
After the flat-headed aesthetic was bombarded, a group of mothers began to use a plaster cast to correct the baby into a round head... 010203

author:Enjoy life aspirations

The head shape, which was originally a feature brought out of the mother's mother by the baby, was arbitrarily "fabricated" by people.

Once people thought of flat heads as beautiful, now they flaunt round heads, but either extreme does not have to be advocated.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">01</h1>

In the past, the aesthetic was popular with flat heads, especially when the previous generation of parents brought their children, they would let the children sleep in a lying position for a long time, because the children's skulls were not fully developed, and over time, the curvature of the back of the head would be flat.

However, with the change of aesthetics, the high skull top and rounded head are now popular, and the examples are liu Yifei, Jin Zhini and other female stars. This also triggered a critique of flat heads: how beautiful people's round heads are, but you let the child's head sleep flat the day after tomorrow!

Outrageously, people cursed the flat head while forcibly letting the child round the head.

After the flat-headed aesthetic was bombarded, a group of mothers began to use a plaster cast to correct the baby into a round head... 010203

"Babies love to sleep flat at birth, and when they are 3 months old, they find flat heads and start to correct their sleep on their sides."

"The plaster is molded, layer by layer wrapped around the baby's head, and when it is dry, take the blade and cut the model and take it off."

"After a week, I was ready to try it on, and I polished it several times in the middle."

"There are mothers who want to correct, take advantage of the baby's smallness, correct it as soon as possible, and suffer less."

When parents find that they have signs of flat heads, they are like enemies, they begin to keep an eye on the baby's sleeping position, and once they sleep for a long time, they immediately turn over for them, if there is no sign of improvement...

Children are still carefree in their swaddling, and parents put on their first shackles: the head mold.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">02</h1>

There are not a few merchants who have found the wealth password to correct the shape of the head.

Enter this keyword to see a large number of genuine and false institutions providing inquiries, face-to-face and correctional services. Round-headed aesthetic anxiety has rolled into young people' groups, even sinking into babies who are a few months old and two years old.

We must admit that flat heads do not conform to the current aesthetic fashion. But it is undeniable that flatheads were also the fashion trend of that year.

In that era, in order to make the children flatten their heads, parents deliberately helped them sleep flat, chose hard pillows for them, and even directly cushioned basic thick books. Could it be that the parents of that era deliberately "harmed" their children?

Obviously not so, but the aesthetic at that time was just a flat head. Manchu women generally advocated flat heads in order to look good in their hair.

After the flat-headed aesthetic was bombarded, a group of mothers began to use a plaster cast to correct the baby into a round head... 010203

We have to face up to the backwardness and pedantry of the past, but we also need to divide into two points of view, things must be reversed, and now that the round head is fully sought after, will it become less "fashionable" one day in the future?

Because aesthetics is a fluid process, what is fanatical today is likely to be dismissive tomorrow.

When we examine the fashion with a changing mindset, you will find that the trend can never catch up, and what can catch up will not become the fashion.

Instead of chasing all the way, why not keep your true colors and be confident?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">03</h1>

Of course, there is another point of view. Many round-headed fans believe that flathead is a disease that not only compresses the facial features, but also seriously affects brain volume. Therefore, parents have this sense of correction, and the child will definitely be grateful in the future.

There are also similar cases, such as children with tooth decay, parents force them to wear braces; such as children with myopia, parents urge them to do surgery... Many netizens were overjoyed, issuing sighs such as "Thank you for forcing my parents to brace my teeth".

Xiao E seems that if it does affect physical health and facial beauty, then it is a good awareness for parents to provide funds to help them correct. But if you just listen to the voices of the outside world and be called by popular aesthetics, you can't be so anxious.

After the flat-headed aesthetic was bombarded, a group of mothers began to use a plaster cast to correct the baby into a round head... 010203

Because these aesthetics are uncertain and not harmless.

If this is the case, why draw the ground as a prison and tie yourself to the pop wave?

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