
Beijing Guoan has strong foreign aid but a small victory over the Guangzhou team of the all-China class, what do they think?

When it comes to this year's Chinese Super League competition, everyone may not be very tasteful, now into the championship group, there are actually a number of foreign aid is not neat, Beijing Guoan only has one foreign aid Anderson, this is something that has never been encountered in previous years, many people will take the epidemic to prevaricate, why other teams have multiple foreign aid, from the perspective of the number and configuration of foreign aid, it is not as good as the Chinese First Division team, Guangzhou team is the whole Chinese class, such a championship game has something to see?

Beijing Guoan has strong foreign aid but a small victory over the Guangzhou team of the all-China class, what do they think?

In the words of netizens, if it is mentioned in previous years that the guangzhou team and Beijing Guoan match, a few days before the game began to hype this topic, the fans of both sides will begin to fight a war of words, but now can not see this scene, even if the scene is also plain, there is no longer the feeling of Mars hitting the earth, many people think that today's Chinese Super League has died, can it be reborn?

Beijing Guoan has strong foreign aid but a small victory over the Guangzhou team of the all-China class, what do they think?

Although Beijing Guoan did not have such a luxurious foreign aid lineup last year, but at least there is a foreign aid Anderson, his arrival, let Beijing Guoan front as a treasure, his debut super league performance is decent, not too eye-catching place, on the contrary, several players who returned from the national football team, their performance is still sluggish, very disappointing, on the contrary, the opponent Guangzhou team is all young players on the field, giving people a bright feeling, their fighting spirit on the field is touching, many people are worried that guangzhou team will collapse, but after this game proved, Their souls have not been lost.

Beijing Guoan has strong foreign aid but a small victory over the Guangzhou team of the all-China class, what do they think?

Guangzhou team led by Zheng Zhi, he is like a big brother on the sidelines, Evergrande has always advocated corporate culture, now this set does not work, or to use this set of management methods, after all, now the club encountered an unprecedented crisis, they lack of money, in order to make these young players have the strength to fight, can only give them encouragement, let them recognize the situation, if they do not play hard, the next family can not find, these players are not children, of course, they know their own crisis, only desperately play football to find a new team.

Beijing Guoan has strong foreign aid but a small victory over the Guangzhou team of the all-China class, what do they think?
Beijing Guoan has strong foreign aid but a small victory over the Guangzhou team of the all-China class, what do they think?

Huang Qiang crooked about sports believes that Beijing Guoan has a strong foreign aid Anderson, but also a small victory over the other side to get 3 points, but everyone is very disappointed in Beijing Guoan, if you look at the scene, but guangzhou team performed better, after all, this team has vitality, there is control, although usually see them are naughty eggs, but at the critical moment, they are still very bloody, this is a phenomenon that makes everyone very pleased, on the contrary, Beijing Guoan several national footballers are still very depressed, so that Beijing Guoan fans are very disappointed, Many Beijing Guoan fans have praised the Guangzhou players for their outstanding performance, what do you think of this game?

This article is the author Huang Qiang's original article on sports, refuse to reprint, violators will be investigated! The image material comes from the network, if there is any inappropriate, please contact the author to delete!

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