
Micron: Some RX 6000 graphics cards are equipped with their GDDR6 memory

IT House December 17 news, according to Micron news, Micron announced in November with AMD in-depth cooperation, through innovative ultra-bandwidth solutions, to achieve high frame rates and excellent resolution to enhance the gaming experience.

Micron: Some RX 6000 graphics cards are equipped with their GDDR6 memory

According to reports, AMD Radeon RX 6700, Radeon RX 6600 series use Micron memory. Micron says GDDR6 offers up to 512GB/s of system bandwidth performance in its 16GB/16Gbps products. As a result, Radeon RX 6000 Series graphics cards with GDDR6 memory enable a visually stunning, high frame rate experience. Micron said AMD worked closely with board partners and system designers during the development and sale of Radeon RX 6000 Series graphics cards.

IT House understands that the AMD RX 6700 XT is equipped with 12GB of 16Gbps GDDR6 memory with a bandwidth of up to 384 GB/s; the RX 6600 XT is equipped with 8GB of 16Gbps GDDR6 memory, with a bandwidth of up to 256 GB/s.

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