
TSMC TOP10 customer list: Huawei disappeared, Apple dominated

author:Chip Master

Introduction: Recently, DIGITIMES released TSMC's top ten customers and revenue ratio data this year.

TSMC TOP10 customer list: Huawei disappeared, Apple dominated


The list includes 11 customers, of which 8 are US companies, one each from Taiwan, Japan and Europe, and there are no Chinese mainland customers listed.

There is no doubt that Apple is now the largest customer of TSMC, and the 25.93% share is far ahead of other TSMC customers, which can be said to be a monopoly. It is no wonder that TSMC has previously rumored that the price of the whole line of processes has increased, but only Apple has obtained VVIP treatment, giving priority to obtaining production capacity while the increase is the smallest.

After being unable to make chips for Huawei, MediaTek became TSMC's second largest customer, accounting for 5.8% of the order revenue, just a fraction of Apple's. But more importantly, TSMC's advanced process support has enabled MediaTek to stay behind in the performance of high-end chips, and some market share has caught up with Qualcomm.

AMD has also increased its cooperation with TSMC in recent years, 7nm chips and next year's 5nm chip orders are TSMC foundry, after the news said that AMD is TSMC's largest 7nm customer, but from this data, AMD's order share is only 4.39%, ranking third.

Further after that is Qualcomm, ranking fourth, with a share of 3.9%, mainly because Qualcomm has handed over the Snapdragon 8 series high-end chip FOUNDC to Samsung in recent years. Behind it are Broadcom, NVIDIA, Sony, STM, ADI and even Intel - although Intel's share is only 0.84%, it is also ranked as the 11th largest customer, and the main OEM is some chips that Intel does not produce itself, including some low-end chipsets and so on.

Huawei became TSMC's second largest customer in 2019, with a share of 14%. The absence of Chinese mainland customers also shows that in the field of advanced chip design, Huawei may not have a world-class domestic manufacturer that can reach the level of HiSilicon for a long time after that.

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