
2021 annual expression "Yin Yang Weird Gas Award", the first place is actually ...

Yin and yang are not strange one reading jun 丨 tongzi

Year-end inventory, the 2021 annual yin and yang weird expression champion changed hands, from the previous "" to a cute "too happy" expression.

"Glaring and smiling" expression "Too happy" expression

Why is the "too happy" expression yin and yang weird? Is it because some people have a problem with their vision?

Under the hashtag of "Weibo's most yin and yang weird emoji", the "too happy" emoticon has received the support of 22,000 netizens, which shows the strong mass base.

The "yin and yang weird" emoticon supported by 22,000 netizens

Some netizens also think that this expression is very cute, there is no yin and yang weird feeling.

Then this netizen was immediately "taught on the spot": then you are awesome + "too happy" expression.

2021 annual expression "Yin Yang Weird Gas Award", the first place is actually ...

Instantly feel a strong sense of yin and yang weirdness.

Where does this "weird gas" come from?

Yin and yang weird qi, blame in "yin and yang"

Without the blessing of words, this expression and yin and yang weirdness have nothing to do with each other, it is almost the cutest and least aggressive one in pure positive emotional expressions.

But when the softest and most cute expressions are paired with aggressive language use, there is a great sense of contrast, which can cause sensory discomfort.

2021 annual expression "Yin Yang Weird Gas Award", the first place is actually ...

The lethality of contrast far exceeds the destructive power of aggressive language with expressions such as "anger" and "swearing" to express dissatisfaction, because things with the same attributes do not look strange and harmonious.

At the beginning, "" was able to stand out from the crowd memes because the expressions of the upper half of the face and the lower half of the face were inconsistent, and they could fully pull their yin and yang weird qi values.

Yin yang

2021 annual expression "Yin Yang Weird Gas Award", the first place is actually ...

"Staring and smiling" = indifferent eyes (top left) + smiling mouth (bottom right)

From the perspective of "expressionology", "" is an expression with unclear meaning.

2021 annual expression "Yin Yang Weird Gas Award", the first place is actually ...

Laughter is the most complex expression that includes, but is not limited to, the above categories

When someone else sees an expression with an unclear meaning, the final interpretation of the meaning of the expression belongs to the receiver. Most people interpret "" as "impolite," at least not for raw people.

And when the yin and yang weird "live-action" expression objectively exists in real life, people will really feel uncomfortable.

2021 annual expression "Yin Yang Weird Gas Award", the first place is actually ...

Sometimes, people will make special expressions to express their yin and yang weirdness.

In the chen Nianying drama "Yes, Minister", there are many classic "yin and yang weird" dialogue scenes.

As shown in this gif of the dialogue by The Minister of Administration Haq, while showing a disgusted smile, he replied to the Secretary-General in sincere language "Yin Yang Weird", "Thank you, I am so glad that even you support it.".

2021 annual expression "Yin Yang Weird Gas Award", the first place is actually ...

Learned, learned. As long as the yin-yang contrast is strong enough, all expressions can be yin-yang weird.

2021 annual expression "Yin Yang Weird Gas Award", the first place is actually ...

However, expressions are expressions, meaning is meaning, why force all expressions to yin and yang?

The expression of being vaporized by the yin and yang monster

Expression is an important part of the network language, but also a symbol, its original intention is to avoid pure text network communication, due to the lack of expression, intonation caused by communication misunderstanding:

"Working 42 hours straight, I have forgotten the existence of time"

- Complaining? grumble?

- Excitement, Satisfaction (previously)

- Yin and Yang Weirdness? (Now)

Symbols are like polysemantics, with polysemy. The Swiss writer and linguist Saussure divided symbols into signifiers and signifiers. Signifier refers to the symbol itself, and refers to the meaning that changes with the social environment. As a new symbol of contemporary social platforms, emoticons are the meanings that were given at the beginning of the design, and the meanings they refer to are given new meanings by contemporary netizens.

Just like the glaring smile that is now disliked by everyone, when it first came out, it only had the meaning of "smile".

2021 annual expression "Yin Yang Weird Gas Award", the first place is actually ...

When netizens always use emoticons to match text content that does not match their own meaning, over time emojis will have a new meaning - yin and yang weirdness.

2021 annual expression "Yin Yang Weird Gas Award", the first place is actually ...

Teacher Lu Xun once said: In fact, the emoji does not have yin and yang weirdness, and the more people who use it indiscriminately, it will appear yin and yang weird.

However, the spread of yin and yang strange gasification of expressions is directly related to those who cannot see yin and yang strange qi.

Why do we hate yin and yang weirdness?

First of all, our ability to accept yin and yang weirdness is "big and small."

A well-known story:

When the farmer lost an axe, he began to suspect that the neighbor's son had stolen the axe, and he observed the neighbor's son's expression, movements, and expressions, and looked like a thief who stole the axe. A few days later the farmer accidentally found his axe, and when he looked at the neighbor's son, he didn't look like a man who could steal an axe.

This story tells us not to look at people with "colored glasses". But in real life, everyone wears "colored glasses" that can't be taken off – cognitive concepts.

Our cognitive concepts are influenced or determined by mental activity and mental states. To put it simply: most humans are animals with a good mood and a good look, and a bad mood. This is also the reason why some people in the crowd always feel that the expression itself does not have the attribute of yin and yang, because people 's (at that time) mentality is good.

Taking the "too happy" expression of yin and yang weird top1 as an example, some netizens still adhere to the original intention after being "taught", believing that the expression itself is still cute, and the problem is only the context.

2021 annual expression "Yin Yang Weird Gas Award", the first place is actually ...

People with a good attitude will not care too much even if they face intentional yin and yang weirdness. In the same way, if you communicate well with people with a bad mentality, you can also be heard by the other party, as the saying goes: Why do you want to add to the sin?

Nowadays, the pressure of social survival is huge, which will naturally lead to a bad mentality of many friends. In addition to this, there is a general lack of ability.

Some people can also calmly deal with the yin and yang strange qi of others when they have a bad mentality, which is an ability that is called psychological resilience in psychology.

Li Meijin, a professor at the Chinese Min public security university, mentioned in her book that the human heart can be sustained and the psychology is elastic. Psychological resilience is the psychological strength obtained by people from various setbacks given by parents, teachers, and society in the process of growing up, and the strong psychological resilience is good at coping with various pressures and adversities in life, while the weak psychological elasticity is easy to create a "glass heart".

Today's young people are generally psychologically fragile, which is related to the lack of systematic psychological resilience training in early childhood – psychological resilience needs to be experienced early.

Of course, good psychological elasticity does not mean that you have to endure other people's yin and yang weirdness in vain, and when you obviously feel that someone is weird about your yin and yang, you have to "throw peach in return". Yin and yang weirdness is originally a powerful weapon to fight the enemy, the other side has made a move, we do not fight back will appear to be not respectful enough.

2021 annual expression "Yin Yang Weird Gas Award", the first place is actually ...

Contemptible people appear young, I suggest you call the contemptible father ~

No way? No way? It's the 21st century, who hasn't been to school?

What medicine do you have? Is there also a disease?

In any case, when using the yin-yang weird quarrel method, you must remember to use the most cruel words with the most sincere smile.


Zhao Xiaofang et al. "Microblogging Multidimensional Sentiment Classification That Integrates Emojis and Short Texts," Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology 52.5(2020):8.

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