
Qian Xuesen, who gave up the high salary in the United States, returned to China with a monthly salary of 335.8 yuan, at what level at that time?

There are many outstanding scientists in our country, and many people have resolutely chosen to return to China for the development of Science and Technology in China after studying abroad, and have given up the treatment of high salaries abroad, which is the most sincere manifestation of their patriotism.

Qian Xuesen, who gave up the high salary in the United States, returned to China with a monthly salary of 335.8 yuan, at what level at that time?

When New China was just founded, all kinds of wastes were revived, and groups of overseas students returned from their studies and dedicated their lives to the cause of our country. There is such a person in his thirties who won the honor of tenured professor of MIT and has a deep achievement in rockets, so I think everyone can think of who it is, that is, Academician Qian Xuesen.

Qian Xuesen has a very high patriotic feeling, and after completing his studies overseas, he was almost forced to return to the embrace of the motherland under various pressures. After returning to China, he worked hard to finally raise China's atomic bomb and missile technology to a new level.

Qian Xuesen, who gave up the high salary in the United States, returned to China with a monthly salary of 335.8 yuan, at what level at that time?

He devoted all his time to the cause of his country, he would not be complacent because of his achievements, he thought that this was what he should do as a Chinese, and he felt that dedication to the motherland was the greatest reward for him, and these foreign titles were incomparable.

When Qian Xuesen was admitted to the university, the school did not have a major in aerospace, but he always thought of being able to study abroad, learn this knowledge, and open up a path for the motherland's aerospace industry in the future, because he himself studied hard and coincided with an opportunity such as "Gengzi Indemnity Scholarship", perhaps for most people this is a disdainful statement, but Qian Xuesen did not just care about this name, but more concerned about the opportunity to study abroad.

Qian Xuesen, who gave up the high salary in the United States, returned to China with a monthly salary of 335.8 yuan, at what level at that time?

Such an opportunity opened up decades of his study life, at first he wanted to learn knowledge and teach it to others, but then he also spent his life to complete this dream.

Later, Qian Xuesen went to the California Institute of Technology to learn relevant knowledge in order to enrich himself, but also so that he could better study this aspect in the future. He had a friendly meeting with Professor von Carmen, and both of them had a strong interest in science, and the positive spirit of research made the cooperation between the two people just right, and also made great breakthroughs and achievements in research.

Qian Xuesen, who gave up the high salary in the United States, returned to China with a monthly salary of 335.8 yuan, at what level at that time?

The most famous achievement of the two men is the "Carmen-Qian Xuesen" formula, and it is also because of this that Qian Xuesen received the honor of tenured professor at MIT. At that time, he was only in his thirties, which can be said to be a lot more than his peers, and gold always shines, so he was invited by the United States to enter the research of missiles.

This is What Qian Xuesen dreamed of, because at this time, the Us side controlled the cutting-edge technology, and if he could work there, then the relevant knowledge could be learned and then brought back to China.

Later, Qian Xuesen repeatedly submitted his resignation and returned to China, but they were rejected by the US superiors, who were well aware of Qian Xuesen's ability, and it was a big loss for them to leave like this. For a long time, Qian Xuesen was in a life of surveillance.

Qian Xuesen, who gave up the high salary in the United States, returned to China with a monthly salary of 335.8 yuan, at what level at that time?

Finally, after many negotiations, the Chinese side exchanged prisoners for Qian Xuesen's return to China, and in an interview with reporters at that time, Qian Xuesen expressed his firm determination to return to China and wanted to contribute to the motherland's missile cause.

In the days after his return to China, his monthly salary was not very high, but in order to ensure that he could concentrate on his research, he was specially equipped with guards and assistants, and he also worked day and night, just so that the country's technology in this area could go further and his ability could be fully exerted.

Qian Xuesen, who gave up the high salary in the United States, returned to China with a monthly salary of 335.8 yuan, at what level at that time?

Ten years of night battles and research experiments have contributed to the beautiful talk of the "two bomb fathers", and have also made qualitative changes in China's aerospace research, and no one can know how many struggles he has made in order to return to China and how many experiments have been carried out for the implementation of research.

His spirit will always remain in our hearts, and what our young generation needs is the determination to face difficulties, struggle hard and patriotic enthusiasm, many young people are influenced by him, and contributing to the prosperity and strength of the motherland has become the eternal goal in their hearts.

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