
He risked his life to bring back a vine from abroad to feed hundreds of millions of people in China, not Yuan Longping

He risked his life to bring back a vine from abroad to feed hundreds of millions of people in China, not Yuan Longping

As we all know, in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, our country's grain output has always been unable to meet the needs of the people, and if a family wants to come to get grain, they must exchange grain according to the provisions on the grain stamps. In China, Yuan Longping has a special title of the father of hybrid rice, and the super rice he found can give us enough food. But in ancient times there was no such thing, so once the war broke out, there were disaster victims, which is why the allusion to why not eat meat has been passed down to this day.

He risked his life to bring back a vine from abroad to feed hundreds of millions of people in China, not Yuan Longping

Chen Zhenlong was born in the Ming Dynasty in 1543, his hometown is in Changle County, Fujian Province, his goal before he was twenty years old was to become an official, but after his efforts or failure, he found that he was not the material for the official, and then he decided to go into business, he thought about starting his own business in the Philippines. After he went to the Philippines, he found that the grain there was different from that in China, where things shaped like potatoes were everywhere.

He risked his life to bring back a vine from abroad to feed hundreds of millions of people in China, not Yuan Longping

Chen Zhenlong carefully studied before he knew that this thing is called sweet potato, and his characteristics are high yield and high temperature resistance, and he will not be picky about the living environment. Chen Zhenlong's hometown will kill many people every time there is a drought, if this thing can survive in China, such a problem can be solved, and then he silently remembered the method of planting, hoping that he can teach everyone well after returning to China.

He risked his life to bring back a vine from abroad to feed hundreds of millions of people in China, not Yuan Longping

At that time, the Philippines was still under Spanish jurisdiction, and he could not take things out casually, and if he was found, he would be shot and killed. In 1593, he thought of getting the potato vine into the suction rope, so he managed to bring it out, and he spent a total of seven days and seven nights at sea before coming home. The first thing I did when I got home was to plant potato vines, and I finally grew sweet potatoes after four months, which were not much like the Philippines.

He risked his life to bring back a vine from abroad to feed hundreds of millions of people in China, not Yuan Longping

That year coincided with the great drought in Fujian Province, when Chen Zhenlong asked his son to contact the local inspector Jin Xuezeng, who said that he had a way to help the people tide over the difficulties, and the inspector immediately asked people to start planting sweet potatoes throughout Fujian Province, and the drought problem was solved later. Chen Zhenlong's descendants later introduced sweet potatoes elsewhere, and since then sweet potatoes have been an important food.

He risked his life to bring back a vine from abroad to feed hundreds of millions of people in China, not Yuan Longping

According to the historical records, in that famine era, seventy or eighty percent of the people were saved by sweet potatoes. By that time in Qianlong, sweet potatoes were basically what every household was growing, and China's total sweet potato production accounted for 80% of the world's total production. The descendants are very grateful to Chen Zhenlong for his introduction at that time, and in 1834, the Xianshu Ancestral Hall was built to give posterity a sense of history.

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