
Fantasy Journey to the West: Enchanted Orbs Ignition Level 120 Boots! Is the final harvest good or bad?

In the Fantasy Journey to the West, in order to make the equipment that has been identified have suit attributes, in addition to the life and death robbery pointing, the only way to use the enchanted orb is to use the enchantment orb to ignite. Of course, these two methods also have their own advantages.

Today, this little friend will use the Enchanted Orb to ignite the wave equipment!

Fantasy Journey to the West: Enchanted Orbs Ignition Level 120 Boots! Is the final harvest good or bad?

The objects of this wave are all 120 level enhanced boots.

The player's rational analysis said: as long as you point out 1 excellent set, you will not lose.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Enchanted Orbs Ignition Level 120 Boots! Is the final harvest good or bad?

After consideration, the player will eventually ignite the target and lock in the transfiguration!

Friends, what do you think the result of the player's initiation will be? You can take a guess.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Enchanted Orbs Ignition Level 120 Boots! Is the final harvest good or bad?

Below, on the results!

Fantasy Journey to the West: Enchanted Orbs Ignition Level 120 Boots! Is the final harvest good or bad?

The first pair, point out the Transformation Technique shura puppet ghost!

One of the high-level power sets, but its price cannot be compared with the same level of agile sets and magic sets.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Enchanted Orbs Ignition Level 120 Boots! Is the final harvest good or bad?

The second pair, on the other hand, points out the bandits of transfiguration.

The level is too low! Basically, it is a gift.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Enchanted Orbs Ignition Level 120 Boots! Is the final harvest good or bad?

The 3rd pair points out the painting soul of the transfiguration technique. Not bad, this is one of the mainstream agile sets today!

Fantasy Journey to the West: Enchanted Orbs Ignition Level 120 Boots! Is the final harvest good or bad?

The 4th pair, pointing out the Dragon Turtle of Transfiguration.

Although the level is relatively high, the endurance set is not very popular with players.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Enchanted Orbs Ignition Level 120 Boots! Is the final harvest good or bad?

At this point, the player still has some cash left on them. The player decides to point out the last 1 more time!

Fantasy Journey to the West: Enchanted Orbs Ignition Level 120 Boots! Is the final harvest good or bad?

After consideration, the player will ignite the target this time, locked in the 4 pairs of boots, the pair with the lowest level of transfiguration!

Fantasy Journey to the West: Enchanted Orbs Ignition Level 120 Boots! Is the final harvest good or bad?

This time, the specter of transfiguration was pointed out!

It is also one of the agile sets, but the value of the increased agility points is slightly lower than that of the Transformation Technique Painting Soul.

Friends, what do you think of this player's luck? If it were you, would you be like this player, igniting such ordinary equipment? Or will it ignite equipment with special effects and special effects? Let's share your views and choices with you.

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