
The European powers with 3 million troops were occupied and fallen by Germany, and the actions of the Anglo-French coalition were controversial

World War II broke out on September 1, 1939, with the three fascist Axis powers of the Third German Reich, the Empire of Japan, and the Kingdom of Italy, and the vassal states of Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. A second war of global scale, with the Anti-Fascist League and the World Anti-Fascist League on the other side.

This war is the largest world war in human history, with nearly 2 billion people in 61 countries and regions involved in the war. According to incomplete statistics, there were more than 90 million military and civilian casualties in the war, and the war losses amounted to more than 5 trillion US dollars. Looking at these data, we can understand the cruelty and bloodshed of World War II, so we call for peace and yearn for peace.

In World War II, Germany used blitzkrieg technology, and before the war they were prepared, they caught the European powers off guard. Although at that time, Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg had a total of 147 divisions and more than 3 million troops, which was comparable to the strength of Germany. However, in the end, it was occupied and fallen by Nazi Germany. However, a move made by the Anglo-French coalition at that time saved its strength after defeating Nazi Germany.

The European powers with 3 million troops were occupied and fallen by Germany, and the actions of the Anglo-French coalition were controversial
The European powers with 3 million troops were occupied and fallen by Germany, and the actions of the Anglo-French coalition were controversial

On September 1, 1939, Nazi Germany attacked Poland, and the Anglo-French coalition did not give Polish reinforcements, but "watched" the battle on the Maginot Line. It took 27 days and Poland fell. The Anglo-French forces remained behind the Maginot Line, did not go to war with Nazi Germany, but merely condemned them. This is the famous "fake war" in history, which can also be called "strange war".

Nazi Germany's next goal was not to attack the French Maginot Line. But the British and French allies were firmly on the Maginot Line and were ready for all kinds of war. The Germans were divided into two groups, A and B, to attack the small countries surrounding France, and Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg fell successively. The Germans also bypassed the Maginot Line and crossed the river from the Sedan area into France, which soon fell.

It took less than a year for the Germans to reach the English Channel, trapping 400,000 Anglo-French troops in a narrow strip of northern France. At that time, only Dunkirk, a small port inhabited only by the inhabitants of the people, could be their retreat at sea. Since Dunkirk was an extremely vulnerable target to bombers and artillery fire, the British government and navy mobilized large crews and people to rescue the army and retain their strength.

The European powers with 3 million troops were occupied and fallen by Germany, and the actions of the Anglo-French coalition were controversial
The European powers with 3 million troops were occupied and fallen by Germany, and the actions of the Anglo-French coalition were controversial

Originally, their plan was to evacuate 30,000 people, but in the end, under very dangerous circumstances, they rescued 336,000 people in one week. This is the famous "Dunkirk Evacuation" in the history of World War II. ”

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the time gave a speech: "We must be extremely careful not to blind this retreat to victory, and the war is not won by retreat." ...... The Germans desperately tried to sink thousands of ships full of warriors on the sea, but they were repulsed, they were defeated, and we withdrew from the expeditionary force! ”

The European powers with 3 million troops were occupied and fallen by Germany, and the actions of the Anglo-French coalition were controversial

The Dunkirk evacuation retained the strength and strength to defeat Nazi Germany later, because of this evacuation, which led to the Normandy landings. Until the fascists are defeated and peace is achieved!

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