1906 in Zaoyang, Hubei Province, a rich family, grew up and was admitted to Wuhan University, if according to the normal path, he should inherit the family's industry and become a rich man, but a fortuitous incident changed his fate.

One day, Du Ding was reading a book in the courtyard, a unit passed by the door, Du Ding out of curiosity, went out to see, the result was with the commander of this unit to the eye, after a free conversation, the two suddenly felt that they hated each other, so Du Ding threw the book away and followed this unit.

Later, Du Ding was admitted to the sixth phase of the Whampoa Military Academy and became classmates with Dai Kasa, Liao Yaoxiang, Sun Mingjin and others.

He was Li Zongren's relative, and he held a high position of power in his lifetime, and Ye Shuai personally invited him back to the mainland

Du Ding wanted to be learned and learned, to look good, and the family conditions were also very good, so it attracted the attention of many people, and a military commander surnamed Fang took a fancy to him and gave him his daughter Xu.

Later, Du Ding and his wife had four sons and a daughter, of which the eldest son married Li Zongren's daughter, so that Du Ding's relationship network was even stronger, and the development was naturally cloudy.

Of course, don't think that Du Dingquan relied on the promotion of his father-in-law and his relatives, in fact, Du Ding's ability is also very strong, after all, he is a high-achieving student of Wuhan University and the Huangpu Military Academy, who is both literate and martial, courageous and strategic, and has participated in the Battle of Taierzhuang, the Battle of Changsha, the Battle of Changde, and so on, and has made many achievements. Especially in the Battle of Changde, in order to defend the position of the Great West Gate, Du Ding personally rushed to the front line under the condition of heavy casualties of the troops, commanded the soldiers to swear not to retreat, and beat the backbone of the Chinese soldiers.

Another time, Du Ding led his troops to engage the Japanese Kou, because of the disparity in strength, he was forced to a mountain, and he saw that he was about to run out of food and had no way to go, but Du Ding came up with a dangerous move.

What is a "dangerous move"? He ordered everyone to wear the wool felt coats they were wearing in reverse, but they mixed into the sheep that rushed down the mountain, and in this way, relying on the shepherd boy to lead the way, they successfully retreated, while the Japanese troops who were searching nearby were completely unaware.

He was Li Zongren's relative, and he held a high position of power in his lifetime, and Ye Shuai personally invited him back to the mainland

However, such a brave and resourceful general, like most nationalist generals, fell into a low ebb and was repeatedly defeated, and finally fled to Vietnam in February 1950, and later went to Taiwan Island with the help of Lao Chiang.

In the second half of his life, Du Ding still held a high position, and once served as the "vice minister of national defense", holding a high position of authority.

In his later years, Du Ding devoted himself to peaceful exchanges between the two sides of the strait and served as the president of the Friendship Association of Xiangfan City, Hubei Province.

In 1981, Ye Shuai issued an open letter inviting Du Ding and others to return to the mainland to visit their relatives, but due to physical and other reasons, Du Ding was unable to make the trip, which became a regret for him.

In 2003, Du Ding passed away at the age of 97.

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