
The terrifying humanoid creature that heralded the catastrophe, the Mothman

author:Tide top soft decoration Yin Jiquan

On December 15, 1967, the Silver Bridge on the Ohio River in the United States was lined up with people waiting to cross the bridge, because it was Christmas, so there were many people going out to buy, resulting in a lot of congestion throughout the Silver Bridge. This silver bridge is about 540 meters long, connecting Ohio and West Virginia, and is called the Silver Bridge because when it was first built, the whole body was silver and white, so people called it the Silver Bridge.

At 05:00 PM of the same day, it was the rush hour, and the Silver Bridge was crowded, but at this moment, tragedy occurred, and the bridge deck collapsed without warning... According to statistics later, the silver bridge collapse incident caused a total of 46 deaths, search and rescue personnel only found 44 bodies, and 2 bodies were missing.

The terrifying humanoid creature that heralded the catastrophe, the Mothman

Do you think this was a disaster, but after investigation, it was found to be unusual, because between 1966 and 1967, at least 100 people witnessed the unknown strange creature of the Mothman. Before the Silver Bridge collapse, many citizens of West Virginia and Ohio said they had seen a strange creature with wings flying in the air, and people could not say what it was, but felt like a bat or a flying eagle, in fact it was more like a giant moth, but it was much more terrifying than a normal moth.

The terrifying humanoid creature that heralded the catastrophe, the Mothman

On December 15, 1967, the day the Silver Bridge collapsed, a lucky survivor had just driven onto the bridge at the moment the bridge collapsed. "It was a chilling feeling, a sixth sense telling me something was going to happen, and this strong premonition was something you couldn't pretend to be blind to," she said. So she immediately reversed the car and drove away from the pier, and within a few seconds, the silver bridge in front of her began to break and collapse, and she witnessed this terrible catastrophe. At the time, the woman was pregnant with twins. In addition, it is also known from some statements that when the steel on the bridge began to break, many people saw a flash of light above the bridge across the sky before the bridge collapsed.

The terrifying humanoid creature that heralded the catastrophe, the Mothman

What is the Mothman that is related to the collapse of the Silver Bridge? The Mothman is an unknown and strange creature that can be invisible, and according to eyewitnesses, the Mothman is a winged humanoid creature with a pair of eyes that refract a red glow, as if there is no head, and the eyes grow here on the chest.

The most frightening thing about the Mothman is its 2 eyes that shoot red light, because its 2 eyes are not glowing, but also flashing. In fact, in nature, many kinds of nocturnal animals will glow at night, because the eye structure of these animals is different from the eye structure of humans. In the case of a cat as we know it, its eyes glow at night because of its special structure and substance. In fact, all cats, their eyes have some special can reflect the light of the substance, it is the existence of this substance, so that the eyes of felines can shine at night.

The terrifying humanoid creature that heralded the catastrophe, the Mothman

Here are some reports of Mothman sightings:

Time: 1926

While digging around the cemetery, the three men also saw a brown humanoid, winged creature flying past the tree next to it.

Date: November 12, 1966 Location: Local cemetery near Klendening, West Virginia, USA

Five men were on their way to the cemetery when they saw a brown humanoid object emerge from a nearby tree and fly over their heads. The 5 men were puzzled because what appeared was not a bird, but an unknown creature with a human-like appearance and a pair of wings.

Date: November 24, 2015 Location: Next to Concord Middle School, USA

A Mothman sighting occurred, which immediately detonated the global media.

The terrifying humanoid creature that heralded the catastrophe, the Mothman

The horror of the Mothman is not only reflected in its terrifying physical form, but also in another aspect:

Because in 1966, all the people who had seen the Mothman either committed suicide or had a mental abnormality, and most of them did not live for half a year. As many as 100 people died because they had seen the Mothman. The incident was treated as a classified file by the NSA, and little one knows what happened to the United States of America during that time, which became the greatest mystery of the 20th century.

The terrifying humanoid creature that heralded the catastrophe, the Mothman

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