
OnePlus 8th Anniversary announced that it has completed its sales target of 10 million ahead of schedule and fully exerted its efforts to expand the market

On December 17, Liu Zuohu, founder of OnePlus Mobile Phone, released the 8th anniversary of Weibo, announcing that OnePlus completed its sales target of 10 million units ahead of schedule. Liu Zuohu said in Weibo that when the competition in the industry was more intense, OnePlus insisted on doing a good job in actively exploring the market and completed the "small goal" of tens of millions of sales in advance.

This year, OnePlus has made all-round efforts to the domestic market and actively developed in terms of products and marketing. In the first half of the year, OnePlus released the imaging machine Emperor OnePlus 9 series, reached an in-depth cooperation with the legendary camera brand Hasselblad, comprehensively improved the imaging capabilities, refreshed the mobile imaging standard, and sold more than 300 million yuan in 10 seconds during the first sales period. At the same time, OnePlus also further covers more price segments, releasing the quality flagship OnePlus 9R and the performance addition flagship OnePlus 9RT, with the ultimate product power to obtain more user recognition, on the day of the first sale, OnePlus 9R won the three major championships of brand sales, single product sales and single product sales of all-price segments of major e-commerce, and one plus 9RT omni-channel sales exceeded 100 million in 5 minutes. In addition to mobile phone products, OnePlus also released the first OnePlus watch this year, with high-end design and excellent performance, it became the second most popular product in the Android camp during the 618 period. Since the beginning of this year, OnePlus has also made further efforts in marketing, signing national-level spokespersons Zhou Xun and Hu Ge, which has rapidly enhanced its domestic popularity.

OnePlus 8th Anniversary announced that it has completed its sales target of 10 million ahead of schedule and fully exerted its efforts to expand the market

In overseas markets, OnePlus has also maintained eye-catching sales results. In the first half of 2021, OnePlus's global shipments increased by 257% year-on-year; among them, in the United States, OnePlus shipments increased by 428% year-on-year, becoming the first mobile phone brand in the first half of the year. In Europe, with a year-on-year increase of 304%, OnePlus became the fastest mobile phone brand in the second quarter of this year; in the fiercely competitive Indian market, OnePlus once again became the first sales volume in the high-end market in the second quarter.

OnePlus 8th Anniversary announced that it has completed its sales target of 10 million ahead of schedule and fully exerted its efforts to expand the market

Under the rapid growth of the global market in many regions, OnePlus successfully completed the goal of 10 million sales. Liu Zuohu said, "10 million sales for me on the one hand is to prove that OnePlus has reached a new sales level, and more importantly, let me see everyone's recognition of oneplus product strength."

For 8 years, OnePlus has always used good products to win the reputation of users and the market. With the further development of after-sales service and marketing, OnePlus will bring users a more comprehensive and high-quality product and service experience, improve its comprehensive competitiveness in the industry, and move towards a larger market.

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