
She was born in guangxu for 12 years, lived to be 132 years old, drank cold water all year round, and liked to sing love songs

For girls, it is natural to love beauty, such as the famous Yan Youyun, born into a famous family, beautiful looks, her life is very exquisite, as long as she goes out, she has to wear makeup, but also wear high heels, even if she is old, she must wear shoes with a little heel.

She was born in guangxu for 12 years, lived to be 132 years old, drank cold water all year round, and liked to sing love songs

She lived to be 112 years old, and at the age of 100, she maintained the habit of wearing lipstick and perfume and high heels, and even her family said that seeing her was like seeing a star. There is an old man who is very similar to her, but longer than her, living for 132 years, and still loves to be beautiful and likes to sing love songs in old age.

She was born in guangxu for 12 years, lived to be 132 years old, drank cold water all year round, and liked to sing love songs

This old man is Arimihan Seyiti, born in 1886 in Kumusilik Township, Shule County, PaiKunwuira Village, when it was the twelfth year of Guangxu, it was said that one side of the water and soil to raise one person, probably there is a good environment, plus the food is made by themselves, so the old people there are very long-lived. There are 4 centenarians, of which Ali Mihan is the eldest and has now become China's first birthday star.

She was born in guangxu for 12 years, lived to be 132 years old, drank cold water all year round, and liked to sing love songs

Arimihan's life was ordinary, and in 1903, her parents married her to Turdi Ruzi, the village next door to her, and the two met several times. After marriage, life was still relatively happy, AliMihan kept the family in order, that is, she had not been pregnant, fortunately, her husband did not mind, did not put pressure on her, and finally simply adopted a pair of children.

She was born in guangxu for 12 years, lived to be 132 years old, drank cold water all year round, and liked to sing love songs

Over time, the family got along very well, but unfortunately her husband could not accompany her all the way and died in 1976. Alimihan never remarried and pulled them up alone, but unfortunately his son, who was slightly older, also fell seriously ill and died early. Since then, she and her daughter have lived together, but fortunately, she has grown up healthy and has her own family.

The daughter is very filial and often comes to see her, and the 8 children born to the daughter are all brought up by Alimihan, she likes the children very much, feels that she is with them all day, and she is also a lot younger. Even the children next door often came over to play and thought AliMihan was very kind.

She was born in guangxu for 12 years, lived to be 132 years old, drank cold water all year round, and liked to sing love songs

Presumably everyone wants to know the secret of Alimihan's longevity, in fact, it is very simple, her three meals a day are very regular, every day is eaten on time, but the old man's appetite is very good, sometimes a meal can eat more than ten meat buns, but also often drink well water. In the summer, the well water is very cold and it is easy to diarrhea, but Alimihan drank it and did not have anything to do, probably getting used to it.

By the way, Alimihan has a food that he likes to eat, but we can't go down, that is, green apricots, small, sour, very astringent to eat, but the old man treats it as a snack, one bite after another. And AliMihan has been a family farmer all her life, so she is also in good health, rarely gets sick, and has only been hospitalized for so many years because she has had a serious cold.

She was born in guangxu for 12 years, lived to be 132 years old, drank cold water all year round, and liked to sing love songs

The same is true of Alimihan's schedule, which is very regular and goes to bed early. In addition, she has a very optimistic attitude, loves beauty very much, likes to look in the mirror, and she will be very happy to hear praise. AliMihan also likes to visit the door, often go to the next door neighbor's house to chat, she is a very interesting person, when the guests come to the house, she picks up the instrument and starts performing, and also sings love songs.

The old man's life is very simple, three meals a day, parents are short, happy and comfortable, probably because of this, can develop her such an optimistic attitude.

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