
Loyalty on the borders of the motherland

author:Red River Border Management

(Correspondent Li Yumei Ma Shengmei) has no fear in the rain of guns and bullets, unswervingly under the temptation of sex and wealth, selfless in the face of family and friendship, and consistent in words and deeds in work and life... This is the immigration management police, the police who shoulder the responsibility of people's safety. The Pinghe Border Police Station of the Red River Border Management Detachment conscientiously fulfills the duties and missions of the Immigration Management Police, is rigorous and upright, serious and courageous.

Loyalty on the borders of the motherland

In the darkest parts of the street, nightly duty patrols are essential, and they insist on guarding their jobs!

Loyalty on the borders of the motherland

They guarded a tranquility with their actions, and the grinding of the wind and rain tempered the flesh and blood bodies into immortal shields.

Loyalty on the borders of the motherland

They always take the first time to solve the people's problems and do their best to help the people, "110" is their common hotline.

Loyalty on the borders of the motherland

A fiery heart is always hidden under a cold appearance, and they carry a sword to punish evil and promote good, running on a different path.

Loyalty on the borders of the motherland

They risk the first line of law enforcement, regardless of personal safety, dutifully arrest suspects, in the front line of law enforcement, there are their heroic and constantly busy figures everywhere.

Loyalty on the borders of the motherland

They put their hearts and minds on the peace of the people, so that the people really feel safe and secure.

Loyalty on the borders of the motherland

In the middle of the night, everyone is sleeping soundly, and they are still on duty and preparing, so that when the people need it, they can rush to the masses at the first time to serve the people!

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