
The Russian Food and Drug Administration inquires about drugs

author:GL Technology

When it comes to drug instructions, everyone will definitely think that it is used to guide patients to use drugs safely, and it is difficult for ordinary people to imagine the relationship between it and drug research and development. When we don't know the dosage of the drug, we will look at what is written on the instructions. In fact, everyone's understanding of drug instructions should not be just that.

For drug developers, as the "identity card" of drugs, drug instructions provide a lot of important scientific data and conclusions on the safety and efficacy of drugs. These data and conclusions are very important information both in the preliminary research stage of generic drugs and at the stage of registration and declaration. So, I have a question for you, as a pharmaceutical researcher, how to find the drug instructions?

Today, Xiaobian will introduce to you how to query the instructions of the Russian Food and Drug Administration., click to enter the website of the Russian Food and Drug Administration, the red box mark is the State Drug Registry, where the blue dot represents the generic name, next to the trade name, as shown in the following figure:

The Russian Food and Drug Administration inquires about drugs

Website of the Russian Food and Drug Administration

Here we need to use the translation software to first search out the Russian name of the drug we need to search, so that our search will be more efficient, for example, we search for GlaxoSmithKline 20mg paroxetine tablets, the trade name is paxil, the translation of the Russian name is Пароксетин, enter the Russian name, click search, the result is as follows:

The Russian Food and Drug Administration inquires about drugs

The search interface Chinese an introduction

We can filter according to the search results, we can find that the 8th is the drug we want to search for paxil, we click on the trade name to enter to see the details as follows:

The Russian Food and Drug Administration inquires about drugs

Retrieves information results

We need to translate what each item means to facilitate our search, we can find 7 items under Инструкция по применени⬎ лекарственного препарата gives the instructions for the drug, as shown in the following figure:

The Russian Food and Drug Administration inquires about drugs

We can click into the view, here will be given several PDF files, representing different versions of the manual, we can all click to see, there is no more valuable information, here do not know is my computer reason or network speed reasons, PDF files open very slowly, we can wait patiently, the results are as follows:

The Russian Food and Drug Administration inquires about drugs

Screenshot of the instruction manual

The instruction manual gives the type and dosage of excipients, the information is very comprehensive, there is a lot of information about drugs, the only drawback is that it does not support copying, it is a difficult point for translation, but the way is always more difficult than difficult, it is recommended that you use photo translation software, or WeChat mini program, are very practical Oh.

Of course, you can also download and save the drug instructions.

This article describes in detail the steps to inquire about russian drug instructions in order to obtain detailed prescription information on the drug (including excipient types and dosages). But the difficulty is still in translation, the first is to translate the correct product name to successfully query the drug instructions, and the second query of the prescription materials in the drug instructions also need to be correctly translated in order to successfully grasp the prescription information., click to enter, directly enter the trade name of the drug can also search for relevant information, as follows:

The Russian Food and Drug Administration inquires about drugs

Search directly for the trade name paxil

The search result is 1, that is, the 20mg specification of paroxetine, click to view the details, as follows:

The Russian Food and Drug Administration inquires about drugs

Similar drug and instructional information

In the downward scroll down, you can see the prescription information of paroxetine we searched, and also give the specific dosage of excipients, as follows:

The Russian Food and Drug Administration inquires about drugs

Prescription excipient dosage information

In addition to the type of excipients and dosage information, there are many information related to drugs, here will not be repeated one by one, the purpose is to teach how to query the drug, everyone has the need to retrieve it yourself.

The advantages are: there is a prescription dosage; the disadvantages are: it can be downloaded and the text cannot be copied.

With the strong implementation of consistency evaluation work, we pharmaceutical workers need to have a stronger ability and level of foreign drug information retrieval, especially the retrieval ability of drug prescription information is very important, if we can successfully retrieve the prescription information of drugs (excipient types and dosage) will play a multiplier role in our work, but also improve the chance of success of in vitro dissolution curve and BE test.

However, in the process of retrieving drug information, it is easier to inquire about the types of excipients in the local formula, such as Japan, the United States and the European Union, which have the introduction of excipient types in the instructions of countries, but there are very few countries that can publish the amount of excipients in the prescription. Argentina pharmaceutical preparation prescription composition query method is more familiar to everyone, the method introduction is also a lot, but recently Argentina's websites are in a state of blockade, almost can not enter. And there are some drugs argentina is not public, this time the Russian drug instructions are another option.

I personally feel that the above two methods are very practical for drug developers, but also one of the necessary skills for drug developers, learn to retrieve drug information, really will take a lot of detours, and will also increase your confidence in your scientific research path, so have you learned? If you like it, you can give a note, or you have a better way to retrieve drug information, and you are also welcome to leave a comment. In the next issue, I will continue to share ways to check medicines in other countries.