
The "Song Gengyi" are endlessly poisonous

A few days ago, Song Gengyi, a teacher at Shanghai Aurora Vocational College, openly denied in class that "300,000 compatriots were killed in the Nanjing Massacre"... She actually thinks that 300,000 is just "an overview of historical fiction writing." (You think historians are as shameless as the diary writer?) )

The "Song Gengyi" are endlessly poisonous
The "Song Gengyi" are endlessly poisonous

This person is ignorant and shameless; she knows nothing about the history of Japan's invasion of China; she does not investigate or study, and she does not have any basis to deny the figure of "300,000 compatriots killed." She does not know that the "Judgment of Gu Shoufu" was clearly written in the "Judgment of Gu Shoufu" that year: "During the period when Gu Shoufu's troops were stationed in Nanjing, counting at the Flower Temple outside the Zhonghua Gate, the Pagoda Bridge, the Stone Temple, the Shiguan Grass Shoe Mountain, and other places, the captured soldiers and civilians were collectively shot by the Japanese army with machine guns and burned the corpses, including Shan Yaoting, and more than 190,000 people, including Shan Yaoting. In addition, there were sporadic massacres, and more than 150,000 of their bodies were buried by charitable institutions. The total number of victims reached more than 300,000..."

The "Song Gengyi" are endlessly poisonous

Song Gengyi's set of words questioning the number of victims of the Nanjing Massacre is very familiar, because this set of things comes from rumors from the right wing in Japan, and they even spread rumors that the city of Nanjing was only "200,000 people"; domestic public knowledge also took sides for a long time, and Huang Jinzhang of the Elephant Guild shamelessly said: "Three hundred thousand is a political figure."

The "Song Gengyi" are endlessly poisonous
The "Song Gengyi" are endlessly poisonous

As for this Song Gengyi, the level is so poor that she doesn't even know anything about current affairs, and even spread rumors that "the National Festival Day is because Japan boycotted the Winter Olympics"... She was in Shanghai, so close to Nanjing, that she did not know that the National Day of Public Sacrifice had been established since 2014, and every year on this day, the citizens of Nanjing would listen to the alarm and stand solemnly.

She added: "We should not remember hatred, but reflect on how war came about..."

The "Song Gengyi" are endlessly poisonous

The sentence even made the students in her class boo.

Song Gengyi, a graduate student of journalism at Wuhan University, she is not a history major, and when she made a big speech about history in class, she said "What my university teacher told me...", and it turned out that mei ri also had a heritage.

The "Song Gengyi" are endlessly poisonous
The "Song Gengyi" are endlessly poisonous

Teacher, so preaching and teaching karma to solve puzzles also.

When a teacher makes inhuman, history-distorting remarks in the classroom, when a teacher uses the classroom as a stage for her to make a big fuss, spread the fallacy of historical nihilism, and spread reverse nationalist bootlegs, is she still a teacher? Is this still a classroom? This is the forefront of the peaceful evolution of imperialism!

How did such a person become a teacher?

She claims to have been to nazi concentration camps many times, but she has never been to the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall... Because she didn't know that the huge wall was engraved with the names of the victims.

Some have names and surnames, and some even have photos.

The "Song Gengyi" are endlessly poisonous
The "Song Gengyi" are endlessly poisonous

This is achieved through decades of painstaking and meticulous research work.

And this teacher just easily farts in the classroom, not investigating, not studying, not being responsible, making a big fuss about history, and dissolving this tragic and heavy period.

To deal with such people, everyone sat down in a serious book to lay out information, tell the facts, and reason, trying to distinguish whether it was 300,000 compatriots who were killed, and they had already lost.

Does she care about historical facts? Does she care how many people died in Nanjing? She didn't care at all, what she cared about was that everyone was disgusted.

She also asks us to reflect on "how did the war come about"? Yeah, how did the war come about? Could it be that the Chinese people have "serious anti-Japanese sentiments" that led to the Japanese invasion? "Victim guilt theory"?

The reason why the war of aggression against China occurred was precisely because in that era there were too many such "elite Japanese" and "pro-Japanese factions", and it was precisely because the comprador government at that time compromised and yielded to Japanese imperialism again and again in the midst of conflicts, and it was precisely because the comprador government at that time compromised and yielded to Japanese imperialism again and again! Let Taiwan let Shandong, let Shandong let the northeast, let the northeast let the northeast let the north china... After the "Twenty-one Articles", there was the Jinan Massacre, after the Jinan Massacre there was the 918 Incident, after the 918 Incident there was the 128 Incident, after the 128 Incident there was the 77 Incident... It was these pro-Japanese factions and capitulation factions that made the invaders taste the sweetness again and again, so they had to advance in size, so the Kuomintang was defeated from Songhu to Nanjing, from Nanjing to Wuhan, and from Wuhan to Chongqing... So much so that forty million compatriots "man is a knife trick, I am a fish meat."

There are still many such people, and Liang Yanping of Hubei University not only questioned the number of victims of the Nanjing Massacre, but even washed the ground of the Japanese comfort women system and beautified the Japanese army invading China.

The "Song Gengyi" are endlessly poisonous
The "Song Gengyi" are endlessly poisonous
The "Song Gengyi" are endlessly poisonous
The "Song Gengyi" are endlessly poisonous

We should indeed reflect on why "teachers" such as Liang Yanping and Song Gengyi have repeatedly emerged in the sacred pulpits of China's colleges and universities. Why does this group of people not learn to refer to deer as horses, but always have unique resources and living soil? Why do they repeatedly unravel the scars of history and provoke the emotions of the provocative populace without any substantial punishment? Why are their teachers, classmates, and students always able to warm up in groups, fight with the party, shelter each other, protégés all over the world, and are "superior people" everywhere they go?

How many generations have they been harming by them and their teachers, friends, and students standing on the podium year after year, pointing out the country and writing books in academia? How many young people have been marked with the "ideological stamp"?

The unscrupulous performance of this group of people is precisely to cater to the remnants of right-wing militarism in Japan, because the Japanese right-wing has been denying and distorting the facts of the Nanjing Massacre, and even preparing to put the responsibility on the Chinese military and people... People like Song Gengyi and Liang Yanping are the "leading party" of Japan's right-wing in the true sense.

There is no need to speak of "historical nihilism" for such people, for they are merely hateful.

To be precise, they are the spiritual Japanese fascists who summon the soul of militarism, which is "currently anti-human."

How should we deal with "anti-humanity"?

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