
Female workers "calculate" 5 cents, more real rights protection is not "small family temperament"

author:Red Net

——This article is the entry of the 7th National College Students " Review Star" Selection Contest of the Red Network

Recently, a female worker in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, looking for a personnel staff theory to issue a 5 cent less salary video circulated on the Internet, the video with the text "less salary 5 cents said half a day", the video publisher explained in the comment area, the reason for the 5 cent less is "the system automatically erases zero", causing netizens to discuss.

Netizens criticized the video publisher for laughing at the female workers, and the publisher explained: "When filming the video, I only felt that the eldest sister's speech was funny, and it was shared as a life anecdote. It may be that my expression is inaccurate, causing netizens to misunderstand that I am laughing at the eldest sister. "Whether it is ridiculed or not cannot be verified, but it is certain that it is not a funny thing for workers to fight for their due rights and interests."

Article 50 of the Labor Law clearly stipulates that wages shall be paid to the workers themselves on a monthly basis in monetary form. Wages of workers shall not be withheld or owed without cause. Although the amount of 5 cents less is not large, it is illegal in nature, and it is completely appropriate and legitimate for workers to take it seriously and to use it.

The video publisher's "system automatic erasure" argument is also untenable, according to tradition, the number after the decimal point follows the principle of rounding, if you want to erase zero, 5 cents should be carried into 1 yuan. The factory's system allows 5 cents to "automatically evaporate", I don't know which set of self-created carry methods are used? Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the behavior of a company deserves to be criticized.

In the comment area, someone mentioned the bad things encountered in the past, "Eating and checking out 3 cents to collect the whole number, if calculated out of 654.3 yuan, and finally a total of 655 yuan." Another "soul asks", "Is she five minutes late for her salary?" "Treat guests, 3 cents to go into place, treat employees, 5 cents to wipe zero; employees are late, wages are deducted by hundreds, employees want money, for 5 cents is very funny." The contrast between the two and the two is not ironic, what causes this unequal situation that people take for granted?

When you see similar incidents on the Internet, the vast majority of people know that "erasing zero" is not right, but more often they will only ridicule two sentences, and few people really defend their rights in reality. The reason may be that there is no need to spend more time, and I am afraid that safeguarding rights will make others feel "small and childish", and it is too faceless to gain more than to lose. Some unscrupulous enterprises have taken advantage of people's fear of trouble and fear of trouble, paying less wages and more money, and even regard employee rights protection as a "fun thing".

At the end of the incident, the video publisher solved the matter with the method of "inviting the eldest sister to dinner". However, the rights and interests of thousands of ordinary people cannot be protected by "inviting guests to dinner", but rely on the joint efforts of the government and every individual. As individuals, we can "think" a little when we are "wiped out", resolutely safeguard our own rights and interests, say no to "erase zero", and also have more support when others protect their rights, and work together to break the "shame" of rights protection.

Text/Xie Yuhe (Qingdao University)

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