
Japan co-opted the leader of the Green Gang, and China sacrificed many people for it, and Dai Kasa sent this man to assassinate him

In order to make huge profits, there are still some gangs involved in the international community to this day. They are in the business of killing people and goods, some selling drugs, some smuggling arms, some of which have won a certain degree of recognition from the government, such as the Yamaguchi Group in Japan, and some of them have developed to the point where they can even compete with the government.

Some have grown to hundreds of thousands or even millions, while others have nearly half of the world's wealth and have enormous influence in the global economic system. Before the founding of New China, the Green Gang was also a gangster group whose strength should not be underestimated. Among them, there are both tyrants like Du Yuesheng and many traitors. Today, we are going to talk about a green gang leader who is a generation higher than Du Yuesheng, Ji Yunqing.

Japan co-opted the leader of the Green Gang, and China sacrificed many people for it, and Dai Kasa sent this man to assassinate him

Ji Yunqing's generation is not good, he is a "tong" generation in the gang, and he is the same generation as Jin Rong. We all know that Golden Rong is Du Yuesheng's "old man", who once bowed to Golden Rong three times and nine times, joined his disciples, and later developed into the godfather of Shanghai Beach. Chiang Kai-shek also worshiped Jin Rong as an "old man" when he fell, and under the protection of Jin Rong, he was able to evade the pursuit of creditors, and later became the supreme leader of the Kuomintang at that time. And this Ji Yunqing is the brother of the golden Rongbai master, which shows that his influence in the Qing gang should not be underestimated.

How did the Green Gang initially look up to this Ji Yunqing? At that time, the gang organization took profit as the most fundamental purpose, and when it was time to seize the land, it was natural to fight and kill. And Ji Yunqing, although he looked thin, was very fierce in his heart. Although he is thin and weak, he can fight and kill, kill people without blinking, and his means are extremely fierce. It was precisely because the Qing Gang saw this characteristic of him that they entrusted him with many things, so Ji Yunqing's status was gradually improved.

Japan co-opted the leader of the Green Gang, and China sacrificed many people for it, and Dai Kasa sent this man to assassinate him

After having a certain amount of power, Ji Yunqing began to cultivate his own cronies. He vigorously recruited disciples and brought them under his own disciples. In this way, Ji Yunqing gradually became a big gangster-level figure in the Green Gang. In order to strengthen his power, Ji Yunqing did not refuse to come to those who defected. He accepted all the three religions and nine streams and hooligans.

- At that time, the number of people under Du Yuesheng's men also gradually increased, but Du Yuesheng asked all of his men to wear long shirts and hats, just like the costumes of cultural people, and negotiate in advance. The opposite of this was Ji Yunqing's disciples, who killed and plundered and did nothing wrong, but Ji Yunqing, as their leader, took the lead in committing evil deeds. What was worse was that Ji Yunqing later became a traitor.

Japan co-opted the leader of the Green Gang, and China sacrificed many people for it, and Dai Kasa sent this man to assassinate him

Due to the gradual growth of his power, Ji Yunqing became the object of japanese co-optation. Originally, after the Japanese occupied Shanghai, the first choice was Jin Rong. Although Jin Jinrong also smuggled opium to open brothels, he refused to do such a thing as adultery. The Japanese found Du Yuesheng again, but they did not expect that Du Yuesheng's attitude was much harder than that of Jin Rong. No way, the Japanese finally found Ji Yunqing, and the person who was sent to carry out this task was Li Shiqun, the head of the 76th Secret Service Headquarters of the Wang puppet regime.

At that time, Li Shiqun was worried about bringing it up directly, and Ji Yunqing was forced to agree under pressure. He gave Ji Yunqing a large amount of money every month, and he said that Ji Yunqing was old, and this money was for his pension. Ji Yunqing had a number in mind, but he was still quite happy to get a large amount of money every month without fighting and killing. Therefore, in the light and in the dark, Ji Yunqing actually did a lot of things for the Japanese and became a real traitor.

Japan co-opted the leader of the Green Gang, and China sacrificed many people for it, and Dai Kasa sent this man to assassinate him

At that time, Ji Yunqing had many disciples, and Ji Yunqing knew the situation in Shanghai very well. When many important Kuomintang figures were transiting in Shanghai, or when the hoe gang had any important tasks, they could not escape Ji Yunqing's eyeliner. Ji Yunqing passed this information to the Japanese, which led to the sacrifice of many Chinese and affected the progress of the War of Resistance. Therefore, Chiang Kai-shek sent Dai Kasa to remove Ji Yunqing.

There are not a few people who want to get rid of Ji Yunqing, so Ji Yunqing knows how to protect herself. He rarely went out, except for one—the bathhouse. At that time, it was Jensen who was sent on a mission by Dai Kasa, and Jensen decided to start with the clue of the bathhouse and ask for Ji Yunqing's life.

Japan co-opted the leader of the Green Gang, and China sacrificed many people for it, and Dai Kasa sent this man to assassinate him

What kind of character is Jensen? He was the number one killer under Dai Kasa. Before him, Dai Kasa also filmed several people to assassinate Ji Yunqing, but they all failed, and jason had to be sent out as an ace. Jensen kills people, often with a shot, never using a second shot, and this time killing Ji Yunqing is the same.

Japan co-opted the leader of the Green Gang, and China sacrificed many people for it, and Dai Kasa sent this man to assassinate him

Dressed in the same clothes as Ji Yunqing's bodyguard, he shouted that someone had assassinated Mr. Ji when Ji Yunqing came out of the bathhouse. While shouting, he took advantage of the chaos to walk towards Ji Yunqing's side, and then shot him dead. What about Ji Yunqing's bodyguards? Although there are many people, it is of little use. They were in a mess, some shouting to protect Mr. Ji, some were busy running for their lives, at this time, Ji Yunqing had already been killed, and Jensen had already run away.

Later, When Li Shiqun learned the news, he was furious and must kill Jensen. Originally, Jensen could also run out, but he couldn't let go of a dancer, and finally in that woman's house, Jensen was caught by Li Shiqun's people. After that, Jensen was brutally murdered.

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