
Although this general is not, Chiang Kai-shek is a general, but he plays ace style on the battlefield

Friends who know history know that Chiang Kai-shek treats his generals at different levels, such as his hometown, and the generals of the Huangpusheng category are absolutely generals of the Concubine lineage, and for the generals of the local factions, they can not be used, even if you are strong, you cannot enter Chiang Kai-shek's heart, probably because Chiang Kai-shek is born on Huangpu, and for him, Huangpusheng is one of the generals who can be trusted.

However, there is a general under Chiang Kai-shek, who is not a general of Chiang Kai-shek's concubine, but he plays the style of ace on the battlefield, and this is General Huang Baitao.

Although this general is not, Chiang Kai-shek is a general, but he plays ace style on the battlefield

Huang Baitao, a native of Meixian District, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province today, served as a soldier under the Beiyang warlord Li Chun in his early years, and later joined Zhang Zongchang, and only joined Chiang Kai-shek after Zhang Zongchang was destroyed.

Huang Baitao himself had no backers, and he was not a general of Chiang Kai-shek's concubines, so he did not give up on himself, but desperately hoped that he could be reused by Chiang Kai-shek. He made many meritorious contributions by fighting the enemy on the battlefield.

There is a saying that gold will shine, and by chance he was promoted by Gu Zhutong, knowing that Gu Zhutong was one of Chiang Kai-shek's most trusted generals, and soon Gu Zhutong made him the commander of the 25th Army, which later became one of the ten aces of Wang Chiang Kai-shek under the training of Huang Baitao.

Although this general is not, Chiang Kai-shek is a general, but he plays ace style on the battlefield

The most brilliant of Huang Baitao's military career was when he was sweeping away Jiaodong, when he commanded the 25th Division to fight in Jiaodong and almost no unit could compete, and soon after he was transferred to the Central Plains battlefield by Jiang, and encountered Liu Shuai many times, Huang Baitao was outstanding.

And Huang Baitao and Su Yu have repeatedly fought each other with both sides winning and losing. Like the Battle of Meng Lianggu, Meng Lianggu desperately reorganized the 74th Division, but was punished by Chiang Kai-shek for not being rescued. However, due to the needs of wartime, the fierce general was revived.

In the Battle of Eastern Henan, Huang Baitao personally led the 25th Division to rescue the reorganized 72nd Division, at this time Hua Ye urgently dispatched 3 to block Hu Lian and Wu Shaozhou's corps, and then attacked Huang Baitao's troops with 11 columns, who knew that the 25th Division fought back bravely, and as a result, more than 1,000 people were wounded. After that, Hua Ye wanted to eat this army in one bite, and mobilized the 1st Column, 4th Column, and 6th Column to besiege Huang Baitao.

In the face of Su Yu's offensive, Huang Baitao personally led the charge, they used 4 tanks to open the way in front, followed by a large group of stormtroopers, each of them holding a submachine gun in their hands, under the leadership of Huang Baitao, they actually rushed out of the encirclement. It also created the only example of a regimental commander leading a charge in the history of the Nationalist army.

Although this general is not, Chiang Kai-shek is a general, but he plays ace style on the battlefield

After the war, Huang Baitao was also awarded the Order of the Blue Sky and White Sun, and was later promoted to lieutenant general of the Seventh Corps of the Army.

In the later Battle of Huaihai, Huang Baitao became the first target to be annihilated, but the East China Field Army also paid a great price, and it is said that 60,000 casualties were inflicted, which shows its fierceness. It should be known that Huang Baitao held out on the plain for 15 days, and there was no danger to defend, which was in stark contrast to Wang Yaowu's defense of Jinan.

Later, Huang Baitao and Yang Tingyan, deputy commander of the 25th Army, broke through and rushed out, and on the way, Huang Baitao was killed by stray bullets. Although Huang Baitao was not a general of Chiang Kai-shek's lineage, he played the ace style on the battlefield.

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