
"Tujia Drum King" Peng Chengjin: Committed to inheriting the Tujia family swing hand dance

author:China News Network
"Tujia Drum King" Peng Chengjin: Committed to inheriting the Tujia family swing hand dance

The picture shows zhou Xingliang, a Tujia waving dance in the Tea Yanping Swing Hall on December 14

Enshi, China News Network, December 15, 2015 Title: Peng Chengjin, "Tujia Drum King": Committed to inheriting the Tujia family swinging hand dance

Author Wu Yili Guo Xiaoying

"Let's wave our hands together!" On the 14th, in the Chayan Ping Swing Hall in Baifusi Town, Laifeng County, Hubei Province, with Peng Chengjin's shout, the drums fell, the gong sounded, and more than 30 villagers dressed in traditional Tujia costumes gathered in a circle and danced the original ecological hand-waving dance.

The hand-waving dance is an ancient traditional dance of the Tujia family, and it is also a national intangible cultural heritage, originating from Baifusi Town, and is spread in the Youshui River and Wujiang River basins at the junction of Hubei, Xiang, Chongqing and Qian, and is known as "Oriental Disco". In November this year, Baifusi Town was named "The Hometown of Chinese Folk Culture and Art".

"Tujia Drum King" Peng Chengjin: Committed to inheriting the Tujia family swing hand dance

The picture shows Peng Chengjin playing drums for the swinging hand dance on December 14, zhou Xingliang

Peng Chengjin, 55 years old this year, is a national non-hereditary heir of the hand dance. He introduced that the swing dance has strong characteristics, rough and powerful, with single pendulum, double pendulum, swing swing, eagle wings and other actions. During the festive season, or when welcoming guests, the Tujia family often expresses their joy through song and dance.

"Generations in the town are based on farming, the folk customs are simple, only love to swing their hands and dance, from the elderly to the young children, it can be said that as long as they can walk, they can dance twice." Peng Chengjin said.

Peng Chengjin, a native of the Tujia family of Shemihu Village, Baifusi Town, began to learn to dance at the age of 6, and when he was 7 years old, he secretly practiced beating gongs and drums with wooden sticks and stones, becoming the youngest drummer in the village. Laifeng County is remote, and like many villagers, Peng Chengjin's family conditions are not good. At the age of 13, he made two wishes: one was to build roads when he grew up and bring the villagers to get rich; the other was to inherit the Tujia hand dance.

"Tujia Drum King" Peng Chengjin: Committed to inheriting the Tujia family swing hand dance

The picture shows Peng Chengjin beating the drum on December 14, Wu Yili photographed

The original swinging hand dance is changed from farming activities, and the foot dances on the same side, bending the knees and sinking, strong and powerful. Peng Chengjin is a "left-handed" and has a strong body, beating a big drum and a big gong, with a clear rhythm.

In 2009, Peng Chengjin was named "Tujia Drum King" by Baifusi Town. Since then, he has become more motivated, leading villagers to perform more than 200 performances in the village's hand-waving hall every year, bringing considerable income to rural tourism. Roads began to be paved in the village and houses were repaired.

In order to pass on the Tujia hand-waving dance, Peng Chengjin not only organized villagers to practice hand-waving dance, drumming and gongming all year round, but also often went to communities and colleges and universities to teach. Villagers in Chongqing and Hunan also come to enjoy the hand-waving dance, and they have forged a deep friendship.

The Tujia hand-waving dance gradually went to the whole country and overseas. In recent years, Peng Chengjin has led villagers to Australia, Thailand and other countries and regions for cultural exchange performances.

Peng Chengjin said that he is willing to always be a watchman and disseminator of national culture. "I have been doing this all my life, inheriting the Tujia family hand dance, this is my original intention, my faith." He said. (End)

Source: China News Network

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