
Little Poem (Thirty-One) Cliffside

author:Three or six were writing poems

That year

Between the mountains

Stand on the edge of a cliff

I shouted, I cheered

I want my voice to break through a thousand layers of fog, a thousand clouds

That year

Between the lofty mountains

A man stands on the edge of a cliff

I screamed, I cheered, I howled

I want my voice to break through a thousand layers of fog, thousands of dark clouds, and return to my ears

That later years

In the middle of a forest of peaks

A man stands obsessively on the edge of a cliff

I screamed, I cheered, I howled, I roared

I want my voice to break through a thousand layers of fog, thousands of dark clouds, back to the ear, stopping at the tip of the heart

Little Poem (Thirty-One) Cliffside

Original work, copyright belongs to the author

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