
Guo Junqing, the only female special combat hero in the whole army, the contemporary Mulan

Guo Junqing, the only female special combat hero in the whole army, the contemporary Mulan

The scarf does not let the eyebrows be raised, which is the praise of the heroine in ancient times. In ancient China, there were not a few female masters who killed the enemy before the battle, including Hua Mulan, Fan Lihua, Liang Hongyu and Qin Liangyu.

When people today mention them, they still recount their heroic deeds of defending their homeland with a sense of reverence and admiration.

But it cannot be denied that for their deeds, there is always some legendary element in it, which is mixed with the preferences of ordinary people.

Guo Junqing, the only female special combat hero in the whole army, the contemporary Mulan

Today, the heroine we want to talk about is a contemporary figure, a real female combat hero, her name is Guo Junqing.

Guo Junqing (1931–September 1983) was a native of Beidian Village, Sanshijiazi (now Sanjiazi Town), Lingyuan County, Liaoning Province.

Guo Junqing was born in 1931 in a poor peasant family.

In 1931, this time is known to everyone. Our "National Shame Day" took place in this year, when the famous "September 18 Incident" occurred, when the iron hooves of the Japanese invaders stepped on the territory of the northeast, and the people of the northeast were burned and displaced.

In the area occupied by the invaders, the people had no way to live, so when she was 7 years old, she fled with her family to ask for food and came to the vast grasslands of Inner Mongolia.

Guo Junqing, the only female special combat hero in the whole army, the contemporary Mulan

In the prairie, Guo Junqing had to dress up as a boy to go out to work, although he had been living a life of hunger and hunger for many years. Her little sister died of illness and starvation when she was 3 years old.

At this time, she looked up at the endless sky and issued a heartfelt sigh - when will we have a way to live for the poor!

In August 1945, the Eighth Route Army passed through her hometown, Guo Junqing took the initiative to ask to join the army, but at that time the army did not accept female soldiers, Guo Junqing had to shave his head, falsely claimed to be a man, and finally entered the revolutionary ranks.

When he came to the army, Guo Junqing took the revolutionary contingent as his home because of his bitterness and deep hatred. With the baptism of battle, his political and ideological consciousness quickly improved, and later he actively moved closer to the party organization, and her application for joining the party wrote that "to serve the people is to serve to the end." In order to accomplish the Party's tasks, we must not be afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice. "Such an oath.

After a rigorous investigation by the organization, she finally got her wish and gloriously joined the Communist Party of China in June 1947.

Guo Junqing, the only female special combat hero in the whole army, the contemporary Mulan

In early 1948, Guo Junqing was transferred to a certain unit of the Northeast Field Army as a squad leader, and in a battle, the four squads she led were used as assault squads to undertake the heavy responsibility of besieging the city.

At that time, the whole class was basically new soldiers, and the weapons used were old-fashioned rifles, but on the opposite side of their battlefield, they were well-equipped enemies, with more than 60 people.

After the battle began, Guo Junqing rushed to the front with a military flag. Suddenly, a shuttle of bullets swept in, and her deputy squad leader was shot and killed, at this time she was completely angry, shouting "Avenge your comrades", and took the lead in rushing up the enemy's bunker.

Because of Guo Junqing's leadership, their sharp knife squad removed the enemy's bunker and cleared the obstacles for the general attack of the large troops, so they made great contributions, and the regiment awarded the "Combat Model Class" pennant to the fourth squad.

Guo Junqing, the only female special combat hero in the whole army, the contemporary Mulan

But as a lesbian, after all, there are inconvenient places, and this can only be done by her deliberate concealment. In order not to expose his daughter's body, in the past 5 years of joining the army, Guo Junqing has never taken off his clothes to sleep, nor has he gone to the toilet and bathed with everyone.

However, the unique physiological characteristics of women determine that she and gay men still have huge physiological differences.

Once, she went out on an urgent mission to send an order to a unit 30 kilometers away within 4 hours.

When she received the task, she set off on a fast horse, and she sped all the way and completed the task ahead of schedule.

But on the way back to the successful completion of the mission, the war horse was exhausted.

Helpless, she had to unload her saddle, walked four kilometers on foot with her saddle on her back, and struggled to return to the station. Due to the cold and fatigue, I fell into gynecological disease.

During a march, the troops had to wade across a small river, and she took the lead, entered the waist-deep water, and carried the sick numbers across the river one by one. But this time the cold river completely damaged her body, causing her to lose her fertility from then on.

It was not until April 1950, when Guo Junqing was admitted to the hospital due to overwork, that her true gender was revealed.

Guo Junqing, the only female special combat hero in the whole army, the contemporary Mulan

Since joining the army, Guo Junqing has successively won 1 meritorious service, 3 major merits, and 4 small merits, and was awarded the honorary titles of "National Female Combat Hero" and "Modern Mulan" by the Central Military Commission.

In September 1950, as a special female combat hero, she attended the National Congress of Combat Heroes, where she was cordially received by the party and state leaders.

After the congress, as a member of the Chinese youth delegation, she accompanied the delegation on a trip to the Soviet Union. After returning to China, he entered Chinese University.

After graduation, according to the organizational arrangement, Guo Junqing transferred to local work.

She first served as the director of qingdao first garment factory, and then transferred to Cao County, Shandong Province, as the deputy director of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

In 1981, after retiring, she settled in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, and died in Nanjing in September 1983.

Although she has left us, her heroic deeds are still sung among the people.

On September 10, 2009, she was named one of the "100 Heroic And Exemplary Figures who made outstanding contributions to the founding of New China", which is the government's full affirmation of her lifelong revolutionary career.

Being able to enjoy this honor more than 20 years after her death shows that her deeds are also quite influential.

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