
She became a princess at the age of 13, and obviously loved the harem, why did she go all over the world to find a lover for her husband


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She became a princess at the age of 13, and obviously loved the harem, why did she go all over the world to find a lover for her husband

Author: Bright Moon Breeze

EDIT: Eat hard drives

Illustration: Developed mosquitoes

Empress Ma of Liu Zhuang, the Ming Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was a strange woman.

Empress Ma, surnamed Ma, is not recorded in the history books, we call her Ma Shi, she is the youngest daughter of Ma Yuan, the founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Ma Yuan, who had been a warrior all his life and had experienced hundreds of battles, had made no mistakes in revolutionary production, and while he was in the east and the west, he gave birth to nine children--four sons and five daughters," which can be described as a hero on the battlefield and a good man in bed.

In the last battle, Ma Yuan died of illness due to overwork, and realized Ma Ge's long-cherished wish to wrap the body. Ma Yuan's outstanding military achievements in his lifetime, before his death, he caused the envy and envy of many generals, plus he had offended the powerful people in the DPRK and China many times, so he was framed by many people after his death. Some people also turned over old accounts and falsely accused Ma Yuan of fake public welfare and private interests, and when quelling the rebellion and the southern chaos, they once pulled back a large cart of gold, silver and treasure from the battlefield. The truth is that Ma Yuan felt that the local coix (a kind of weed) had the effect of curing diseases and strengthening the body, so he deliberately pulled back a cart of coix seeds from the south. Who could have predicted that this car of grass seeds would become the last straw that overwhelmed Ma Yuan. Liu Xiu, the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, believed it to be true, and when he suddenly changed color and did not deepen his investigation, he wrote off Ma Yuan's previous merits and took back the seal of Ma Yuan's new marquis.

Fearing further anger to the emperor, after Ma Yuan's death, the Ma family did not even dare to bury Ma Yuan in the cemetery prepared beforehand, but found another barren place to bury Ma Yuan. At that time, the entire Ma family was shrouded in grief and fear, and it was difficult to extricate themselves. Ma Yuan's wife, Lady Lin, was sick from this blow, and was in a trance all day, unable to be a director, and several of Ma's brothers and sisters were also panicked, washing their faces with tears all day long, not knowing how to be good.

At this time, Ma Shi, who had just turned ten, stepped forward and showed a maturity that was extremely inappropriate for his age. While taking care of her mother and comforting her family, she pointed out servants, housekeepers, emergency public relations, up and down, acting like Wang Xifeng in "Dream of the Red Chamber", and she had to keep a nearly broken family in good order and regain its vitality.

Ma Yuan's mother saw a ten-year-old girl, who behaved so capable and old-fashioned, and was surprised, so she found a high-ranking person to meet her. Gao Ren looked at it and almost dropped his jaw: "This woman is a nobleman, and I will definitely be a subject to this woman." However, although she is noble, she has few children, and if she can be raised and raised by other people's children, it will be very precious. Unexpectedly, in a word, the future direction and fate of Ma's life were not different from what this high-ranking person said.

Encouraged by this, Ma Yuan's nephew Ma Yansui suggested that Ma Yuan's mother, abrogate Ma's previous marriage contract with the Dou family, and send Ma And three other unmarried sisters to the imperial court, the womb, as reserve concubines. With the consent of Ma Yuan's mother, Ma Yan wrote to Emperor Liu Xiu and gave a comprehensive detailed introduction and recommendation of the character, talent, and appearance of the three daughters of the Ma family. At that time, the three sisters of the Ma family, the eldest fifteen, the fourteenth of them, and the youngest, the Ma family, was only thirteen years old. Ma Yan introduced: "The three sisters are all knowledgeable and reasonable, noble in character, and beautiful as flowers, and have raced through the heavens. And Ma's looks are particularly colorful. ”

According to historical records: Ma's height is seven feet and two inches (about 165 centimeters, which can be described as a golden height), cherry small mouth, a long hair, tied up four big buns like peaches, there is still a surplus, and the rest of the hair can be wrapped around the bun three turns. In this way, Ma shi is also the first long-haired woman in history. At that time, everyone was fashionable and wear heavy makeup, and painted a pair of eyebrows like a thousand-year-old panda. However, Ma Shi was different, his eyebrows were not dazzling, his eyes were not colorful, and it was only because the corner of his left eyebrow was slightly missing, that she patched it into a grain ear. What Ma Shi did not expect was that it was this seemingly intentional or unintentional idle pen that made it invisibly add infinite charm and charm.

Seeing that Ma Yan said that the three sisters were so outstanding and moving in the book, Liu Xiu was moved, and soon arranged for the "Beauty Pageant Office" to come to the Ma family to investigate. After some "looking and hearing", Ma Shi stood out, and the next day he was selected into the Tai Womb, and before he was officially taken up, he was favored by Empress Yin Lihua and wanted to go to the side. At this time, Ma Shi, who had more than three years of experience in governing the family, although he was only thirteen years old, showed incredible maturity, and as soon as he entered the palace, he was like a fish in the water, and the Empress Yin was served comfortably and calmly, ironing and ironing. Not only that, Ma And his colleagues, those vinegar-flavored harem concubines and beauties, also got along like sisters, and even those palace ladies praised Ma in front of Empress Yin. Such a performance, coupled with a head of hair, a small waist and a pair of large long legs, how can it not win the favor of Prince Liu Zhuang? Within half a year, Liu Zhuang eagerly dragged Ma Shi back from Empress Yin's side and placed him in his back hall, and he was inseparable from me all day long.

In 57 AD, Liu Xiu, the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, died, and the crown prince Liu Zhuang took the throne as Emperor Ming of Han. The first thing Liu Zhuang did when he became emperor was to make the Li ma clan a nobleman. At that time, The daughter of Ma Guiren's former mother's sister, Jia Shi, was also elected to the imperial palace, and soon gave birth to a son, Liu Qi, who later became Emperor Zhang of Han. Soon, the Jia clan fell out of favor, and Emperor Ming handed Liu Qi over to Ma Guiren, who had been childless, to raise, and repeatedly explained: Must be carefully raised. Seeing that Liu Zhuang attached so much importance to it, Ma Guiren naturally did not dare to be careless, regarded Liu Zhuo as his own, and spent most of his time and energy on Liu Zhuo's body. It was really in the mouth for fear of melting, holding it in the hand for fear of falling, all kinds of care, a thousand kinds of love. This Liu Qi was also very cooperative, and also regarded Ma Guiren as his own mother, and he did not want to leave for a moment and a half, while his own mother was completely forgotten by him.

While taking care of the little prince, Ma Guiren also has the overall situation in mind. She saw that Emperor Ming did not have many heirs, and "every sigh with sorrow." In order to make Liu's successors, thousands of generations, she recommended her own palace daughters to Emperor Ming from time to time, and personally arranged for competent staff to go all over the country to select a group of beautiful women who loved their posts and were dedicated, politically reliable, red and professional to enter the palace to accompany Emperor Ming. If he found that a certain beauty was favored by Emperor Ming, Ma Guiren not only did not have jealousy, but was particularly happy, and took out his own private money to improve the living conditions of these favored beauties, acting like a selfless, dedicated and loving virgin and angel.

She became a princess at the age of 13, and obviously loved the harem, why did she go all over the world to find a lover for her husband

In the spring of 60 AD, a minister, Emperor Shangquan, proposed the establishment of the Changqiu Palace, that is, to determine the choice of empress. At this time, Empress Dowager Yin was still alive and wielding great power, and before Emperor Hanming could express her position, Empress Yin made her own claim: "Ma Guiren Deguan harem, that is, his people are also." Since then, Ma Guiren has transformed himself into the first lady of the Han Ming Emperor, Empress Ma.

Ma Shi, who became empress, not only did not become complacent, but became more modest and cautious. Influenced by her father, Empress Ma was able to recite the I Ching from an early age, and especially liked to read classics such as "Spring and Autumn", "Chu Ci" and "Zhou Li". Ma Queen, who has read a lot of books, is naturally different from other concubines, usually she is always plain and light makeup, thick and thick, clothes are not decorated, and skirts are not edged. According to the regulations, on the first and fifteenth day of the first month of the month, all the concubines and princesses must come to see the empress. When I first met The Empress Ma, the beauties looked at her and saw that the Empress Ma was wearing a "big dress", which looked like she was wrapped in a sheet. At first, everyone thought that the Queen Of Ma was wearing the latest "French fashion", but when I looked closer, it turned out to be a coarse cloth coat, and everyone couldn't help but cover their mouths and laugh. However, Empress Ma did not care at all, and calmly said, "This is particularly suitable for dyeing, so use the ear." "It means that this clothing is green and low-carbon, simple and natural, and economical, why not?" All the concubines and princesses were amazed from the heart when they saw that Empress Ma, who was honored as empress, was so simple and simple.

At that time, Emperor HanMing was exactly the flesh and blood Fang Gang, often out of the palace to the court to leave the palace flying eagles, archery hunting, Empress Ma always quoted the scriptures, kindly reminded and dissuaded him not to just play and waste government affairs, because of the dissuasion of the law, and always with the wind and rain, Emperor Han Ming not only did not have the slightest antipathy and resistance, but like a spring breeze, always appropriate.

In 72 AD, liu ying (born to Liu Xiu and Xu Meiren) the King of Chu. Deposed from the throne in an attempt to replace Emperor Hanming, and then committed suicide) the case of rebellion involved hundreds of people, and the more they were involved. Empress Ma was worried that the case involved too many people and too many people would affect the excellent situation of stability and unity. One day, she saw that Emperor Ming of Han was in a good mood, so she took the opportunity to persuade and suggest that Emperor Ming's men be merciful. Emperor Ming repeatedly chewed on empress Ma's words, and finally realized something and decisively closed the case. In addition, Emperor Ming also tentatively consulted Empress Ma on some "difficult and complicated diseases" in governing the country, and each time Empress Ma was able to put forward some insightful suggestions and countermeasures in a reasonable and well-founded manner, and over time, Empress Ma became a virtuous assistant that Emperor Ming of Han could not leave. Although Empress Ma was helpful in government affairs, she never took advantage of the opportunity to make private profits. Such a performance enabled Empress Ma to win the continuous favor and respect of Emperor Ma, and until her death, Emperor Han Ming still favored Empress Ma and did not diminish in the slightest.

In 75 AD, Emperor Ming of Han died, and Liu Qi took the throne, that is, Emperor Zhang of Han, and empress Ma's status also rose, and her position was promoted to a higher level, from empress to empress. According to the custom, after the death of Emperor Hanming, all the noble beauties in his palace should migrate to the Southern Palace, and Empress Ma was deeply impressed by this, and she was unable to give it up, and specially issued a decree to give each noble beauty a red ribbon (red ribbon) symbolizing the highest honor of the country, a cart and a horse, more than 5,000 splendid embroidery, and more than ten pounds of gold. It was also at this time that Empress Ma used her spare time to write the Notes on the Living of Emperor Xianzong (Liu Zhuang) in her spare time. According to records, the "Notes on the Living of Emperor Xianzong" compiled by Empress Ma is the earliest work in history dedicated to recording the daily words and deeds of the emperor, and also created a new historical style of "Living Notes" for future generations, which is exactly twenty years earlier than another female historian of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Ban Zhao, who supplemented the "Book of Han", so Empress Ma is also known as the first female historian in history.

She became a princess at the age of 13, and obviously loved the harem, why did she go all over the world to find a lover for her husband

In 76 AD, Emperor Zhang of Han, according to the custom, wanted to give titles to several uncles, that is, Empress Ma's brothers, but Empress Ma refused to agree. In the summer of the following year, a severe drought struck, and many ministers, in order to curry favor with Empress Ma, wrote to the appendix, believing that this was the reason why the empress dowager's brother had not been knighted, so they strongly demanded immediate remediation. However, Empress Ma, who was as clear as a mirror, was not moved, and while issuing a stern criticism of these ministers, she warned her brothers to learn the lessons of these foreign relatives in history, such as Tian Jie and Dou Bao, and to be a man with his tail between his legs, and not to rely on his own power to do whatever he wanted, or to have unrealistic extravagances for the title.

Later, Emperor Zhang of Han asked for the title several times, but Empress Ma refused. She sincerely said to Emperor Hanzhang: "Your uncles have not contributed to the country, but they enjoy the shade of the remnants, and the family is enough to give, is this not enough?" Why do you have to get a county seal? And now that the country is in many disasters and difficulties, and the price of grain is soaring, I am worried and afraid day and night, and I am restless! If you really have filial piety, don't break my fist heart! ”

About the thirteenth year after Empress Ma entered the palace, Empress Ma's mother died, and when she was buried, several of Empress Ma's brothers inadvertently raised her mother's grave slightly higher, and when Empress Ma learned of it, she immediately arranged for her brother Ma Liao and others to reduce the grave to a suitable height. Usually, when Empress Ma discovered that there were "humble and righteous walkers" among her nephews, she gave spiritual and material rewards in a timely manner. If any slight error is found, it is immediately condemned. As soon as they were discovered, they immediately severed their affiliations and repatriated them to their hometowns to receive re-education among the "poor and lower-middle peasants." Due to Empress Ma's indoctrination, both inside and outside the palace were proud of their hardships and simplicity, and all the relatives of the emperor and the state were always cautious and cautious, and did not dare to cross the thunder pool for half a step.

In order to save money, Empress Ma also learned from the practices of the previous dynasty, set up a weaving room in the harem, and planted mulberry silkworms in the royal park, Maolong Garden, and practiced it herself, taking pleasure in hard work and taking pride in suffering. In addition, Empress Ma often talked with Emperor Zhang of Han about state affairs and taught the little princes to be good and good, and this series of actions made the entire harem always united and stable.

In 79 AD, when the grain harvest was abundant and the frontier was safe, Emperor Zhang of Han took it upon himself to make his three uncles Ma Liao, Ma Fang, and Ma Guang the Marquis. After Hearing about this, Empress Ma said euphemistically: "Although I am now old (in fact, I am only forty years old at this time), I have never dared to forget the ancient precept of 'abstinence is in gain', refuse to indiscriminately seal relatives, and usually do not seek comfort, food and not enough." I hope that in this way, I will live up to the grace of the previous emperor. The reason why I want to educate and persuade my brothers to abide by this ambition together is so that I will no longer have any regrets when I am blind. I don't expect that now that I am this old age, I still can't get my wish! It seems that it must be leaving a thousand years of hatred! Her brothers had no choice but to resign their titles and return to their hometown.

In 79 AD, Empress Ma died at the age of more than forty years, and her title was Empress Mingde.

It is precisely because of Empress Ma's foresight and constant knocking and repairing that she not only made herself end up perfectly, but also enabled several of her brothers to get out of and get rid of the strange circle and tragic end of the previous foreign relatives who "lost their homes", and be able to start and end well.

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