
Looking forward to 2022, she is the most promising new star in the sports world!

Looking forward to 2022, she is the most promising new star in the sports world!

Text/ Liu Xueting

Edited by / Guo Yang

In the early morning of December 11, Beijing time, in the women's final of the Freestyle Ski U-Shaped Venue Skills World Cup in the United States, Gu Ailing won the gold medal with a high score of 90.50 in the first jump, which was her second championship in a week and her fifth World Cup championship.

This season, Gu Ailing has participated in the two races of the freestyle ski world cup, the big jump and the U-shaped field, and won the championship. Just a week ago at the Ski World Cup in the United States, Gu Ailing made her season debut and won her first big jump gold medal, and became the first female athlete in the world to complete the two-week backflip plus 1440 degree movement in the competition.

The two wins at the beginning of the season naturally also made Gu Ailing get great attention, there is no doubt that Gu Ailing, who signed a national big brand such as Mengniu, is a prominent figure in recent times and even in the future, and perhaps she has become a female sports idol that has attracted much attention.

Looking forward to 2022, she is the most promising new star in the sports world!


Interpreting innate strength with actions

In addition to the impressive results achieved at the beginning of the season, Gu Ailing is also known as a talented girl. She began her career in skiing at the age of 3, began to make a name for herself in the world at the age of 13, and has played in international competitions in the past two years, making history many times, and has now won more than 50 gold medals in freestyle skiing. In addition, she has also become the darling of the fashion circle, and some people say that she is simply an open life, holding the script of "big heroine" and interpreting the concept of "born to be strong".

Many people will always attribute Gu Ailing's success to "heaven's care" when they mention Gu Ailing, but in fact, behind these dazzling achievements, it is inseparable from her tenacious, hard-working and self-disciplined spirit.

Looking forward to 2022, she is the most promising new star in the sports world!

Last year, she not only became the first student to graduate early in her high school, but also entered her dream Stanford University with a near-perfect SAT score.

Gu Ailing once told this little story: in order to balance ski training and schoolwork, her weekends and vacations will be full of training. So every weekend, Gu Ailing would drive to the snow field with her mother, go on Friday night, and return on Sunday night. Her home is a 4-hour drive one way from the snow field, and Gu Ailing's homework can only be written in the car, so she learned to do everything in the car.

In fact, in order not to delay the training of the pistes in Europe, Gu Ailing's SAT test can only be in the European examination room, and it is in the interval between training that she has scored to beat 99.8% of the candidates.

And in her own project, she is dedicated, passionate, and she once said that after so many years, skiing is still her favorite thing. In March this year, Gu Ailing had a broken hand and a torn ligament in her thumb, and she did not rest at all, but chose to participate in the World Freestyle Skiing Championships and the World Extreme Games with her injuries. This is the first time in her career that Gu Ailing has stood on the competition field without being able to hold a snow pole, and she still won a total of four gold and two bronze in these two competitions.

Looking forward to 2022, she is the most promising new star in the sports world!

Not only that, she will appear in any area of interest to her, and she will do her best in everything she can.

When Gu Ailing was a student in high school, she frequently participated in piano, ballet, musical theater performances and other artistic activities. She played the heroine in the school musical and wrote science fiction novels herself. Just this year's training break, she also began to find her own materials to teach herself quantum physics, she has a lot of things she wants to do, and will really pay for these things to do practical actions.

And this spirit of Gu Ailing coincides with mengniu's popular concept of "being born strong". Therefore, as early as the end of 2019, Mengniu signed a freestyle skiing "supernova" Gu Ailing, who had just turned 16 at the time, and Gu Ailing always encouraged more young people, especially women, to devote themselves to the sport of challenging themselves and breaking through themselves. For example, after winning the first title of the season, she encouraged more girls to meet the challenge through video linking, to do what they like to do, and not to be limited by the words of others.

Through the signing of Gu Ailing, Mengniu has indeed let more consumers see the brand characteristics conveyed by slogan of "born to be strong", and more people have embarked on the ski resort because of Gu Ailing, practicing the positive meaning of "born to be strong" with practical actions. It can be said that the role of Gu Ailing for Mengniu is far more than the current part of the heat, but continues to empower the brand sportsmanship, so that the brand and the spokesperson can achieve soul resonance, and continue to build assets for the brand.


In-depth sports marketing, Mengniu all aspects of the layout

In Mengniu's view, dairy and sports have many common points, which are the driving force that can improve health and bring happiness. And all-round improvement of the health of the Chinese people, which is Mengniu's long-term desire and goal, and therefore, Mengniu attaches great importance to sports marketing, and has been at the forefront of the industry.

In the field of ice and snow, in addition to choosing to sign Gu Ailing, the star of hope in the ice and snow project, to inject young genes into Mengniu and make the brand image more youthful and vibrant, Mengniu has also been committed to connecting "white nutrition" and "white sports", and officially became the official partner of the 14th National Winter Games in 2020 in 2019.

Looking forward to 2022, she is the most promising new star in the sports world!

In other projects, Mengniu also has its own deployment. In October this year, Mengniu chose to reach another partnership with FIFA to become the world's official sponsor of Qatar in 2022.

Before the 2018 World Cup in Russia, Mengniu signed with international star Lionel Messi, and was very successful in the world cup marketing that year, deeply appreciating the great value and influence brought by the world's top sports IP to the brand. Therefore, in the marketing war of the Qatar World Cup, on the basis of maintaining Messi as its brand spokesperson, Mengniu chose to sign Mbappe, so that the French genius became another brand spokesperson for it.

From the perspective of sports marketing, only Mengniu has been able to include two world-class stars, Messi and Mbappe, which is a proof that Mengniu has chosen to continue to lay out sports IP in depth and has always been at the forefront of the sports industry.

Looking forward to 2022, she is the most promising new star in the sports world!

Moreover, as a national enterprise, Mengniu is promoting the progress of Chinese sports in its own way. In 2019, Mengniu became the official partner of the Chinese Super League, and in 2021, it became the official partner of the Chinese Football Association China Team, and gave chinese football full support at the level of the top league and the national team during this special period last year.

In addition, Mengniu is also concerned about the construction of the tower base of the sports floor. In 2017, Mengniu cooperated with a series of ice and snow events such as the Beijing Youth Ski Open and the 2017 Beijing Youth Ice Hockey League, providing health protection for ice and snow lovers and athletes with rich product categories and professional service attitudes, and also vigorously disseminating and popularizing the unique charm of ice and snow sports through multiple channels and channels, thereby stimulating the public's attention and enthusiasm for ice and snow sports. Moreover, Mengniu hopes to stimulate the enthusiasm of young people for mass ice and snow sports from multiple dimensions such as science education and nutritional product protection, directly promote the development of ice and snow sports, and make the concept of "born strong" deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Last year, in order to enhance the sense of belonging of the fans of the Chinese Super League teams, Mengniu produced a promotional film for 8 Chinese Super League teams from 6 cities, and let the fans tell their feelings with the home team in the way of following the lives of local die-hard fans. This way of walking the heart has helped many fans deeply express their love for the home team for their own city and football. And this also makes the well-known "born to be strong" Slogan completely penetrate the hearts of the most ordinary fans, so that fans have a stronger sense of identity with "born to be strong".

Renew the World Cup, choose the right spokesperson, from ice and snow to football, Mengniu is deeply rooted in the sports industry and continues to exert efforts in sports marketing. Mengniu makes full use of the positive attributes of sports, let consumers have positive emotions, let users understand their products and brands, accurately pass on the "born strong" Slogan, and finally transmit such brand impressions to every corner of society, thus creating sustainable and growing value, which is what Mengniu has been doing.

Looking forward to 2022, she is the most promising new star in the sports world!

In the past two years, on the basis of continuing the core of "to be strong", Mengniu has upgraded the brand theme to "nutrition you want to be strong", as a positive attitude, hoping to affect more people.

Looking at the future, we firmly believe that Mengniu's spirit of "born to be strong" will inspire more sports enthusiasts, so that the concept of nutrition and health will enter the hearts of more people, not only to better protect the health of the people, but also to show the responsibility of a national enterprise.

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