
Born and buried together, it was originally a scene between husband and wife, why was born on the Khitan princess and her uncle

Born and slept together, died and buried together, such a scene should have happened to the husband and wife, and it is a poignant love story to stay.

In ancient times, only the empress of the main palace could be buried with the emperor, but some people really did some inexplicable behavior, and it was difficult to understand that the niece was buried with her uncle after death, but a princess in ancient times did such a thing, is there any hidden meaning in this?

Born and buried together, it was originally a scene between husband and wife, why was born on the Khitan princess and her uncle

A mysterious tomb was unearthed, and a man and a woman were buried together

In 1986, a mausoleum was excavated in Inner Mongolia, the owner of this tomb is Princess Chen Guo during the Liao Dynasty, the mausoleum has a long history, thousands of years later but still intact. The most astonishing thing is that although this is the tomb of the princess, there are two corpses lying side by side, both dressed in the same clothes, both silver mesh coats, crowns on their heads, their faces covered with gold masks, and even the boots on their feet are gilded with gold.

The mausoleum is surrounded by frescoes, according to the patterns on these frescoes, it can be roughly understood that this is the scene of life at that time, in addition to the frescoes there are more than 3,000 funerary items, gold and silver jewelry, as well as a variety of agate, jade, amber and pearls. Every piece is precious.

Born and buried together, it was originally a scene between husband and wife, why was born on the Khitan princess and her uncle

The tomb is intact, experts expressed puzzlement

The tomb is luxurious, it has a history of thousands of years, but it is intact in the era of rampant tomb robbery.

In ancient times, there was a profession called "Captain Touching Gold", they were proficient in all kinds of feng shui knowledge, as long as it was a slightly luxurious mausoleum, it was difficult to escape their eyes, what is the reason why this thousand-year-old mausoleum survived?

Some experts said that it is likely that the location of the mausoleum is too remote, and the local residents are very few, so there is no tomb robber who found a luxurious mausoleum here, of course, it may also be because of the poor geographical location, even if they find it, there is no way to enter the tomb.

Born and buried together, it was originally a scene between husband and wife, why was born on the Khitan princess and her uncle

Unveiling the veil - the owner of the tomb, Princess Chen Guo

The owner of this mausoleum is the aforementioned Princess Chen Guo, a member of the famous Yelü family during the Liao Dynasty, her grandfather was Liao Jingzong, and her father was Liao Shengzong. Such a noble status, so many funerary items is not an exaggeration. The other owner of the mausoleum, the man buried with Princess Chen Guo, is called Xiao Shaoju, he is the brother of the Empress of the Liao Kingdom, and he is also very accomplished, serving as the emissary of the Taining Army before his death, and he was only 35 years old when he died, which is the best year in a man's life.

Princess Chen Guo's grandfather is Liao Jingzong, her father is Liao Shengzong, and Xiao Shaoji's sister is the empress of Liao Shengzong, so that the relationship between the two of them is that of uncle and niece, so that the two of them are buried together. In fact, on the surface, this is the case, but they actually have another layer of relationship, that is, husband and wife, Princess Chen Guo married her uncle Xiao Shaojue, is it very incredible?

Born and buried together, it was originally a scene between husband and wife, why was born on the Khitan princess and her uncle

Princess Chen Guo, a niece married to her uncle

Princess Chen Guo's father was Liao Shengzong, and when she was 16 years old, she was married to Xiao Shaojie by her father, which in the eyes of normal people confused moral order and violated common sense, but in fact, all this was nothing in the Khitan tribe, just a normal phenomenon of intermarriage, a powerful alliance to achieve the goal. You can win over the forces of both sides, and there is a greater chance of cultivating excellent offspring, and that's it.

There is no mention in the records of their cause of death, but it is mentioned that Xiao Shaoju and Princess Chen Guo died a year after they became relatives, and Princess Chen Guo also went with him a year later, as for what the reason is not clear, it may involve some secrets, or it may be just a simple coincidence. Some people also say that Princess Chen Guo is true love for Xiao Shaojue, and after Xiao Shaojue's death, she was heartbroken, and finally died of a serious illness due to excessive thoughts.

Born and buried together, it was originally a scene between husband and wife, why was born on the Khitan princess and her uncle

In fact, in ancient times, there were many such phenomena, such as Empress Bo's request to be buried with her son after her death, such behavior is also incomprehensible, but when you put yourself in her shoes, you will find that she has deep feelings for her son, the two people have always been dependent on each other, and they will rely on each other after death. Of course, Empress Bo's behavior is a beautiful talk, but the matter of Princess Chen Guo is unacceptable, and even modern society still will not understand this behavior.


"Khitan Princess" and so on

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