
Anne with E behind Little Anne, the wonderful life of a girl with red hair

author:The so-called Iraqi RC

Little Anne is a children's drama adapted from the classic children's work Anne of Green Gables. The original author is the Canadian writer Lucy Maud Meng marley. "Little Annie" premiered in Canada in 2017 as a TV series version of "Anne of Green Gables", which entered people's vision and once again introduced world works in the form of modern media. It tells the story of a 13-year-old red-haired and freckled little girl, who after losing her parents, experienced a tragic childhood of being adopted and abused again and again; under a wrong arrangement, met a pair of brothers and sisters in Green Gables on Prince Edward Island, and then life slowly got on the right track.

Anne with E behind Little Anne, the wonderful life of a girl with red hair

Anne with E

The love of family, the friendliness of friends, the guidance of teachers... Little Anne walked out of the shadow left by the orphanage, got everyone's recognition, and infected everyone around her with her unique imagination and optimism.


In 1896, Matthew and Marilla, a sibling who lived in Green Gables on Prince Edward Island, discussed adopting a boy from an orphanage to run the farm because neither brother nor sister was married and getting older. On the day he went to the station to greet the boy, Matthew got out of the train to find that there was no sign of the little boy except for a thin girl with red hair and a hat. So he went to ask the old man at the station, and the old man looked at Annie and said to Matthew that it was her. At this time, Anne also took the initiative to greet Matthew, opened the box and began to introduce herself, saying her own merits. But Matthew, who did not know the situation, did not return to his senses, thinking that this must be a mistake in conveying the message. Anne has been trying her best to recommend herself to Matthew, and Matthew has no choice but to take Annie back first, so along the way, the originally taciturn Matthew has not yet recovered from this matter, but little Anne has an unusual imagination, sitting on the carriage along the way with flowery words to describe everything in front of him. Surprised and looking forward to the home that is about to arrive.

Anne with E behind Little Anne, the wonderful life of a girl with red hair

Greeted at the station was Little Anne


Excited along the way, Anne finally arrives home with Matthew, and Marilla rushes out to greet her, but she is equally surprised why it was a skinny little girl who got out of the car? Isn't it a boy? She whispered to Matthew, and after learning of the misunderstanding, told Matthew that she must send Annie back to the station the next day and clarify with them that what was needed was a boy.

Anne with E behind Little Anne, the wonderful life of a girl with red hair

Marilla had a hard time accepting the emaciated Anne

Hearing this, Anne once again tried her best to introduce herself to Marilla, her name was Anne, Anne with E, and promised that she could do anything, feed the horses, raise chickens, do farm work... Begged not to send her away. But the calm and sane Marilla did not soften her heart, because she knew Matthew's physical condition, and both of them were old, and the farm had to be taken care of by a boy. In this way, Anne thought that she could have a home, that she would not have to go back to the orphanage, and that she would not be abandoned again, and suddenly her joy was shattered. Little Annie, who was chattering, begged Maryla to keep herself and give herself a chance, and finally Maryla and Matthew softened their hearts and decided to give Anne a chance.

Anne with E behind Little Anne, the wonderful life of a girl with red hair

Disappointed Anne

Anne's parents died when she was a few months old. After that, she was transferred to many families and did all kinds of hard work, and when she was in the orphanage, she was also bullied in various ways, and she was naturally talkative and imaginative, and she couldn't stop when she opened the conversation box. In this slow way together, Anne brought a lot of life and fun to the brothers' originally peaceful and ordinary lives. Matthew began to like the little girl on the first time he picked up Annie home. But Marilla was still not assured that Anne could take on and bear it all, and it would take more things and time to prove the decision was right.


When Maryla's good sister, Rachel of good deeds knew that the family was about to have an adopted child. Soon, curious, she came to Marilla's house again. When she saw Anne, Rachel looked disgusted with Annie's lack of politeness, no rules, and her face was full of freckles and red hair. Rachel described Anne this way:

’she’s terribly skinny and homely. (She's too skinny, too ordinary.)

All elbows and knees. (Look at this hand and leg,)

And did you ever see such freckles? (And have you ever seen freckles like this?)

And hair as red as carrots, dear me. (Hair as red as a carrot, oh my God!) )

Anne with E behind Little Anne, the wonderful life of a girl with red hair

Marilla listened helplessly

Each sentence made Anne feel deeply hurt, and she unceremoniously shook back Rachel:

“I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. (我恨你)

How dare you call me freckled and redheaded. (How dare you say I'm a freckled woman with red hair)

You’re a rude, unfeeling woman!... (You rude, heartless woman)

Anne with E behind Little Anne, the wonderful life of a girl with red hair

Enraged Anne

Anne with E behind Little Anne, the wonderful life of a girl with red hair

Anger Rachel

Hit by the taunts, Anne rushed out of the house. Although Marilla felt that Rachel's words hurt Anne too much, she could not favor Annie's rudeness. I could only look helplessly at Rachel and walk out angrily. Later, under the comfort and enlightenment of Marilla, Anne agreed to apologize to Rachel for Marilla's consent, but still the temperament could not be lost. Rachel is also aware of her meanness, and the two admit to each other that they are wrong, but also do not deny that they are right.


Later, Marilla takes Anne to a party, Marilla wears a precious brooch left by her grandmother, and Anne says that she likes the purple crystal on it, which is always full of romance. Anne dressed in the new clothes that Marilla had made for her, and went to the party together. Here, I met diana, a friend who has been with each other since then.

Anne with E behind Little Anne, the wonderful life of a girl with red hair

The elegant Diana family greeted Anne

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