
Hu Zhijin: Zhang Yu and his mentor Yu Yu

Hu Zhijin: Zhang Yu and his mentor Yu Yu

Zhang Xi (1861-1949) character Liguang, number one mountain. Famous scholar, educator and calligrapher in modern times. A native of Sanmen County, Taizhou, Zhejiang. Guangxu Thirty Years (1904) Jinshi, Hanlin Academy Review. He successively served as assistant repairer and editor of the National History Museum, editor of the Shilu Museum, general editor of the Meritorious Hall, and promoted and supervised by the Translation And Learning Hall of the Beijing Normal University Hall (the predecessor of Peking University), the tong of the Beijing Normal University Hall and the Liberal Arts, the supervision of the Transportation Institute of the Ministry of Posts and Communications (the predecessor of Beijing Jiaotong University), the library of the Faculty of Education, and the walking of the Ministry of Posts and Communications. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, he lived in seclusion in Tianjin and Shanghai, and wrote books behind closed doors, including "Kangxi Politicians", "Lulun Jinjian", "Yishan Wencun" and so on. Born in Shuxiangmendi, Zhang Yu entered the village private school at the age of 6, and went to the private school of Mr. Jiang Tsui Hua in Jiang Village at the age of 9 to study eight shares. At the age of 16, he went to the home of Mr. Gong of the Wang clan in Ninghai City to receive a job, and was appreciated by his teachers, and was promised to be matched by the eldest daughter. At the age of 18, he studied in the Hangzhou Shujing Jingshe and studied under Mr. Yu Fan, a famous master of scripture in the late Qing Dynasty and the editor of the Hanlin Academy.

Hu Zhijin: Zhang Yu and his mentor Yu Yu

Yu Fan (1821-1906) Zi Yinfu, a resident of Quyuan, Zhejiang, a native of Deqing, Zhejiang, who taught the Hangzhou Zhenjing Jingshe for more than 30 years, and wrote a lot of works on the history of the Botong Classics. Wu Dayi, Zhang Taiyan, Lu Runxiu, Wu Changshuo, etc. were all his disciples, and were known as "three thousand menxiu and four hundred continents high".

Located at the southern foot of the Lonely Mountain in Hangzhou, in the sixth year of Qing Jiaqing (1800) by Ruan Yuan, who was then the governor of Zhejiang, it was abolished several times, and rebuilt in the fifth year of Tongzhi (1866), becoming the highest academic institution and academic research center in Zhejiang. The Jingjing Jingshe advocates "respecting the scriptures and revering the Han", revering xu shen and Zheng Xuan, with the purpose of inheriting Qianjia sinology and cultivating academic talents, which is very different from the academy that specializes in the art of the imperial examination. The teaching content of the Jingjing Jingshe is the doubts of the history of the scriptures and primary schools, astronomy, geography, algorithms, etc. The teaching method is mainly self-study seminars, supplemented by explanatory guidance. Once a month, the examination class is held, "asking about the doubts of the "Thirteen Classics" and "Three Histories", next to the primary school, the Heavenly Department, the geography, the algorithm, and the lexicon" (Sun Xingyan: "Pingjinguan Manuscripts" Under the "Sun Yuanru Poetry Collection", "The Inscription of the Jingshe inscription", "Four Libraries Series"). Zhang Yu studied with Mr. Yu Yu for more than ten years, "in the jingxun and primary schools, all involved in his domain, the study of jingyi, Qin Siya's hometown, all of which have really gained" (Zhang Shunwei's "Qing Humanities Collection", Central China Normal University Press, March 2004 edition). Yu Fan once wrote the "Three Epitaphs of Zhang Junzi" for Zhang Junzi's father, saying: "Since ancient times, there have been grandfathers who have hidden virtue and are not glorious, and there will be sons and grandsons who are great in the world." ...... I have repeatedly conquered the ancient world, and now I have tested the Ninghai Zhangshi. Zhang Ziji, Corporal Yumen also ,...... When he finished his studies, he tried to take the academy, and he was very good at anointing the fire, and Jungu was not happy to know: 'I hope that You will study, and I will be bored in vain?' It has been learned and improved, and the name is prosperous. Every three years of age, the imperial court supervised the school, heard the name, and competed for the help of the school. ("Chun Zai Tang Miscellaneous Essays 6" V) Yu Fan vigorously praised Zhang Si Peijun (Zhang Yi's father) for his "subliminal virtue" character and far-reaching vision, and also praised the protégé Zhang Hao's academic success and growing fame. The Jingshe has successively compiled and engraved eight collections of the Anthology of the Jingshe of the Vinaya, which include the study history of the Zhusheng Zhijing and the poetry and literary masterpieces, highlighting the achievements of governance and promoting academic exchanges, the first two episodes were selected and edited by Ruan Yuan, and the last six episodes were continued by Yu Fan. The sixth to eighth episodes of the "Jingshe Anthology" contain a total of 16 chapters on the study of the history of the Zhang shu jing and the creation of words, and the representative works include "Strange Stone Solution", "Yi'er Hook Aid Solution", "Wu Wang Jing Invincible Solution", "Wang Zazi Solution", "Telegraph Fu", etc., which are well received by Mr. Yu Fan.

Hangzhou Is a wonderful place to read and study the Scriptures. Zhang Yu has been here for more than ten years, and he has been immersed in his studies, knowledgeable, and knowledgeable, and he has been able to make friends with Shuo Yan and broaden his contacts, thinking that he will be a help for future development. In his later years, Zhang Yu often looked back fondly on his past school days, and was full of nostalgia and gratitude for his mentor Yu Fan. He wrote in the poem "He Chen Yong'an Shao Bao Rhyme": "Ten years of Hangzhou dreams, Xu soul and juniper. Whoever is loyal to the adulterer who makes the mouth, the old ones will not survive. Xizi Five Lakes old, holly a tree in autumn. Lonely Mountain South Bank Road, should go up to Yu Lou again. "Yu Lou is located on the bank of xiling bridge in the west lake, which is the former residence of Yu Fan. When Mr. Yu Yu was lecturing in Hangzhou, his family members still stayed in Suzhou, and only came to Hangzhou to teach in the spring and autumn, living in the first floor of the Jingshe. In the fourth year of Guangxu (1878), his disciple Xu Qi and others raised funds to build a small and elegant and simple building in the southern foothills of the Lonely Mountain and on the banks of the Xiling Bridge, which was used by Yu Shi to live in, called "Yu Lou". The courtyard is stacked with stones, flowers and trees are sparse, quiet and elegant, and the fragrance of books is overflowing. Yu Fan once wrote a poem: "The incense mound next to the bridge is adjacent to Su Xiao, and the mountain is accompanied by Lao Po; thank you to the disciples of the door and wall, and open a new nest for Yu's hard work", and he is grateful for the deep friendship of the disciples. In 1933, Zhang Yu, who was already seventy-three years old, wrote in the last sentence of "Remembering Qiantang": "The Shaori Qinshu did not travel far, and he lived in Hangzhou for ten years. The rivers and lakes are narrow and difficult to settle down, and where the Ming Hall will wait. The words are full of nostalgia for Hangzhou's ten-year school career. In his later years, Yu Fan also often missed the lecture life on the shore of Xizi Lake, and he wrote in a poem that first rhymed Zhang Zhao's "West Lake Feeling Old": "Since the West Lake has not come for a long time, the Spring and Autumn Yaji owes the cup. Although Yang Zi read the scriptures, he has changed the Su family to be a commentator. The situation of the ancient rivers and rivers has changed, and the wind and rain of the small buildings have frustrated me. There are still old things that are still left, only a few plum trees in the lonely mountain. "In the late Qing Dynasty, the world changed, the wind of Sinology declined day by day, and the feelings of attachment, vicissitudes, and loss were intertwined in the poems.

After leaving the Jingjing House, Zhang Yu traveled to Sichuan, Shanxi, Jiangsu, and Hunan provinces successively to study folk customs and customs to see and hear widely. During this period, he still did not forget to study the scriptures, and wrote to Master Yu several times to ask for advice on the lineage of Xu and Zheng Zhixue. In order to help the Confucius Temple from the example of the Temple of Confucius, he asked Master Yu to make up for his worship, and asked his friend Wang Zhouyao to examine his people, so Wang Zhouyao planned to go from Han Xuchong to Qing Duan Yujie and Wang Junfan, and deserved Xu Shen; and also planned to go from Han Zheng Xiaotong to Qing Wang Mingsheng and Kong Guangsen seventy-two people, worthy of Zheng Xuan. Yu Fan sent a letter of praise: "Honor and intention also want to agree that Mr. Xu and Mr. Zheng Liang will be from the people of the ancestors, dazaisi move!" (Yu Fan: "Chun Zai Tang Poems", vol. 7) However, at that time, the rise of Western learning and the laxity of official classes made Yu Fan worried. He once gave Shiyun: "Geng Geng Yin worried about Xu Zhenghe, and frequently wept against the ancestors" (Yu Fan: "Chun Zai Tang Poetry Compilation", vol. 17, p. 558), Yu Lu regarded himself as the protector of the Jingsha, the higher the expectation, the deeper the guilt and pain. In his letter to his disciple Zhang Xuan, he also expressed his worries and disappointments directly: "Twenty-seven years have passed since the scriptures have been given a seat in the jingjing house, and the corpses of contemptible people have been in the middle! His energy was decadent, his learning was barren, and he was soon dismissed. Recently, all the princes concerned have no intention of doing this, so every official class has a person who writes a poem and writes a poem. However, after the contemptible people go, the abolition of the jingshe can also be known, and can it still be discussed and xu Zheng and the two juns are engaged?" (Yu Fan: "Spring in the Tang Poems", vol. 7) Yu Fan insisted on keeping Xu and Zheng Jiafa, and recited the abolition of the Jingshe, but the rivers and rivers are falling day by day, and it is difficult to support alone, and can only sigh in a daze! In 1904, the Jingjing House was officially discontinued. Two years later, Zhang Xi came here to pay his respects, and the Jingshe people in front of him went to the empty building, full of depression, feeling extremely sad: "The Jingshe Silent Qinzun Zun, the ancient tune is depressed and elegant. Remember the Corporal of Quyuan Gate, and a few people in the sea of white heads. ”

In the year that the Jingjing Jingshe was discontinued, Zhang Yu was honored as the fifty-second jinshi of the third division of Jiachen Enke, one of the last jinshi in the history of the Chinese imperial examination. At this time, Yu Fan was already living in Suzhou Quyuan, and received this good news, and the 84-year-old Yu Fan excitedly wrote a poem: "Who is said to be a high talent has no encounter, but there is a glow in my way." In the future, if kaoso is re-ordered, it should be changed to a mountain hall as a jade hall. "Zhang Yu did not live up to Mr. Zhang's high expectations, for the sake of learning as an official, all are superb; nor did he forget the grace of Mr. Zhang, he sent a letter of courtesy, and bowed down to himself. Zhang Yu once wrote in a poem titled Yu Jieqing (Yu Quyuansun) On the Album of The Seven Laws: "Su Hang looked back to talk about the scriptures, and saw Kang Zhang's passers-by earlier" ("Kang Zhang" refers to Kang Youwei and Zhang Taiyan - the author's note), Zhang Yu himself commented on the clouds: "The first teacher discussed things, to the extreme peace, the independent "New Study pseudo-scripture examination" began to appear, Yu said that it was the study of the Western Han Dynasty, and the teacher was not the same. Guangxu Yumi Right Tai Sendan Nakashiya. In the year of Chengshen, he entered the Suzhou Quyuan Garden, that is, Yu Hangzhang, not my disciple. (New Tianjin Pictorial, Vol. 8, No. 21, 1943)

The "Examination of the New Study of Apocrypha" mentioned in the note is a work published by Kang Youwei in 1891 to examine the authenticity of the classics. The author believes that the classics since the Eastern Han Dynasty were "apocryphal classics" made up by Liu Xin to help Wang Mang usurp the Han Dynasty; and the Sinology that Qing Confucian obeyed was also the "new study" of Liu Xin's "adorned scriptures" and chaotic Kong Dao; Zheng Xuan, who was regarded by Yu Fan as a "first teacher", was regarded as Liu Xin's accomplice, "the one who spread the false scriptures and usurped the Confucius system". Naturally, this could not be tolerated by Yu Fan, the chief of the Jingshe Mountain who "respected the scriptures and revered the Han", so that he was indignantly attacked and his emotions were fierce, which was not the usual state of peace. Zhang Yu recalled that this was an incident that occurred in 1893 in the Right Terrace Sendan. "Right Terrace Xianguan" is the place where Yu Yu wrote about mountain residences in his later years. In the summer of 1879, Yu Yu's wife Yao Shi died, and in the winter, Yu Yu buried her wife in Youtai Mountain, Hangzhou (Yu Yu was also buried here after his death), and built a house next to the tomb, named "Right Tai Xianguan". In 1890, the 21-year-old Zhang Taiyan was ordered by his father to enter the Hangzhou Zhenjing Jingsha and studied under Yu Yu's door for seven years. Later, Zhang Taiyan advocated full platooning, which made Master Yu very dissatisfied, claiming that "Qu Yuan is no disciple". In 1901, just when Zhang Taiyan went to Suzhou Soochow University to teach, especially to look at the teacher, Yu Fan met and angrily rebuked: "No filial piety, no loyalty, non-humanity, the boy beat the drum and attacked it!" Later Zhang Taiyan published the article "Xie Benshi", saying that from now on, he would bid farewell to the master and establish a portal on his own. When meeting with Zhang Xuan, Yu Yu was able to express the grievances and discussions in his heart, which showed the depth of their friendship and trust between teachers and students.

In the poem, there is also the sentence "A leaf of Sun Tong is 100 feet tall, and the trees are old and lonely branches for ten years", and Zhang Yu notes that "the corporal of the first master's door, there are not many survivors, and there are seventy and one in the remaining year" (1943, Vol. 8, No. 21, "New Tianjin Pictorial"), the feeling of remembrance, the sigh of loneliness, overflowing with words. Perhaps it is the place of love, Zhang Yu regards his place of study as the place of his life. In the autumn of 1948, the 88-year-old Zhang Yu moved from Shanghai to Goushanli in Hangzhou, across the lake from Yu Fan's habitat. GouShan leans on the back of Gou Mountain, facing the West Lake, from Nanshan Road in the west to the lotus pond in the east. Qing Chen Tai servant Zhaolun once read here, calling himself GouShan, hence the name. Soon Zhang Yu was weak and sick, and the following year he died in the Gou Mountains of Hangzhou, following his mentor Yu Fan.

Source: Wenhui Scholar

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