
The Princess of the Qing Dynasty did not see her husband for a year after getting married, and gave birth to 8 children after meeting the Emperor

If you have seen a little History of the Qing Dynasty, you will find that most of the princesses of the Qing Dynasty died of illness within a few years after they got married. Isn't there some political conspiracy hidden in the middle? Were these princesses killed? No, in fact, it is because they are depressed in life, so they will be depressed all day and die young. It is reasonable to say that the horses are all dragons and phoenixes among people, why would the princess feel unhappy, which has a lot to do with the feudal requirements formulated by the Qing Dynasty court.

The Princess of the Qing Dynasty did not see her husband for a year after getting married, and gave birth to 8 children after meeting the Emperor

The Princess of the Qing Dynasty lived separately from the Donkey Horse after marriage, and it was not like an ordinary couple who lived together every day, and if the Horse wanted to see the Princess, she had to report to the Grandmother who was responsible for taking care of the Princess, even if the Princess herself wanted to meet her husband, if the Grandmother did not agree, the two could not be together.

Mamma's power in the Princess Mansion is extremely great, and some princesses have to find ways to bribe Mama in order to see their husbands for more time, and even so, some princesses are still not less bullied by Mama. Some people may ask, why do these grandmothers have to be so harsh on the princess?

The Princess of the Qing Dynasty did not see her husband for a year after getting married, and gave birth to 8 children after meeting the Emperor

It turned out that according to the system of the Qing Dynasty at that time, if the princess died, the horse could not live in the princess mansion, and everything in the princess mansion would belong to these grandmothers, which was a wealth that ordinary people could not get in their lifetimes, a huge lottery ticket that few people would not be hungry, and it was because grandma would deliberately separate the horse and the princess, creating the tragedy of the princess's depression, so as to occupy their property. This is why many Qing Dynasty princesses were clearly healthy before they got married, but suddenly died during their new marriage.

The Princess of the Qing Dynasty did not see her husband for a year after getting married, and gave birth to 8 children after meeting the Emperor

The Daoguang Emperor had a daughter, known as the Fourth Princess, also known as Princess Shou'an, who was a special favorite daughter of the Daoguang Emperor, and she also suffered this grievance after she got married, but she did not swallow like other princesses, but silently wrote down this matter in her heart, and then quietly complained to the emperor when she entered the palace.

How did the fourth princess complain? When she met the emperor, she complained that "my daughter has been married for a year now, but she doesn't even know what the horse looks like, and Mamma has been preventing me from meeting my husband despite my thoughts, and if this continues, my daughter will become a living widow."

The Princess of the Qing Dynasty did not see her husband for a year after getting married, and gave birth to 8 children after meeting the Emperor

This made the Daoguang Emperor very angry, his beloved daughter was actually bullied to the head by a grandmother, he immediately issued an edict to the princess, so that she no longer need to be controlled by the grandmother in the palace, Princess Shou'an triumphantly took the edict home, and read the edict to her in front of the grandmother.

From this day on, the princess began to live with the horse like all the ordinary newlywed wives in the world, and the two lived quite happily, and Princess Shou'an gave birth to 8 children before and after, which was the princess with the largest number of heirs in the history of the Qing Dynasty.


"Princess Table of Qing History Manuscripts", "Qing ShiLu"

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