
After Liu Chan surrendered to the city, why did Sima Zhao not dare to kill him? Only because Liu Chan wrote three words after surrendering

There has always been a saying in the folk: "Liu Chan's Jiangshan is given in vain." It seems that the Jiangshan of the Shu Kingdom was finally destroyed at the hands of Liu Chan, but in fact, Liu Chan was not as useless as everyone imagined. Instead, he remained a successful emperor. After the defeat of the Shu kingdom, Liu Chan did not have the magic power to turn the situation around.

After Liu Chan surrendered to the city, why did Sima Zhao not dare to kill him? Only because Liu Chan wrote three words after surrendering

Ah Dou was the second and last emperor of the Shu Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period. During his reign, he did nothing. Later, he was fortunate enough to castrate and erect Huang Hao. Finally, he handed over the Jiangshan of Western Shu to Sima . His actions were pathetic.

Many people mention that Liu Chan mostly laughed at his mediocrity and cowardice. However, although Liu Chan was the king of the fallen kingdom, he never bullied his brother like Emperor Wen of Wei, nor was he as cruel as Wu Sunhao. Generally speaking, human nature is complex, and as the Queen of Shu, he naturally has several unknown faces.

When Liu Chan was in charge of the Shu state alone, he pardoned the world ten times and sent Jiang Wei eleven northern expeditions to quell the rebellion within the Shu state and the attack of the Wei state. During Liu Chan's reign, the difficulties encountered were not more serious than Liu Bei's, but at that time, the Shu state was still very stable, and there were even faint signs of rising national strength.

In difficult times, Liu Chan's 30-year road of governing the country is enough to show liu Chan's strength in governing the country. Only from the perspective of governing the country, Liu Chan's strength was not worse than Zhuge Liang's. On the issue of leading the army, which has been criticized by others, Liu Can is not unable to lead the army. In fact, he didn't have many useful generals. Except for Jiang Wei, who can take on this important task.

Many believe that the death of marquis Wuxiang was a watershed in the rule of later monarchs. If during Zhuge Liang's reign, Liu Canshang can be said to be listening to the opinions of both sides, then it can be said that the situation in the last years of the Shu Han Dynasty deteriorated.

After the death of the virtuous minister Jiang Wan, the great general was assassinated. Liu Can fell into chaos. There are many foreign ministers, all of whom have their own principles of loyalty and justice. It is difficult to distinguish between loyalty and rape. The surrounding slaves and maids had better take care of themselves.

After Liu Chan surrendered to the city, why did Sima Zhao not dare to kill him? Only because Liu Chan wrote three words after surrendering

Keep this in mind. Liu Chan began to favor Huang Hao. He stayed in the palace all day, ignoring political affairs. Huang Hao also cooperated with Liu Can in various ways. For a time, he was in power, and the Shu Han court fell into a dark age.

Saying that Liu Chan had no idea what Huang Hao had done was inappropriate. Because of his childhood experiences, he just wanted to be rich and enjoy dinner and entertainment. He really doesn't care or doesn't want to care what the guys who play with him do behind his back.

In the sixth year of Jing Yao, Sima Zhao began a large-scale attack on the State of Shu, and the State of Shu gradually retreated. Although Shu was still able to organize effective resistance at that time, Liu Chan was very saddened by the death of civilians.

Liu Chan thought about it and decided to surrender to the State of Wei. As long as Liu Chan surrendered, the Shu state would give up resistance. Perhaps the Wei state killed many generals of the Shu state, but the people of the Shu state would survive. Because Sima Zhao did not want to see the Shu state turn into ruins, the two monarchs silently reached an agreement. Liu Chan surrendered, and Sima Zhao restored peace to the Shu state.

After Liu Chan surrendered to the city, why did Sima Zhao not dare to kill him? Only because Liu Chan wrote three words after surrendering

After Liu Chan surrendered, the words "Mountain Village" were engraved on the gate of the official residence in Anle County. Someone reported the case to Sima Zhao. Sima Zhao said happily, "I can rest assured that he has no ambitions. ”

Confused, the left and right asked Sima Zhao for advice. Sima Zhao replied, "Turning it over means that he is really dead-hearted, let him live a rich life." So he let Liu Chan go and stopped taking his life.

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