
The traditional method of sweet wine (mash) is to drink eggs in winter to warm up the whole body

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The traditional method of sweet wine (mash) is to drink eggs in winter to warm up the whole body

Cold winter, just want to come to a bowl of hot sweet wine sweet wine, the north is also called mash, we southerners often add egg liquid, cinnamon balls, red dates and so on to eat together in the sweet wine. Sweet wine with rice dumplings, and the family together to roast the fire, even if it is cold in winter, but after drinking it, from the stomach to the bottom of the heart, it has always been warm! Now do it according to my method, no longer need to go out to buy, 4 pounds of steamed glutinous rice plus 12 grams of koji, the key to fermentation is to maintain the most suitable temperature, as long as three days can produce wine juice, a cover is fragrant, quickly do it!

By Xiangye Red Sister


Glutinous rice 4 kg

Cold boiled water 3 pounds

Dessert koji 12g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

The traditional method of sweet wine (mash) is to drink eggs in winter to warm up the whole body

1. Wash the glutinous rice 2-3 times and wash off the starch on the surface

The traditional method of sweet wine (mash) is to drink eggs in winter to warm up the whole body

2. Soak for one night

The traditional method of sweet wine (mash) is to drink eggs in winter to warm up the whole body

3, wait for the glutinous rice to be soaked to the point where it can be kneaded into a powder with a light pinch, then fish out the glutinous rice and prepare it for steaming

The traditional method of sweet wine (mash) is to drink eggs in winter to warm up the whole body

4: Use chopsticks to pluck a few holes, insert into the glutinous rice, easy to cook through, and then steam for an hour on high heat

The traditional method of sweet wine (mash) is to drink eggs in winter to warm up the whole body

5, in the process of waiting, all the tools with boiling water to blanch again, avoid miscellaneous bacteria, can promote better fermentation success

The traditional method of sweet wine (mash) is to drink eggs in winter to warm up the whole body

6, with chopsticks inserted into the glutinous rice, when no rustling sound is heard, the glutinous rice is steamed, and then 4 kg of glutinous rice, pour 3 kg of [cool white open] Attention! When pouring cold boiled water, be sure to mix well while pouring, do not pour it in at once

The traditional method of sweet wine (mash) is to drink eggs in winter to warm up the whole body

7, after the stall is cool, test the temperature of the glutinous rice with your hands, if your hands can feel a little temperature, you can do it

The traditional method of sweet wine (mash) is to drink eggs in winter to warm up the whole body

8, pour 12g of koji, mix well (when putting koji, the temperature has certain requirements, can not be higher than the human body temperature, too hot, will burn the koji inside. If it is too cold, it will not be able to ferment successfully)

The traditional method of sweet wine (mash) is to drink eggs in winter to warm up the whole body

9. Press it tightly

The traditional method of sweet wine (mash) is to drink eggs in winter to warm up the whole body

10. Dig a hole in the middle

The traditional method of sweet wine (mash) is to drink eggs in winter to warm up the whole body

11. Seal the plastic wrap

The traditional method of sweet wine (mash) is to drink eggs in winter to warm up the whole body

12, put the bowl containing glutinous rice into a container with a temperature of about 25 ° and wait for fermentation for 3-4 days to be almost (here I use the basket of my hometown, made of straw, and then put two hot water bottles next to the bowl, and finally covered with a large quilt, compacted with the lid quilt to ensure that no wind will come in)

The traditional method of sweet wine (mash) is to drink eggs in winter to warm up the whole body

13, if you want to keep the sweet wine longer, you will pour the prepared sweet wine into the jar and seal it, steam it for 5 minutes, after high temperature sterilization, it will stop fermentation, and then put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate, eat for a year, the taste is the same as the first time

The traditional method of sweet wine (mash) is to drink eggs in winter to warm up the whole body

14. After doing a good job, make a sweet wine and egg for my grandmother

The traditional method of sweet wine (mash) is to drink eggs in winter to warm up the whole body

15, pour in the sweet wine, put some brown sugar, stir it and melt, wait until it boils, pour the egg liquid, stir while pouring until the egg floc is floating, put in the goji berries

The traditional method of sweet wine (mash) is to drink eggs in winter to warm up the whole body

16, just on the rice dumplings, next to the fire while roasting the fire, while drinking sweet wine, a mouthful of warmth to the bottom of the heart, the heart feels warm

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