
Book Reading Series every Day - Roman Rowland's John Christophe

author:The story of fish and fruit

The book I bought was a translated version of Fu Lei.

Book Reading Series every Day - Roman Rowland's John Christophe

John Christophe's translation of "John Christophe" by Fu Lei

Romain Rolland was a famous French humanitarian writer of the first half of the 20th century. His novels are characterized by "writing novels with music". He spent his life fighting unyieldingly for human freedom, democracy and light, was active in progressive political activities, expressed solidarity with the Spanish people in their struggle against fascism, and attended the Paris Congress for the Defense of Peace. He is also the author of The Biography of Beethoven (1903), The Biography of Michelangelo (1906), and The Biography of Tolstoy (1911).

Book Reading Series every Day - Roman Rowland's John Christophe

Romain Rolland

It reflects a series of contradictions and conflicts in real society through the protagonist's life experience, and is a long novel that promotes humanitarianism and heroism, and the stories in it are also based on the Beethoven he admired. For example, the author is a Frenchman, but the protagonist of this novel, Christophe, is indeed a German musician. His life of continuous struggle is a musical epic, from the awakening of his musical talents in childhood, the contempt and rebellion against the powerful in his youth, to the exploration, pursuit and success of the music career in adulthood, and finally to the lofty realm of spiritual tranquility.

Book Reading Series every Day - Roman Rowland's John Christophe


Book Reading Series every Day - Roman Rowland's John Christophe


Book Reading Series every Day - Roman Rowland's John Christophe


I have a lot of books in my bookcase, some of which are not actually suitable for children, and they have to have some life experience to understand most of the contents. But I would definitely recommend this book to my children.

Because it contains both the cruel reality of the protagonist being born in a poor family and financial constraints and the embarrassment of not wearing clothes, but also the helplessness, bravery and hardship of relying on musical talents alone after his father's all-day drunkenness and unfortunate death, supporting the entire extended family, and more importantly, his resistance, awakening, sinking and even maturity after he grew up, as well as his continuous exploration and pursuit of music, love, family affection, friendship and so on.

In fact, each of us can find the shadow of our own experience of life beating. Even if this book was completed more than 100 years ago in 1912!

Because the world-renowned epic classic literature is after the baptism of time, it is still enduring, still full of power, it can always touch your heart in a casual moment.

"Most people die in their twenties and thirties, because after this age they are only a shadow of themselves, and the rest of their lives are spent imitating themselves, day after day, more mechanically, more pretentiously repeating what they did, thought, loved and hated in their lifetimes."

So, please keep fighting!

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