
After Zhang Xueliang's death, 104-year-old Song Meiling sent a wreath with six words that made people tear up

Talking about Zhang Xueliang's emotional history, many people say that Zhang Xueliang has only one important woman in his life. She is Miss Zhao Si. Even though Zhang Xueliang was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek for many years, Miss Zhao Si still did not abandon him. In fact, in addition to Miss Zhao Si, there is another woman who has a deep influence on Zhang Xueliang. This person is Song Meiling.

After Zhang Xueliang's death, 104-year-old Song Meiling sent a wreath with six words that made people tear up

In Zhang Xueliang's life, a total of two women recreated him. One is Zhao Yidi, and the other is Song Meiling. Zhang Xueliang once said to the people around him in his later years: "The first time I saw Song Meiling, it was really beautiful as a heavenly immortal, if there was no wife at that time, maybe I would chase her!" From this sentence, we can clearly understand Zhang Xueliang's admiration for Song Meiling.

After Zhang Xueliang's death, 104-year-old Song Meiling sent a wreath with six words that made people tear up

Song Meiling went to the United States to study since she was a child, and under the influence of Western thought, she has a bold personality and has her own views on problems. These views of hers played a large role in later politics. And Song Meiling's status is also very high. She is highly rated both at home and abroad. Even foreign "Time" magazine called Song "a flower made of steel".

After Zhang Xueliang's death, 104-year-old Song Meiling sent a wreath with six words that made people tear up

After Song Meiling returned from studying abroad, it did not take long to recognize Zhang Xueliang. One is a young marshal, a table of talents. One is Miss Qianjin of a large family, beautiful as a flower. The first time the two met, they had a good feeling for each other. Unfortunately, Zhang Xueliang already had a wife at that time. The two eventually became very good friends. Later, Song Meiling married Chiang Kai-shek and became the first lady of the Republic of China. Since then, the two have also been in regular contact.

After Zhang Xueliang's death, 104-year-old Song Meiling sent a wreath with six words that made people tear up

In the Xi'an Incident, Zhang Xueliang and Song Meiling were undoubtedly the two protagonists. If it were not for Soong Mei Ling, perhaps He Yingqin would have taken Chiang Kai-shek's place. Without Zhang Xueliang, perhaps Chiang Kai-shek would not have returned to Nanjing. Unfortunately, after the Xi'an Incident, Zhang Xueliang has been under house arrest. For the sake of Zhang Xueliang, Song Meiling worked hard and persuaded. Although Chiang Kai-shek did not kill Zhang Xueliang in the end, he was imprisoned for 54 years. For this matter, Song Meiling has always been very guilty, until the end of her life, Song Meiling also said many times: I am sorry for Han Qing in this matter. During Zhang Xueliang's house arrest, Song Meiling often visited.

After Zhang Xueliang's death, 104-year-old Song Meiling sent a wreath with six words that made people tear up

After Chiang Kai-shek's death in 1975, Soong Emily emigrated to the United States. Since then, she has rarely returned. By 1990, Zhang Xueliang, who had regained his freedom, also immigrated to the United States. During those days in the United States, the two often exchanged gifts and exchanged letters during the holidays. Zhang Xueliang once said with emotion: "Song Meiling lives one day, I can also live a day." A few short words show the deep friendship between the two people.

After Zhang Xueliang's death, 104-year-old Song Meiling sent a wreath with six words that made people tear up

At 14:50 on October 14, 2001, Zhang Xueliang died of illness in the United States at the age of 101. The news reached Song Meiling. Song Meiling, who has known Zhang Xueliang for 70 years, is devastated. She did not expect that Zhang Xueliang was still ahead of her. Song Meiling cried for several days in a row, and everyone around her was moved.

After Zhang Xueliang's death, 104-year-old Song Meiling sent a wreath with six words that made people tear up

On the evening of the 17th, due to her advanced age, Song Meiling asked Gu Yan to bid a final farewell to Zhang Xueliang on her behalf. Following Song Meiling's instructions, Gu Yan prepared a wreath and transported it by plane to Hawaii. Finally, the wreath was placed in front of Zhang Xueliang's coffin. The ribbon of the wreath reads: "General Han Qing For Thousands of Ages" six big characters. Just six words hurt people's hearts and expressed Song Meiling's endless mourning.

After Zhang Xueliang's death, 104-year-old Song Meiling sent a wreath with six words that made people tear up

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