
When Japan surrendered unconditionally, MacArthur asked the emperor: Why don't you kill yourself by cutting your stomach? The Emperor replied shamelessly

There is a very famous family in Japan, this family is the Fujiwara family, and the reason why this family is very famous is because a person named Fujiwara Yoshi was born in their family. Don't look at Fujiwara Yoshi's name with the word "righteousness", in fact, most of the things he does are unkind and unjust.

Not only that, Fujiwara Yoshinori not only had a very poor reputation among the people, but he also had a very poor reputation among Japanese officers and soldiers, even within the Fujiwara family.

When Japan surrendered unconditionally, MacArthur asked the emperor: Why don't you kill yourself by cutting your stomach? The Emperor replied shamelessly

After Fujiwara Yoshi's mansion was surrounded, he knew that he would not be able to escape, so after he found that these soldiers surrounded his mansion, Fujiwara Yoshi slowly took out his flute and sat in front of the hall and played it. After Fujiwara Yoshinori finished playing the flute, he immediately used a knife to cut his abdomen, and not only that, he immediately threw all the "water" in his stomach to the officers and soldiers around him.

His approach was even more creepy to the officers and soldiers present, and his approach was also called the Japanese Bushido spirit to some extent. Of course, this kind of caesarean section is to some extent a kind of self-denial, but in the propaganda of Japanese culture, he has become a symbol used by the samurai to atone for his sins and even maintain his dignity.

When Japan surrendered unconditionally, MacArthur asked the emperor: Why don't you kill yourself by cutting your stomach? The Emperor replied shamelessly

This spirit has continued into modern times, even during the Meiji Restoration in the mid-19th century, in order to strengthen Japanese nationalism, so the spirit of Bushido was further promoted. It was also during this period that the act of dissecting the abdomen became an act of loyalty to the emperor.

Later, in the book "Chrysanthemum and the Knife" by the American anthropologist Ruth Benny, there was a certain introduction to the matter of caesarean section. In this book, the internal contradiction between Japanese culture and its spirit is explained in detail, and this contradiction is deeply expressed in their cruelty and elegance, and in a way, it is a kind of division.

When Japan surrendered unconditionally, MacArthur asked the emperor: Why don't you kill yourself by cutting your stomach? The Emperor replied shamelessly

Although there were many loopholes in the book, it seemed to be an effective way to study Japanese culture at the time. In it, the introduction of the origin of the tradition of caesarean section explains to a certain extent why Japan later went to imperialism and embarked on the fascist road, which is also deeply rooted in their cultural traditions.

In 1931, Japan launched the horrific September 18 Incident, which later encroached on China's territory step by step. In 1945, because the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor in the United States, the United States dropped two atomic bombs on its Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which led to the death of countless Japanese civilians.

When Japan surrendered unconditionally, MacArthur asked the emperor: Why don't you kill yourself by cutting your stomach? The Emperor replied shamelessly

For this reason, Japan finally chose unconditional surrender. Japan's surrender meant the end of World War II, and at this point, China's 14-year-long War of Resistance Against Japan will finally come to an end.

Of course, as a defeated country, Japan was deprived of its army and wartime command after its defeat. At the same time, MacArthur of the United States led a large army directly stationed in Japan, and they also became the de facto "Emperor Taishang" of Japan because they were victorious powers.

When Japan surrendered unconditionally, MacArthur asked the emperor: Why don't you kill yourself by cutting your stomach? The Emperor replied shamelessly

Even Emperor Hirohito, the emperor of Japan at the time, had to look at MacArthur's face and know that in Japanese culture, the emperor was the core of the whole culture. Therefore, in their eyes, it is precisely because of the emperor that their nation will have its own cohesion, and it is this cohesion that allows them to continue to develop.

But later they did not use this cohesion in the right place, on the contrary, they used this cohesion as an external aggression. It is precisely because of this that after World War II, they can only be under giants.

When Japan surrendered unconditionally, MacArthur asked the emperor: Why don't you kill yourself by cutting your stomach? The Emperor replied shamelessly

However, under the influence of the traditional Bushido spirit, people who have just entered the Japanese colonies can see the underlying crazy physique in their spirits. In addition, in addition to the fact that Japan itself is an island country with very few resources, many invaders have given up the idea of direct occupation of it and replaced it with partial colonization.

It was for this reason that MacArthur did not intend to exterminate the Japanese. Not only that, but the United States has also guaranteed Japan's emperor system as much as possible, and wants to use the emperor to control Japan, and in their eyes, the emperor is more like a tool for them to control Japan.

When Japan surrendered unconditionally, MacArthur asked the emperor: Why don't you kill yourself by cutting your stomach? The Emperor replied shamelessly

Of course, the emperor was not unaware of this, but as a defeated country, he had no other choice. When MacArthur humiliated the Emperor and asked him why he didn't commit suicide by caesarean section, the Emperor simply replied with the words powerless. Because he knows that he is a symbol of the Japanese spirit, once he dies, then the whole of Japan will be leaderless.

MacArthur's purpose was only to humiliate the emperor, not really to let him do so. Not only that, but MacArthur never exerted pressure like the emperor anymore, and even directly controlled Japan through it, so the emperor lived until 1989 and finally died of cancer.

When Japan surrendered unconditionally, MacArthur asked the emperor: Why don't you kill yourself by cutting your stomach? The Emperor replied shamelessly

Conclusion: However, to this day, Japan still has not acknowledged the numerous crimes he committed. And what they have done has left countless people homeless, many times history is true, and for a country, it is even more necessary to have this concept of facing history.

Of course, in the case of Japan today, they still have not escaped the control of the United States at that time, although the United States today is no longer extinguished and controlled by it, but they will be more or less affected by the United States.

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