
Everyone comes to share their favorite movie! I'll come first

author:Mr. small entertainment

1. "Beautiful Life"

Everyone comes to share their favorite movie! I'll come first

The Jewish youth Guido (Roberto Bernini) meets the beautiful female teacher Dora (Nikoleta Brasky), who politely bows to Dora: "Good morning! princess! ”。 After many ironic twists and turns, the two lived happily together.

  However, under the fascist regime, Guido and his son were forcibly sent to Jewish concentration camps. Although Dora has no Jewish ancestry, she resolutely accompanies her and is held separately from her husband and son in a concentration camp. It was just a game for the clever Lotte Guido to trick his son into a big tank, and the son lived happily and innocently in the Nazi haze. Despite the hardships and loneliness of life in the concentration camps, Guido brought a lot of happiness to others, and he also took the opportunity to greet his wife on the Nazi radio: "Good morning! princess! ”

  With the fascist regime about to collapse and the Nazi concentration camps soon to be purged, how will guido's game for his son end? Will the family be able to survive this dark age in peace?

 Even in the most difficult and darkest days, even if there is no hope, death is near, even in the smoke of war, even in the darkness of the concentration camp, even on the day of death, the best and sunniest side is still displayed on the side of his son, blocking all the haze for him

2. The Shawshank Redemption

Everyone comes to share their favorite movie! I'll come first

  A murder that costs banker Andy (Tim Robbins) unjustly imprisons him, and the charge of murdering his wife and her lover will imprison him for life. His first appearance at Shawshank Prison makes prison "Big Brother" Red (Morgan Freeman) look at him differently. Red helped him get a stone hammer and a poster of a female star, and the two gradually became friends. Soon, Andy showed his talents in the prison, acting as a prison librarian, and using his financial knowledge to help the prison officer avoid taxes, which attracted the attention of the warden and was recruited to help the warden launder money. Once in a while, he learned that a newly imprisoned thief could testify to help him exonerate him of murder. A glimmer of hope, Andy finds the warden, hoping that he will help him overturn the case. The sinister and hypocritical warden pretends to promise Andy, but behind his back sends someone to kill the thief, so that his only hope of legally getting out of prison is extinguished. Frustrated Andy is not desperate, in a stormy night of lightning and thunder, a hidden escape plan for decades allows him to redeem himself and regain his freedom! Old friend Red, with his encouragement and help, also bravely ran to freedom.

3. "Forrest Gump"

Everyone comes to share their favorite movie! I'll come first

Life is like a chocolate, you never know what the next one will taste like

  Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks) was born in a small, isolated town in Alabama, southern Alabama, shortly after World War II, where he was born mentally handicapped and had an IQ of only 75, yet his mother was a strong woman who often encouraged Forrest Gump to "be a fool and a fool" and asked him to be self-reliant.

  Forrest Gump goes to school like a normal child and meets jenny (Robin Wright Pan), a lifelong friend and beloved, and under the love of Jenny and her mother, Forrest Gump begins a lifelong non-stop running with the "Scud" given by God.

  Forrest Gump became a football superstar, a Hero of the Vietnam War, a table tennis diplomatic ambassador, and a billionaire, but he never forgot Jenny, and several hasty reunions and partings deepened Forrest Gump's thoughts.

4. "The Last Emperor"

Everyone comes to share their favorite movie! I'll come first

  A Western director, a Western screenwriter, using a Western script, according to the Western way of thinking, finds actors in other cultural ranges, or finds actors with other cultural boundaries, in a shooting location under other cultural ranges, to make a film that looks like it is about other cultures. Actually speaking of other cultures that Westerners feel. What even Westerners themselves don't notice, they take for granted, stereotyped, expected, other cultures

Truth is made up of countless details, films are artistically or commercially processed, no film can be true, and no documentary can be true.

5. "Mindcatcher"

Everyone comes to share their favorite movie! I'll come first

"There is always a siege in the hearts of men. But all day long I expect someone to come in tirelessly. In fact, it should be us who open the gates ourselves and greet them."

In the film "Mindcatcher", there is a line that impressed me: "You are just a child, you have no idea what you are talking about." So ask you about art, you might make a crude argument in art books, about Michelangelo, you know a lot, his political enthusiasm, his fellowship with the Pope, obsessed with sex, you know him very well, right? But you don't even know the smell of the Sistine Chapel, do you? Haven't you tried to stand there and look up at the famous painting on the ceiling? Surely you haven't seen it? If I ask about women, you can tell me about them, you may have been in bed a few times, but you can't tell you the true joy of waking up next to a woman. You are young and tough, and if I talk to you about war, you will throw Shakespeare at me and recite "Go to the battlefield together, dear friend", but you have never been in the battlefield, have not tried to hold the head of your best friend in your arms, watch him take his last breath, stare at you, and ask you for help. I ask you what love is, you may only chant the wind and make the moon, but you have not tried to pour out your heart with all your heart, and when you look at each other, you know each other's hearts, just like God arranged for angels to give you only to save you from the abyss of hell, and you have never tried your feelings of care for her, you have never tried to be devoted to her, you have never tried to be committed to her deep love, knowing that she is terminally ill and no longer hesitates, you have never tried the feeling of losing a loved one..."

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