
Zhu Jian, an "honest man" in the early Han Dynasty: The human feelings owed to others must be repaid even if they die

Zhu Jian, an "honest man" in the early Han Dynasty: The human feelings owed to others must be repaid even if they die

Title/ Zhu Jian, a famous scholar in the early Han Dynasty: All I want in my life is to be ashamed

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Zhu Jian can be said to be a rare figure who truly adhered to the spirit of "scholars" in ancient times. He did not have the same outstanding personal abilities as other ministers, but he was able to retain a place in the history books with his unique character. Even his humble spirit directly affected his next generation.

And the most unfortunate thing he has done in his life may be that he received more than a hundred gold to help the funeral when he had no money to do the funeral. But how could he not have imagined that this hundred gold had become the fuse of his death.

1. Enter Chang'an

Zhu Jian once followed Wang Yingbu of Huainan, and even served as a prime minister under his hands for a short time. Zhu Jian always knew what kind of person he was, but it was because he had the grace of knowing Zhu Jian, so Zhu Jian chose to follow him all the time.

It was only because of the word "righteousness" in Zhu Jian's heart.

Zhu Jian has been familiar with the classics since childhood, and he has a longing for the famous people of the ancients. Therefore, Zhu Jian has also been using strict precepts to regulate his behavior. He had never embezzled a penny; he did not want to go along with people; he could proudly say that his spine had never bent. It was so then, and it is true now, and hopefully so are my children and grandchildren.

Zhu Jian, an "honest man" in the early Han Dynasty: The human feelings owed to others must be repaid even if they die

Once, when Yingbu wanted to oppose Liu Bang, Zhu Jian tried his best to persuade him, but Yingbu couldn't listen to it. Zhu Jian knew at that time that Yingbu was not far from his end.

Later, the rebellion was put down by Liu Bang, and Yingbu was tricked into killing. However, Zhu Jian was appreciated by Liu Bang because he had advised Yingbu, and his family was able to enter Chang'an.

Chang'an is good, and Chang'an is not good. The people here are too complicated, everyone's heart seems to be filled with sharp words, and Zhu Jian feels that he is an outlier among them. It is not because Zhu Jian pretends to be high, but his life precepts have been deeply engraved into his own bones and blood, and he cannot change them.

It is because Zhu Jian's personality, which seems to others to be somewhat high and straight, is difficult to approach, so there are only a few people who have a good friendship with Zhu Jian in Chang'an City.

Zhu Jian, an "honest man" in the early Han Dynasty: The human feelings owed to others must be repaid even if they die

2. Bury the mother

Judge Qi did not know why he came to Zhu Jian's house three or four times, saying that he wanted to make a friend with Zhu Jian. Although Zhu Jian did not have any stake in him, he could often hear his colleagues and neighbors talk about his deeds.

This is not a very good person.

So he came to Zhu Jian a few times and closed the door to thank the guests several times, although he was very favored in front of Lü Hou, but he did not seem to do anything with Zhu Jian.

Later, he did not go to Zhu Jian's house.

But unfortunately, Zhu Jian's mother later died. As a son of man, he always had to let his mother be buried in the ground, but because Zhu Jian was incorruptible all his life, he checked his account until his mother died and found that there was no cost to bury Zhu Jian's mother. This moment made Zhu Jian panic and did not know what to do.

Zhu Jian searched all his friends, but those friends who were good friends with Zhu Jian were all as poor as Zhu Jian, and they couldn't get any money out. Zhu Jian even found those misbehaving people that Zhu Jian usually did not want to contact, but because of his usual personality, he let himself eat behind closed doors.

Lu Jia still gave Zhu Jian a sum of money, although it was still not enough to bury Zhu Jian's mother, but it also made Zhu Jian feel a lot of relief. Lu Jia told Zhu Jian that he should not be in a hurry about the money, and he would come to find a way for Zhu Jian.

Zhu Jian, an "honest man" in the early Han Dynasty: The human feelings owed to others must be repaid even if they die

(Portrait of Lu Jia)

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Him to send Zhu Jian a hundred gold to help him with funeral money. At the beginning, Zhu Jian was very unhappy and wanted Lu Jia to go to this money to be returned to him, Zhu Jian did not want the money of people with bad character.

But Lu Jia reassured Zhu Jian, saying that it was just a bait. Not long after, perhaps because of the interrogation, other princes and various nobles successively sent over five hundred gold worth of funeral money. This made him stunned at once.

After ordering someone to send back the funeral money for the trial of Qi, Zhu Jian also silently accepted his personal affection in his heart. He helped Zhu Jian when he was difficult and helpless, then Zhu Jian would also do his best to help him when he was difficult and helpless.

But he was still unwilling to make friends with Zhu Jian.

In this way, Zhu Jian finally buried his mother smoothly.

Zhu Jian, an "honest man" in the early Han Dynasty: The human feelings owed to others must be repaid even if they die

(Left is a review of its stills)

3. Save people

Later, when Emperor Hui succeeded to the throne, some people slandered and interrogated him in front of Emperor Hui. Emperor Hui, who was young and benevolent, was still flesh and blood in these matters, so he ordered his arrest and interrogation, and wanted to kill him.

At that time, although Lü Hou had a very good relationship with The Trial Food, he had no way to personally manage it. One by one, the ministers were dissatisfied with his usual behavior, and they had long wanted to get rid of it quickly.

Therefore, he ran to Zhu Jian in a panic and wanted Zhu Jian to save his life. Zhu Jian told him: "One yard to one yard, at this time I still can't see you." "No see, this friend Zhu Jian is not friendly, but Zhu Jian still has to help, after all, he once helped Zhu Jian."

'Candied fruit is not salty, seafood is not salty, is Yide'. It is said that a person must grasp the scale of impartiality to be considered a virtue. Zhu Jian didn't think there was anything wrong with what he was doing now.

He helped Zhu Jian get out of trouble, and Zhu Jian helped him get out of trouble, which was natural and righteous. This is also the embodiment of the ancient word "righteousness".

Zhu Jian found Emperor Huidi's favorite minister Hong Zhizhi overnight. To tell the truth, this person Zhu Jian also did not look up to him at all. As a big husband, with hands and feet, he can obviously fight a career with his own ability, but he is willing to be an emperor's favorite.

But maybe that's what makes people have their own ambitions.

Zhu Jian, an "honest man" in the early Han Dynasty: The human feelings owed to others must be repaid even if they die

(Examine its stills)

Zhu Jian told him, "Now you are known to everyone as the emperor's favorite subject. And the interrogator is accused of not knowing who did it, but it is easy for everyone to think of you. Now the emperor wants to kill him, and if he kills him, Lü Hou will be unhappy. If you are not happy, you may suffer. You hurry to say a few kind words to the judge in front of the emperor, so that your life will be saved. ”

When Zhu Jian saw Hong Zi rushing into the emperor's palace, Zhu Jian knew that things were done.

Later, he was actually released. Later, I heard others say that when he was in prison, he scolded Zhu Jian every day, thinking that Zhu Jian was a treacherous villain.

But Zhu Jian also smiled and did not explain anything.

But Zhu Jian didn't care, after all, Zhu Jian also repaid his personal feelings and understood the "righteousness" between him and him.

Zhu Jian, an "honest man" in the early Han Dynasty: The human feelings owed to others must be repaid even if they die

4. Death

Later, Emperor Wen succeeded to the throne, and because he had a deep friendship with the Lü clan, he also suffered bad luck. When the news of his death came, Zhu Jian understood that he was not far from death.

After all, he had helped to judge him, which was something that everyone in the whole world knew, something that could not be washed away even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Zhu Jian's subordinates and family members were dissuading him, but Zhu Jian refused their advice, and they also knew Zhu Jian's temper and stopped speaking, only sobbing quietly.

Zhu Jian, an "honest man" in the early Han Dynasty: The human feelings owed to others must be repaid even if they die

After saying this, Zhu Jian raised his sword, looked at the soldiers who rushed in, and drew his sword to kill himself.

Zhu Jian's affair ended here.

Later, Because Emperor Wen felt indebted to Zhu Jian, he made Zhu Jian's son a Zhongdafu and went on an envoy to the Xiongnu. The Xiongnu saw Zhu Jian's son being arrogant and rude, and insulted Zhu Jian's son and the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

Zhu Jian's son faced the Xiongnu Shan Yu alone, dared to stalk his neck and scold Shan Yu, and finally angered the Xiongnu Shan Yu and was killed.

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