
Why did Cao Xueqin make Shi Xiangyun a "tongue-biting"? This is the brilliance of "Dream of the Red Chamber"

Shi Xiangyun's first appearance is completely different from the painting style of Dai Yu and Bao Chao.

Why did Cao Xueqin make Shi Xiangyun a "tongue-biting"? This is the brilliance of "Dream of the Red Chamber"

Lin Daiyu's first appearance shows a distressing understanding that does not match her age; Xue Baochao's first appearance is dignified and elegant; and Shi Xiangyun's appearance can make the reader feel a fresh and pleasant wind.

Moreover, Bao Yu was joking with Bao Chao, when he suddenly saw someone say, "Miss Shi is coming." Baoyu listened, lifted himself up and left. Bao Chao smiled, "Wait, let's go together and see her go." Saying, I got off the kang and came to Jia Mu's side with Bao Yu, only to see Shi Xiangyun laughing...

Shi Xiangyun's image was fixed in this "big talk and laughter". In the future storyline, Shi Xiangyun has always loved to talk and laugh, and is straightforward and straightforward. However, what is more interesting is that Cao Xueqin not only arranged a frank personality for Shi Xiangyun, but also let her have a small problem -

The two (Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu) were talking, only to see Shi Xiangyun come and smile: "Second brother, Sister Lin, you play together every day, I am so easy to come, and ignore me." Dai Yu smiled: "It is a tongue-biting and loves to talk, even a 'second' brother can't call out, just 'love' brother, 'love' brother, come back to catch Go, and you should make a 'love three four five'." ”

Why did Cao Xueqin make Shi Xiangyun a "tongue-biting"? This is the brilliance of "Dream of the Red Chamber"

In "Dream of the Red Chamber", Zhong Lingyuxiu, the daughters are outstanding and outstanding, but Cao Xueqin has not forgotten, so that they each have a little harmless little problem. Lin Daiyu's body is too weak, Xue Baochao's skin is slightly plump, and Shi Xiangyun has become the only "tongue biting" in "Dream of the Red Chamber".

Tongue biting refers to a person whose tongue tongue is not pronounced clearly when speaking. In the historical literary works, probably only Shi Xiangyun in "Dream of the Red Chamber" has such a problem. Shi Xiangyun is also a very outstanding girl in "Dream of the Red Chamber", why did Cao Xueqin arrange such a problem for her? A comment from Li Yanzhai may best explain the reason -

Ridiculous near the history of the wild, full of paper closed moon shy flowers, warblers cry swallow language, do not know that the real beauty side has a bad place? If the fat of Taizhen, the thinness of Feiyan, and the disease of Xizi are not beautiful if they are applied to others. The word "tongue biting" in Imami, added to Xiangyun, is it that Dafa has the hand and eye, and dares to use this word? Not only do you not see its ugliness, but also feel light and feminine, like a Xiangyun standing on paper...

Why did Cao Xueqin make Shi Xiangyun a "tongue-biting"? This is the brilliance of "Dream of the Red Chamber"

To put it simply, this is "gold has no feet, no one is perfect", even if it is the four beauties, they each have their own small problems. However, if these problems are placed on others, they will really become a problem, but if they grow up in the four beauties, they will better set off their personalities.

Shi Xiangyun's "tongue biting" not only did not damage her image, but could better set off her delicacy. This is the real reason why Cao Xueqin made Shi Xiangyun a "tongue-biting" and the cleverness of "Dream of the Red Chamber".

Similarly, in the spring of the following article, the girls in "Dream of the Red Chamber" also suffered from the same skin disease - apricot spotted ringworm.

First of all, when Shi Xiangyun got up early, his face was itchy, and he looked for Xue Baochao to cure the rose salt of apricot fistula. Xue Baochao said that the previous children were all given to his sister Xue Baoqin. That is to say, Xue Baochao and Xue Baoqin had also suffered from apricot fistula. Then, Xue Baochao gave Shi Xiangyun an idea, asking her to go to Lin Daiyu to ask for it, "Er Er has a lot of it, and I am about to go with her", indicating that Lin Daiyu actually has this disease.

Later, Ruiguan followed Ying'er to Xiaoxiang Hall to ask for rose salt, and when he returned, he gave some to Fangguan, indicating that these servants also had such a small problem.

In "Dream of the Red Chamber", there is no absolutely perfect woman, this kind of description, so that the character image in the book, closer to the real life, but also make their life more concrete, more full.

This is also something that hardly appears in other literary works. Or after "Dream of the Red Chamber", some literary works follow this writing method.

Shi Xiangyun became a "tongue-biting", and the daughters of Daguanyuan all had apricot fistula, which was the most intelligent and true way of writing in "Dream of the Red Chamber".

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