
Young people in Taiwan walk into the outer building of a century-old shop to explore food culture and listen to the history of Hangzhou

author:Bright Net

"My grandfather is a native of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, who now lives in Taiwan, and what he misses most is the food of Hangzhou." Chen Guanghe, an electronic information student at Hangzhou Dianzi University from Taiwan, said while tasting the food made in the outer building of Hangzhou's century-old store.

On November 11th, the "Zhejiang-Taiwan Youth Cultural Friendship Walk - Walking into the Outer Building of a Century-old Shop" was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. At the scene, young people from Taiwan learned to make Hangzhou's famous dish West Lake vinegar fish, special pastry Dingsheng cake, tried traditional carving techniques, and also learned the story behind the food, deepening their understanding of Hangzhou.

Hangzhou Louwailou was founded in the 28th year of Qing Daoguang (1848 AD), located in the southern foothills of the beautiful Lonely Mountain, located in the core scenic spot of the World Heritage West Lake, is a 172-year-old catering enterprise, known for its traditional famous dishes in Hangzhou.

West Lake vinegar fish, Longjing shrimp, Song Sister-in-law fish soup, are all familiar foods in Hangzhou. Chen Guanghe said that when he was a child, he often listened to his grandfather tell stories and food about Hangzhou. After coming to Hangzhou to study, he tasted Hangzhou's food for the first time, and it was a surprise that he could learn to make it with the chef this time.

West Lake vinegar fish is oil-free and bright, salty and salty, MSG-free and fresh. Before making it, Young People from Taiwan was curious about this famous dish in Hangzhou.

According to the chef of the outer building, the key point in making West Lake vinegar fish is that the fish needs to be kept hungry for 3 days to remove the fishy smell. At the time of making, the fish should be boiled in the pot, turn the heat to medium heat and cook for 3 minutes, and then cook.

After making and tasting the West Lake vinegar fish, The young Taiwanese Jing Zhijun said that Taiwan also has sweet and sour flavors, but usually uses oil, relatively speaking, he prefers the West Lake vinegar fish.

While tasting the Song sister-in-law fish soup, young people in Zhejiang and Taiwan talked about the story behind the food. Jing Zhijun mentioned that Song Sister-in-law fish soup is a bit similar to Henan's peppery soup.

According to the relevant person in charge of the outer building, Hangzhou was the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty. The founding emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhao Shuo, was a native of Tokyo (present-day Kaifeng, Henan). One day, Song Gaozong took a boat trip to the West Lake, met Song Sister-in-law, who sold fish soup, and tasted the taste of his hometown. Because of his hometown, this bowl of fish soup has added a sense of hometown. Emperor Gaozong specially rewarded Wenyin with one hundred and two to Song Concubine, and as soon as word spread, the "Song Concubine Fish Soup" became famous throughout the city.

"It's not just food, it's culture." Chen Yanlin, an international economics and trade student at Zhejiang Gongshang University in Taiwan, sighed.

A strait connects the two sides of the strait, and the same ancestors have a deep friendship. Through this activity, Chen Guanghe said that he deeply understood the unique charm of Zhejiang's food culture and the cultural accumulation of Hangzhou. "After graduation, I must stay in Hangzhou to work and live." (End)

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Source: China News Network

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