
The General Office of the Ministry of Education issued the "Guidelines for the Classification and Identification of Off-campus Training Projects in the Compulsory Education Stage"

Source: CCTV news client

In order to implement the "Opinions on Further Reducing the Homework Burden and Off-campus Training Burden of Students in the Compulsory Education Stage" issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council, and strengthen the identification and management of the "discipline" projects of off-campus training institutions in the compulsory education stage, the Ministry of Education recently formulated the "Guidelines for the Classification and Identification of Off-campus Training Projects in the Compulsory Education Stage".

It is mentioned that for off-campus training projects, if they meet the following characteristics, they are judged to be discipline-based training projects:

(1) Training purpose: subject knowledge and skills training as the guide, mainly to improve the academic performance of the subject.

(2) Training content: mainly involving ethics and rule of law, language, history, geography, mathematics, foreign languages (English, Japanese, Russian), physics, chemistry, biology and other disciplines.

(3) Training methods: Focus on subject knowledge explanation, listening, speaking, reading, writing and other subject ability training, with pre-study, teaching and consolidation exercises as the main process, and teachers (including virtualizers, artificial intelligence, etc.) teaching demonstration and interaction as the main forms.

(4) Evaluation of results: The evaluation of students focuses on screening and selection, and takes academic achievements and examination results as the main evaluation basis.

For those judged to be subject-type training projects, a hierarchical guidance mechanism should be established to strengthen hierarchical guidance. Establish an expert identification system, and local education administrative departments at all levels shall, according to the corresponding management needs, form expert groups or entrust professional institutions to carry out classification and identification of training projects that cannot be directly judged, and make identification decisions. It is necessary to strengthen self-discipline in institutions and industries. Training institutions shall implement the responsibility of self-management, conduct self-research and judgment, self-assessment and self-examination of the types of training projects carried out, consciously follow the relevant management requirements of "discipline" or "non-discipline", standardize the development of training activities, and must not appear in the name of the situation, and must not carry out discipline training activities in violation of the law.

(CCTV reporter Pan Hongxu)